Coral Springs, FL – A compelling story about the religious transformation of former Dallas Cowyboy and Green Bay Packer’s star Alan Veingrad. Alan was a member of the Super Bowl XXVII World Champion Dallas Cowboy Team in 1992 and uses sports metaphors to characterize his journey, and vividly relates the discipline of being a professional football player, to success in life. Alan talks about his experiences as a Jew while playing for the Green Bay Packers and Dallas Cowboys.
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Very special story. Thank you for posting. It is a real Kidush Hashem.
that was a professional hagbah !!!!!
is he related to alan vinegrad the former u.s. attorney?
Wow, nice story!!!!
I know him from my community, a real mentsch, and very tall. 🙂
That didn’t inspire me. A champion foot ball player isn’t neccecerily a knowligble or smart person
It’s not easy to do teshuva. It’s not easy to change one’s life so drastically.
The lesson here is that he committed himself to achieving goals, first in his athletic career and later, l’havdil, to Yiddishkeit. And he uses his life’s knowledge to encourage his people.
Kol hakavod, Reb Shlomo.
To those putting down footfall players, I’m not a sports fan but I remember reading that there are a much higher % of college grads among football teams than among professional teams in other sports. Memorizing and understanding all the plays and moves in those huge playbooks requires some brain power, in addition to the physical skill to execute the plays. The training also requires enourmous discipline, so give these folks some credit.
Anyhow, even if this man had been a ditch digger or a brick maker, it’s still a lovely story.
Very nice, I especialy liked what he said towards the end, where he was proud of what he did.
Would love to meet him!
lets thank those who mekareved him!
inspiring but any ultra-orthodox jew would not do Hagbah while wearing a superbowl ring
he did something that is hard to do. he had it easy money and fame and all the rest that goes with being a football player. he decided to become frum, that is a amazing thing to do now he is a frum man with a frum family. and doesn’t miss his past life. there r places in his story for all jews to get up lifted and stronger in their judism u have to be willing to look and want to do better.