Cleavland, OH – Anti-Semitic Suit Ends With Settlement.


    Cleavland, OH – David Eden has a framed quote from ancient scholar Rabbi Hillel in the front hall of his Beachwood home: “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when?”

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    Eden, a former WOIO Channel 19 managing editor, says he has done his best to live by Hillel’s famous words over the last “stressful, lonely” 12 months when the wrongful dismissal suit he filed against his ex-employer effectively consumed his world.

    After losing his job in 2006, Eden sued the station and its top executives for wrongful termination. He accused station officials of retaliating against him for filing a complaint against a co-worker who made an anti-Semitic remark.

    “You can’t come between a Jew and his money,” said the co-worker, Ryan Minnaugh, a family friend of station manager William Applegate.

    On Dec. 4, Eden, who is Jewish, received what he calls “vindication” for his complaint in the form of a mid-trial settlement that ended the suit against the television station. “This was the biggest fight of my life,” Eden said during an interview on Monday. “I did what I thought was right.” [Cleveland Jewish News]

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