Israel – Charedim Clash with Messianic Jews in Rehovot


    Charedi man arguing with Messianic Jew  Photo: Matan MelekhRehovot, Israel – Messianic Jews took to the streets of the central city of Rehovot and handed out pamphlets in an attempt to convince passersby to convert.

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    Ultra-Orthodox residents were outraged by the site and began beating the missionaries. Secular passersby also joined in the action, and eyewitnesses said screams and curses could be heard.

    The ultra-Orthodox grabbed the pamphlets from the Messianic Jews, tore them to pieces and threw them in a nearby garbage bin.

    One passerby said, “I think this is a kind of manipulation that is applied mostly on new immigrants. The State also prohibits missionary activity. These are Jewish missionary acts that target Jews.

    “What shocked me was the violence in the area, and that the passersby did not act to stop it. Their activity in our area has continued to increase recently – they seem to have made the area a target for themselves.”

    The Messianic Judaism stream movement has its origins in American Evangelistic churches and its purpose is to convert Jews to Christianity.

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    15 years ago

    Much as I despise the messianic jews/jews for j, and not just what they stand for but their devious, underhanded methods, I value free speech more. The best answer to these crazies is more speech, more debate more kiruv. The message the charedim involved in this sent is that orthodox Jews are a bunch of tyrannical street thugs who can’t handle the minimal intellectual challenge of a few nuts. What a missed opportunity.

    15 years ago

    Messianic of today are the Samaritans of the past. They say they are us but they believe in pagan Gd.

    15 years ago

    Get these Evangelical Christians out of Israel. They have no reason to be there.
    Lets learn something from our Muslim neighbors. Make it a death penalty offense for a Jew to convert to Christianity. If you don’t like it, leave Israel.

    15 years ago

    More debate will not turn these Meshumadim away. They are killing Jewish souls and must be stopped.

    15 years ago

    These so-called messianics are not interested in debate. If one of their points is disproved, they merely move on to the next. Their only interest is stealing Jews away from HKBH for the sake of their demi-god. While violence is not the solution to the problem, I will not judge those who committed the acts; I have been in conversations with these people, and I know the level of frustration that can set in. We need a real, long-term solution to drive the missionaries out of Eretz Yisroel.

    15 years ago

    maybe when the Israeli government will stop accepting money from the evangelical’s(a lot f it, too), these massianic “jews” will be fought via israel’s police etc. If the police and army can fight their true own- the settlers, why shouldnt they fight these whack jobs?

    15 years ago

    I am used to that, seeing liberal minded/political correct people posting here on VIN. But, OH MY! Defending those missionaries? How can a jew stick up for them in any circumstance? Unless……… (I hope you aint no part of them.

    15 years ago

    These messianics need to be flogged.

    15 years ago

    Their passports should be red- flagged so as not to let them into the country again and they should be thrown out of the country with the clothes on their back!! Baggage will be shipped to address given to Israeli officials!! No Packing!! If medication is required it will be supplied by one of the Israeli Hospitals!! Baggage will greet them at the airport when they land!

    eitza geber
    eitza geber
    15 years ago

    to Anonymous 7:55 AM. You value free speech? We are talking about outright Avoda Zarah.

    15 years ago

    You are assuming that violence actually occurred- notice that first the article claimed that the chareidim “beat” the missionaries, then later it says that they took their literature and tore/threw it out- I believe that their is a tremendous difference between the two, and it is definitely justifiable to throw out their literature, which obviously is full of lies and is used to convert Jews to xianity.
    Who actually wrote this article- what is their motivation- do we know that things happened like it claims- especially when the article contradicts itself?!
    Why do people assume that anything published anonymously (especially on the web!) is true, and use it to bash “chareidim” at any opportunity?!?!
    (Yes, I know i am writing this anonymously too, but i am not asking anybody to believe any so-called “facts” that supposedly occurred, but rather to realize logically how ridiculous it is to believe unverified “facts” on a regular basis and use such “facts” to spout the most ignorant analysis imaginable, as happens regularly on this site).

    15 years ago

    violence is not OK but the police should arrest the missionaries

    15 years ago

    If anybody would bother to learn the Sichos of the Rebbe, said in the last two years, and what he said about his father-in-law, they would see that we are right. Yakkov Ovinu did not die either.

    15 years ago

    Most of these “messianic Jews” are not even Jews, but xians who hope to get into heaven by converting Yiddin.
    There is, however, a leader of this movement who moved to Brooklyn after heading their Chicago effort, named Jhan Moskowitz, Son of Max and Lilly Moskowitz
    who were holocaust survivors. Moskowitz must earn a good living preaching for Jews for J. since he hand his wife were able to buy a million dollar house just 4 blocks from Torah V’das. Churches, including Sara Palin’s church help fund these missionaries since practicing Yiddin are proof that their messiah was a false prophet. But he certainly makes a profit for Moskowitz and his ilk.

    15 years ago

    Are these “missionaries” Israeli citizens? If not, they should be removed from the country for incitement! Going in to a Jewish neighborhood to do this is worse than handing out holocaust-denial pamphlets.

    I respect their right to free speech. I have no real problem with the other religions that go to E”Y to do “their thing” with their churches. However, taking to the streets for the sole purpose of converting yidden will knowingly incite violence. That should be enough to make it illegal. If they want to “assemble” in public for their own sake, (a parade or a rally of some kind) that is fine… but they were out on the street with a purpose to inicite others.

    Throw them out of the country!

    15 years ago

    I think there are about 5,000 places in the Torah where we are commanded to root out evil. Messianics or whatever they are, are pure EVIL!! Wack them good.

    15 years ago

    I think there are about 5,000 places in the Torah where we are commanded to root out evil. Messianics or whatever they are, are pure EVIL!! Wack them good.

    15 years ago

    we have so many of the J4J here, and they go all over ….they do not take a frum Jews they go to the lost neshomas, so we must do more Kiev and educate our kids and keep the peace we must show that we are better then that, and the fact that
    they are so desperate that they have to go to our areas to see if they can pick up kids- or any more people, we must make sure our schools teach us to love being a good Jew not force it ….on the kinder , may we bring the real meshcah now ….aman

    15 years ago

    I was just discussing this topic with someone else and we came up with a few points:

    1. This has been a huge and growing problem for many, many years.
    2. The modern orthodox shuls that have sprung up have done tremendous work in bringing yidden back to a life of Torah (or at least on the road to getting there), yet people around here constantly criticize them for their work.
    3. Groups like NCSY and JEP are frequently targets for attack as being “too modern”. Why? Many of these kids become frum and go on to great yeshivos while some don’t, but they are certainly more “missionary-proof” at the end.

    My points lead to the fact that so many kiruv groups are looked down upon. Many roshei yeshiva do not like the bochurim to get involved as “advisors” in these kiruv groups. Why not? We NEED these groups to counter the horrible and well-funded tactics of the evangelical and southern baptist groups in this country and in E”Y. Why don’t we step up and do the kind of counter-programming that is necessary? Education and information are absolutely our best weapons!

    It seems that Jews For Judaism, NCSY, OU, YI, JEP and Chabad (sorry if I missed any) are the only ones really interested in doing anything about the problem. I find that sad.

    15 years ago

    busted iliterate libiral jews. it states in the torah that when the jews would go in kannan, they should kill everybody including children. and the reason states that otherwise they would “carry your sons away from me”. the torah said to kill all the midyanim all because they attempted to make the jews bow to their A”Z. so understand the diffrence between someone practices his faith in his church and someone who goes out there and tries to convert jews. It is a shame to hear jews profess such modern libiral ldeals that are so against our torah.

    15 years ago

    (reply to 36) just trying to understand on which part of the world u are that u could post today at 5 am est

    15 years ago

    (reply to 36) just trying to understand on which part of the world u are that u could post today at 5 am est