Monroe, NY – Crusader for the Rights of Non-Hasidic Residents, Moves Out of State


    Monroe, NY – It was a parting shot from one of Monroe's most disgruntled political opponents.

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    Ann Krawet, a failed town supervisor candidate and self-proclaimed crusader for the rights of non-Hasidic residents, brought a list of code violations around her Mountainview Drive home once more to the town government.

    She mentioned the neighbor with the overflowing garbage, the dilapidated matzo factory, and the tires and furniture dumped in the woods. This complaint was one of more than three dozen she had filed over a decade.

    But this would mark her last stand.

    For years, Krawet was a lone voice in her Monroe neighborhood. She complained of growing school bus traffic, piled-up garbage and what she saw as a lack of consideration from a growing number of Hasidic neighbors, many of them transplants from the adjacent Satmar village of Kiryas Joel.

    In Krawet's mind, the government lacked the will to defy members of a powerful Kiryas Joel bloc vote.

    That's why, she said, she's decided to move on.

    She and her husband recently sold their 1,900-square-foot Mountainview Drive home for $950,500 to one of their Hasidic neighbors.

    "It's just been a major, unhappy battle [on the part of people living outside of Kiryas Joel] to be heard and respected," she called to say she had moved out of state. She declined to say where. [Record]

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    16 years ago

    another self hating jew – no groisa chiddushim, there. we are our own worst enemies – Hashem Yirachem!

    16 years ago

    When money is owned by a Jew and available to be used for Jewish things it’s Jewish money; that’s what money was created for. Just as when a house is owned by a Jew and used for Torah and mitzvos it’s a Jewish house, and just as when a cow is owned by a Jew it’s a Jewish cow and obligated to keep Shabbos.

    16 years ago

    the rest of the story:
    it comes with 2 full acre land in the prime seven springs area. which if annext (sooner or later) could be worth $2mil.

    (and for 10:42 – MINT is Bgymatrea Jewish money – bmispar kuten – or bmoach kuten depends what you have you funny joker)

    16 years ago

    The Reason It Was Jewish Money Is Because This House Anyplace Else Gets Her Maximum 450 To 600 The Rest Is Garbage Money.

    16 years ago

    She didn’t have a problem taking plenty of Jewish money for her house, did she???

    And since when is money being printed in Washington JEWISH?

    The last time I checked the building that printed US money was called the MINT and NOT the JEWISH MONEY BUILDING.

    16 years ago

    The woman has a point…the garbage and other disgusting rubbish strewn across the streets is a chillil hashem!!

    But the garbage was worth it. She got 900.000!!!!

    What great startegy by her. Be a pain in the neck and people will pay anything to get you out of town.

    I will try it and move to Hawaii!

    16 years ago

    $950,000 for THAT house???

    16 years ago

    It wasn’t the garbage that was bothering her. It was the level of Yiddishkeit. It made her feel very inferior.

    B.A. Mentsch
    B.A. Mentsch
    16 years ago

    Tzeischem Lisholom!

    16 years ago

    this is nonsense, i drive by everyday in the seven springs area and what a nice quite place it is. no garbage or dumping, in fact most residents have married off their children and just living in peace. in the past 30 years there where not even 5 houses added in that community. it just shows you that if somebody wants to nudge there will always be an audience and in this case it was the record… i just hope that she is moving to some other minority crowded nighborhood and then she’ll realize how good it was here.

    16 years ago

    Are there a lot of yiddin living outside the boundaries of the KJ?

    16 years ago

    The woman has a point…the garbage and other disgusting rubbish strewn across the streets is a chillil hashem!!

    16 years ago

    interesting point:
    she lived right in the middle of 3 shuls, next to the Prager shul, rupshitz, and behutz (taub) and to them she was only a big joke who likes a lot of attention – i mean who else would call a newspaper to say that he/she is moving? anyway, her son from CT who became frum used to daven in one of the shtiblech around her house…

    so afterall she wasnt that bad but a lonely eldery boring lady…

    16 years ago

    i do not want to any way put down frum yidin i am one and stand tall for who and what i am…. what does bother me that when i do go into monrow or kiryas yoel or new square to see that not everyone keeps up there homes as should be that yes there is lots of garbage…. they just need to buy more cans for the amounts they have………. leaving mess out side can be easily cleaned up……. please we do not need people to say the things they do about those areas……. H” has given all of those living there the strength to live that life but they must be carefull of the outside world and thigs they say……

    16 years ago

    She didn’t have a problem taking plenty of Jewish money for her house, did she???

    16 years ago

    Good riddiance