Discussion about Hazolah”s respond to the very serious accident in South Fallsburg.
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Please refrain to an intelligible standard, we will have to delete anything that isn’t in the roam of conversation, just hate, stupidity and bashing one each other.
how do they know who poseted here ?
and how fast will they be fired?
To any Hatzolah member reading:
This blog is exactly why you are told to NEVER EVER TALK! PERIOD!
Don’t talk about calls or any other Hatzolah related issues! Never to no one!
See how many empty heads try to get any word out of you. These are no dumb guys and know how to interpret and get to know your system, then spreading all this inside information here and to friends, in order to smear your good name!
Remember: Be extra careful of those (there are a lot more “wanna’be’s” then the open scanner guys!) who try to talk with you about hatzaloh!
Never argue or let them drag statements (about other members, leadership, calls, etc.) out of your mouth!
This is a dangerous world out there!
this discussion in continuing on the post about the child fell incident.
this disscution in continuing on the post about the child fell incident.
any request anyone has, please address to us via e-mail, not here
any request anyone has, please address to us via e-mail, not here
Thanks S.S. for listening to you readers.
And again, keep up your great work. I already made you my homepage.
it is the 9 days lets show an increase in ahavs yisroel.
lets only speak good things. and no loshon hora (woch by the way is when we speak about others even the truth)
do an extra hidur mitzvah today and may hashe change these day from sorrow to joy
and may we be zocheh to see the 3rd bais hamikdosh speedily now
Mr. Shamos,
It is time that you let this post go down the list like all other posts. I have no problem that people are discussing Hatzolah. (I do hate the childish talk; I wish the conversation would be at an adult level). However, there is no reason that this post should have more precedence than any other post. I like coming into your site and see the latest breaking news on top without having to scroll. Every time I now enter your site, for a second I say, oh boy another major mva in South Fallburg.
I see many readers have made this request the past few days but you seem hesitant to do so. If guess you have a good reason for this, maybe share it with us.
Thanks and keep up your great work. You are my primary source of information.
this discussions are bring down the posts to an unintelligible standard, we will have to delete anything that isn’t in the roam of conversation, just hate, stupidity and bashing one each other.
It’s not nice what you wrote the one medic is better then the other.
You have no prove and this is just baseless bashing.
Such talk will bring down this discusion to an unintelligeable standard.
Please avoid this.
This is not a HATZOLAH bash thread. This is a forum to openly discuss the issue of Hatzolah.
Some people have asked legitimate questions and have recieved answers, but in the middle there is alot of childish talk.
the thing is that everyone knows that q-8 is a much better medic then f-60 thats why f-60 fights with him
why is this the only new article that stays on top? put it with 2 week old news where it belongs!
start a new hatzolah bash thread if that is all you care about.
“Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”
There is an only saying that power corrupts. No one will deny that.
Is that why this blog was again moved down? to let it die slowly?
There is an only saying that power corrupts. No one will deny that.
Threatening the administrators of this site?? How so?
This site is anonymouns. What threats can they say? We won’t respond when you call us??
Really, some people are just too naive.
they all fight like cats n dogs they all like POWER !
does anyone know what’s the relationship between F-60 and Q-8?
and that’s the reason this post disappear last night, and also the poll was not even up an half a day
i got some inside information, that Hazolah was threatening the administrators from this web site
does anyone know what’s the relationship between F-60 and Q-8?
To Kuppel S. when someone talks commonsense I listen, but try via e-mail from now on, take care and enjoy it
Thats right listen to the anonymous.. i think its about time to stop this….why is it that its the hasidic folk that are gettin into accidents this summer….mmmm
just like the anonymous said right before you…oh right that would be me….
Your blogs are great but I think it is time you close this thread and let this go down the page as the rest of your posts.
Unfortunatly, this thread has become a bashing place on Hatzola. It should have been only a thread to discuss the niftar. Everybody has a right to an opinion, but Shloma I don’t think that is the purpose of your blog. You are here the bring us the news first and quick. There are many other forums where people can bash whomever they want.
Why doesnt the adminstrator let this post go down to the bottom of the page like the rest of the posts….oh…cuz he wants to creat havoc just like the people posting here…..
watch this is goign to be deleted……..
All cooridinators think they are above the law. It doesn’t matter what neighborhood they are from. They all abuse lights and sirens, parking privlidges and NYC Issued parking permits.
Mendy Mandelbaum B-12
Who “owns” the Midtown ambulance
who gives him the right to drive back to BP light & sirens for no apparent emergency?
anybody going home with the manhattan bus has seen him just pass lights on McDonald ave near the entrance to the prospect
he is like Simchee Barnath here in Boro park !
Leader is an old bucher, a BT. He is very controversial. Hatzolah in Monsey have a long cheshbon with him; they claim he buff their calls.
The police in monsey had him take his lights down.
He goes to all the accidents and wherever there is action. The police hate him. he is like a won man, having his own organization. At the accident on the 17 he was happy to have his picture in the papers, cleaning up the blood.
However, he does work for chesed shel emes.
anyone here heard the tape with yanky meyer and the monsey guy ?
or can let us know where we can hear it.
No one questioned the general membership of the organization? That is not true!
Not only the leadership was attacked here, rather every single member, no matter how many years they do this, and how devoted they are, was demonized, questioned and made fun of. Just read over most of the comments.
Shame on all!!!!!!!!!!!1
As I understand, this place is full of Hatzaloh rejects, or members who are upset, etc,
So how about if we all start posting our expieriences here, so we can all learn?
What happened with you?
Also, anyone knows how to publish a pashkevile on the web? We can all start publishing if we have them put away, from our area!
Hatzolah leadership sucks.
In certain neighborhoods, if you do not follow the cooridinators directives, the coordinator will threaten you with your relations in the community. Thus; if you have a child in the Shidduch Parsha, the cooridinator will smear your family’s name in that direction.
Yes it’s happened several times area in Brooklyn neigborhoods.
B’h your kidney was saved.
I hoe you’re not implying that Hatzolah now has a free hand to do whatever they feel like because they saved your kidney. After all others have kidneys in trouble too and it would be terrible if their call went unaswered because of the stupidity of mgmt…
When was the last time a coordinator woke up at 2:30AM???
When was the last time a coordinator did a transport to any hospital other than IZ (maimonides)?
When was the last time a coordinator justified his suspension of a member?
When was the last time a coordinator justified his rejection of a candidate?
Yes the membership is dedicated, and do unbelievable work. The management? That’s what’s being questioned.
Now back to our regular scheduled broadcast.
I was quite until now, but let me share with you this:
I had a kidney transplant done several years ago in Lenox Hill. It cost me a lot of money and it worked!
A short while later I was in the county when signs of rejection kicked in. I drove to Harris, but my doctor said if I don’t show in Lenox within a few hours, I may loose my kidney!
The staff did not want to transport me, but I had fever, vomiting. They refused to fly me into the city. I needed to get there fast!
I called Hatzolah and the rest is history!
I was transferred halfway down to the city and was near Monsey in just an hour, from where another ambulance finished the transport.
I must tell you, I am a collage educated person and one cannot fool me. These EMT and medics were ALL extremely professional! Should I been dragged in some Metro ambulance, I would have been so anqious and scared for my life, and the need to find another 100k for a new kidney.
Can you imagine what it feels like being with caring heimish and well trained guys? When there is an emergency you feel like the world is ending around you!
You should have heard what Dr. Richard M Green and Dr. John A Fracchia had to say about Hatzolah! What praise they had on their actions, training and professionalism. (They told me they often train themselves Hatzalah members, who call them and are eager to learn.) They couldn’t believe what these guys did to me!
You all criticizers are so off path! You talk and talk, but should you have accompanied me, you would not DARE say this; You would KNOW how untrue this is!
Did you ever think by posting these negative comments you may weaken the mood and hurt a good medic, so next time when I need to save my kidney they wont be motivated, cause you hurt them!?
Shame on you all! You should ask mechila from all you hurt! (I am sure most members don’t even get to read here.)
I know doctors and police capitans who tell me they only call hatzalah, even though they are lo mishelonu.
They do this after seeing the great respect and care we give to our patiants! they then ask us for a sticker and give it to their parents to put on the phone, and not call the city system, where you are just another job.
The Lo mishelonu is not true at all.
I visit my mom in a nursing home daily, and very often see hatzalah treating even schvatza etc. with the utmost respect.
A member told me on one call he wanted to call the city medics, for a lo mishelonu, and was yelled at by the dispatcher and two heimish paramedics were sent!
Question 1. Why was the patient with a broken Pelivs not transferred via chopper to an appropriate center.
Answer: How dare you ask, we wake up at 2:30AM. Who you going to call when you have a problem.
2. Why was there chaos among the members? What happened to all of the MCI training that is supposedly provided?
Answer: How dare you ask, we wake up at 2:30AM. Who you going to call when you have a problem.
3. Why does Hatzolah alienate the Local EMS?
Answer: How dare you ask, we wake up at 2:30AM. Who you going to call when you have a problem.
4. Why was the second chopper cancelled?
Answer: How dare you ask, we wake up at 2:30AM. Who you going to call when you have a problem.
5. Why was a close friend of the relative designated as Scene Commander, if due to his emotional trauma was unable to fully do his duties?
Answer: How dare you ask, we wake up at 2:30AM. Who you going to call when you have a problem.
General Questions:
1. Why does Hatzolah not properly treat “Lo Misheluni”?
Answer: How dare you ask, we wake up at 2:30AM. Who you going to call when you have a problem.
2. Why doesn’t Hatzolah take action against members that don’t respond to calls and abuse their lights and sirens?
Answer: How dare you ask, we wake up at 2:30AM. Who you going to call when you have a problem.
3. Why doesn’t hatzolah enforce their MCI Protocols when needed.
Answer: How dare you ask, we wake up at 2:30AM. Who you going to call when you have a problem.
4. Why do members who are better connected get away with violations, yet memebers that aren’t connected get suspended for minor accusations?
Answer: How dare you ask, we wake up at 2:30AM. Who you going to call when you have a problem.
5. Why doesn’t Hatzolah hold free elections without the intimidations that accompany them?
Answer: How dare you ask, we wake up at 2:30AM. Who you going to call when you have a problem.
6. Why was the Medic that caused a scene in Harris suspended, when he meant patient care (after all doesn’t he too wake up at 2:30AM)?
Answer: How dare you ask, we wake up at 2:30AM. Who you going to call when you have a problem.
7. Why did Hatzolah cease responsibility for calling in Air Transport to Sullivan EMS, when there are obvious delays in them doing so.
Answer: How dare you ask, we wake up at 2:30AM. Who you going to call when you have a problem.
Hatzoloh has been hiding behind the excuse of “but we save lives” for way too long.
Some members abuse their priviliges to the extreme and make a tremendous chillull hashem.
To see an MVA where lo misheluni is ignored is plain wrong.
Hatzoloh leadership: I am not a member and don’t intend on becoming one but the lo meshiluni judge us all as one and the same and because of your excesses and chillulei hashem they hate you AND me.
You’re an embarrassment to us all.
Shame shame shame
Put your complaints here. I have inside info that says the leadership is aware of this, and they are monitoring the situation.
That would also explain why the poll was so quickly removed.
All already asked & answered!!!
AND SOOOOOO obviously a wannabe!
The good brothers from Hatzolah do a good job defending, but they missed the main point. WHO DO YOU FILE A COMPLAINT WITH?
The Tzadik who quoted Pirkei Ovos can’t answer that question, why not???
The main issue here is: HATZOLAH can NOT hide behind the name hatzolah
Someone has to be responsible, someone has to listen to the complaints, from within and from outside.
You cannot just fight Sullivan county.
There was problems with them and they can do severe harm to hatzalah, so you have to pick your fights.
This is not kiryas yoili where everything goes with fighting with everyone, as a way of life. (no offense, please)