Israel – Rabbi Eliyahu: Women shouldn’t study Gemara


    Israel – Women shouldn’t study Gemara. It obscures the differences between the genders and leads to a decrease in god-fearing and mitzvah observance,” former Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu stated.

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    In an article published in the Olam Katan pamphlet distributed in synagogue on Shabbat, the prominent Zionist-religious leader explained מודעה that women are allowed to study specific verses from the Gemara, which deal with “subjects related to them,” but they “shouldn’t study Gemara like men.”

    “The obscuring of differences between men and women is forbidden in all respects – in the dress, the hairdo, the manner, and also in their studies,” the rabbi explained, warning, “Whenever women violated this ruling… their god-fearing, mitzvot observance and respect for the Torah dropped, instead of rising.” [ynet]

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    16 years ago

    Mr 1027

    There is an entire Tanach and other Torah learning Yes Intensive learning – What’s with mimicking mens learning (Lasuka shmaytsa aliba dehichasa)???

    16 years ago

    All minds are not the same. Some men cannot learn all day, and some women enjoy learning (not necessarily in front of a Gemorrah) and cannot live without hearing Torah daily.

    Why squeeze all women or all men into the same mindset? I understand why men MUST learn lishma, and why women were created to raise children; this is how Hashem created Adam and Chava.

    But some women are w/o children and don’t enjoy the shopping extraganzas, and also don’t sit and chat on the phone all day. Some women enjoy reading/hearing dvar Hashem.

    This is the “hunger” we experience as Moshiach gets closer and closer.

    16 years ago

    you only mention Brovender, how about a more right wing seminary such as Bnos Chava. Over Pesach my daughter came home with copies of dafim of the gemorra she had to study for upcoming tests. is it a wonder we have a shidduch crisis. the girls know so much more than the boys they are intimidated.Most of these girls will not become teachers so why are they teaching these topics that they will never again use.
    How about someone starting a seminary that teaches them skills that they can use the rest of their lives such as cooking, baking, sewing, child psycology etc. etc etc. etc.

    16 years ago

    Rav Eliyahu is a great Talmid Chacham whose psakim are always important, but, just like every other posek, he’s not the last word.

    True, Torah does not change.

    But, there are many ways to interpret the chazal quoted by the first commentator.

    There are many great Rabbonim who would disagree with Rav Eliyahu on this isuue.

    16 years ago

    Maybe someone should post this p’sak and hand out FREE booklets of R’ Eliyahu’s Torah to Midreshet Lindenbaum (Brovenders). Their whole focus is gemara for women.

    16 years ago

    כל המלמד בתו תורה כאילו למדה תיפלות
    No, Torah has not changed. Neither has Chazal. Chazal, over two thousand years ago knew well into the make-up of a woman, and decreed so. Has anything changed? Only our apikoros-influenced mindset, that doubts and questions the holy word of Torah & Chazal that are everlasting.