new York, NY – New York Landlord Hired A Marching Band To Drown out The Sound of His Tenant’s Protests.


    New York, NY – A New York landlord hired a marching band to drown out the sound of his tenants protesting asbestos contamination.

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    Many tenants at the midtown building, owned by Kent Swig of Swig Equities, have been driven out to make room for the construction of luxury condos at the site, the New York Post reported Monday.

    The tenants remaining also have complained they have been subjected to airborne asbestos by bad renovation work.

    “It’s a question of health and safety … . We have four independent tests that show asbestos,” said resident Alan Kroll, who was among about two dozen protesters outside the building Sunday.

    Swig decided to drown out the protesters by hiring the Steppers Marching Band, although the move mostly just drew a curious crowd.

    The Department of Environmental Protection has ordered construction halted until the asbestos is cleaned up. [UPI]

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