New York, NY – Transit Plan Calls for East River Tolls, Payroll Tax


    New York, NY – Drivers would pay to cross the East River like the Brooklyn and Williamsburg bridges and New York City-area companies would be taxed on their payrolls under a new plan to staunch financial bleeding at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

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    But transit riders would be spared a potential 23 percent fare increase. A state commission’s proposal, released today, calls for boosting MTA fare revenue by 8 percent instead.

    The MTA needs to close an estimated $1.4 billion deficit in its operating budget next year and a $3 billion deficit by 2012. The agency is legally required to balance its budget.

    Under the state commission’s plan, companies in a 12-county area would pay $330 in tax for every $100,000 they pay workers.

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    15 years ago

    Blumberg again? He does not stop!

    15 years ago

    And I am sure these geniouses didn’t consider the inflation that will occur for workers and contractors etc. to recover the cost increase.
    And how it will chase more companies to move workers to NJ, PA, CT, or GA.


    15 years ago

    Brilliant idea but when they have a surplus are they going to stop taking tolls? No they will spend like crazy again by the next crisis they will tax you again so all geniuses who think its a good idea the only way you can sustain this system is CUT SPENDING

    15 years ago

    how about NYC is asking companies to outsource… i just heard of some heimishe companies looking to outsource to the Dominican or India

    talk about saving jobs or working with the public!!!

    The Truth
    The Truth
    15 years ago

    The city should fire all the MTA top heavy bureaucrats – that would probably save $1Billion a year for starters. Then they should employ a yiddishe kop to run an efficient organization & service.

    15 years ago

    if we are striving for job creation why are taxing business more pay roll taxes time for heads to roll at the mta

    15 years ago

    Lets start a call in to every Assemblyman and State Senetor in our neighborhood tand say we are against these tolls and tax.

    MTA is a State agency. Lets start ringing.

    15 years ago

    ha,ha…. we r going to pay tolls for the lower east river crossings anyway, and we’re not going to get the few 100 million $ that bloomberg could’ve gotten from washington last year………

    15 years ago

    now I’m starting to see the true collors of State Elected Officials. When Bloomberg wanted Congestion Pricing and get Millions from the Feds State Officials told Bloomberg NO WAY. Now that the MTA that is a State agency wants to tax us for crossing into the City and we City people won’t get a penny from this new tax, I don’t see any out cry from our State Elected Officials.

    What a SHAME this is true politics, now that we our after the election these Politicians have no shame to go against what they said during the elections.

    Bloombergs plan was much better then this, cause if I would drive with the FDR and not get off I wouldn’t pay the tax.

    Shame on you all State Elected Officials