Moscow, Russia – Well Known Jewish Musician Beaten in Moscow Metro [video music]


    Moscow, Russia – Three teenagers skinheads attacked a well known, award-winning Jewish musician in the Moscow subway.

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    The neo-Nazis assailants approached Mikhail Altshuller, asked him a random question and then began to beat him as the train passed between two stations, according to a statement from the Russian Jewish Congress.

    During the attack, the teens shouted nationalist slogans before fleeing when the train stopped at the next station. After the attack, Altshuller identified to police the male suspects. Police detained two of the under-age suspects, one of whom has a criminal record.

    Altshuller, a singer and instrumental soloist for a Jewish musical group, suffered a concussion and bruised ribs in the attack.

    “Judging that the police reacted quickly and that they were convinced of their conclusions, it is likely that the case will be appropriately assigned and sent to court,” Altshuller said in a statement released by the Congress, but it isn’t clear yet if the suspects will be charged under hate crimes statutes.

    Altshuller is an award winner at international Jewish music festivals.

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    16 years ago

    man alive were is the world coming to

    Dov .Flatbush NY
    Dov .Flatbush NY
    16 years ago

    Raboisa Self Defense .Men shlogt yiden..We all said never Again.

    16 years ago

    Very sad. But that’s a reminder that we our one big family, and we have to work together.

    16 years ago

    Deja Vu, I was a victim in moscow as well.
    I’m almost sure i heard Altschuller play at MEOTZ (Chabad Center)

    16 years ago

    to #1 Dov,
    I want to question the phrase “never again”… What does it mean? Even as a aynikel of survivors, I don’t understand the concept of trying to ever prevent the aibeshter’s gzeirah’s, which is clearly what churban Europe was… can anyone please clarify?

    16 years ago

    to #1 Dov,
    I want to question the phrase “never again”… What does it mean? Even as a aynikel of survivors, I don’t understand the concept of trying to ever prevent the aibeshter’s gzeirah’s, which is clearly what churban Europe was… can anyone please clarify?

    here is my Answer .habo lehorgoch haskeim lehorgo..It means fight back.
    mr do you know that in July of 1944 the Americans and the Russians had already invaded deep inside Germany. Germany was mostly finished but Hitler yemach shemo wanted all jews killed so he sent the SS into Hungary and how history has it that it ws less then a thousand nazis that came to Hungary and they rounded up almost one Million jews. the jews did not fight back against 1000 nazis 1 against 1000. Do you understand that? if the jews would have fought back in Hungary they would have never have been able to round up the Hungarian jews, The hungarian jews could have been saved. look in Min hameytzar from Rabbi Michoel Weismandel.

    ortho cynic
    ortho cynic
    16 years ago

    maybe they were sent by the vaad hatznius, and they thought he was lipa shmeltzer

    A Jewish mother
    A Jewish mother
    16 years ago

    How come when Christian thugs beat Jews, they are “neo nazis” and when Muslim thugs beat Jews, all Arabs/Muslims are blood thirsty animals?

    Maybe we are in galus? .