Jerusalem, Israel – Two Haredi Men Still Under Arrest for Election Fraud


    Jerusalem, Israel – As the nation voted in municipal elections on Tuesday, police said around 420 election irregularities were reported across the country, including 20 cases of suspected fraud, one of which involved a campaign employee for haredi Jerusalem mayoral candidate Meir Porush.

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    In the incident, four haredi men were detained for questioning after they were caught with forged election-monitor identification cards. The cards allow the holder access to sensitive material, including ballot boxes and voter registration lists.

    Police ascertained that one of them worked at Porush’s campaign headquarters, and all four were held for questioning. Two were released after 24 hours, a Jerusalem police spokesman said, while the other two, who were allegedly more actively involved, were still being held by police on Thursday.

    “The four men had intended to interfere with the voting process at the polling station,” a police spokesman said.

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    Big Masmid
    Big Masmid
    15 years ago

    here we go, lets educate the public that Hashem runes the entire world no need to cheat or be dishonest

    15 years ago

    Oy vey!! so maybe Satmar rov was right when banning the zionist elections??

    Yerusholaimer Yid
    Yerusholaimer Yid
    15 years ago

    Let it be known that Harav Hagaon Eliyashev Shlit”a requested a letter to be put in the Yated (E.Y.) that is very critical of Mayer Porush. He states that he only supported Porush by the elections so there should not be split in the chareidi world, causing chilul hashem. But, he states he never approved him as a candidate, nor did he ask any gedolim if he should run. He also states, had Porush asked him if he should run, he would have told him not to run, we already have a chareidi mayor and would win again if he had run for another term. He also mentioned that Porush didn’t listen to him last year during the election in Beitar. And at the he also says that Porush is not worthy of being in public office in the future since he does not consult with gedoilim with what he does.
    In today’s Yated there is indeed an article very critical of Porush,

    15 years ago

    People will come around and realize that Gerrer Rebbe knows what he’s doing.

    Abe S.
    Abe S.
    15 years ago

    What are rabbiem doing endorsing political candidates? That’s not their job! Here in AMERICA you wouldn’t have a tax exempt brick in your building!

    15 years ago

    Rav Elyashiv Shlita and every single Godol clearly said that according to Halacha you must vote for a frum candidate. MEIR PORUSH! Only the Grrer had the chutzpa to support a candidate who does not keep Yom Kippur.
    Last year I donated to Gur $10,000. NEVER AGAIN.

    chai gelebt
    chai gelebt
    15 years ago

    ( #9 )And I donated 100.000.00 to ger and I will give even more!!
    All you are telling us is that YOU be mechutsif thinks that that your $$$ is making you have a say over a person that that is a MANHIG ??? Do you know what it says in chza”l R”l on some one that’s maleig al divrei chachumim??
    If I were your father I would put salt water and rince out your mouth!!!
    Shame on you!!!
    I want you to ask Mechila Berabim!!!

    15 years ago

    Yesterday at 06:54 AM
    chai gelebt#12- Says:And I donated 100.000.00 to ger and I will give even more!!
    All you are telling us is that YOU be mechutsif thinks that that your $$$ is making you have a say over a person that that is a MANHIG ??? Do you know what it says in chza”l R”l on some one that’s maleig al divrei chachumim??
    If I were your father I would put salt water and rince out your mouth!!!
    Shame on you!!!
    I want you to ask Mechila Berabim!!!
    You fellows are so funny. Someone doesn’t want to give money to an Admor who is a multi millionaire as the Admor sold out his religous collegues for some vengence, money and power. If the Admor wants to back a non religous politician he is ebtitled to same as any other citizen. Bur please wake up and see this Admor is no better or different than you or me. Why follow him like sheep. He only follows his own interests but uses the Torah to scare and bully his followers!!

    15 years ago

    Yerushalayim is in the hands of the frayer but who cares as long as the heiliger gelt is in the hands of the Gerrer tzzadik hador.

    He is laughing all the way to the bank.