New York – New Group to Combat ‘Islamization’ In The U.S.


    File photoNew York – A new organization dedicated to fighting what it sees as an encroaching Islamic takeover of the U.S. is set to launch later this month with a gathering in Washington, D.C. – on the same day as a massive Muslim prayer rally in the U.S. capital.

    The Stop Islamization of America
    (SIOA) group has declared its mission to be educating Americans “about the threat that Islamic doctrine and those who support it present to our freedoms, and the future of our democracy and country.” The organizers call themselves “scholar warriors/ideological warriors in the cause of American freedom and Constitutional government,” as well as in “the defense of… our society of liberty, knowledge, and human decency.”

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    SIOA believes that political Islam is opposed to American values of “freedom, tolerance, or human rights.” They seek to raise the issue of what they call “brutal, misogynist” Islamic law and jihad in America, because “tolerance for ideologies that are opposed to our principles of individual freedoms and our Constitution is indefensible,” the group declares in its online manifesto. A recently-released film, The Third Jihad, warns that radical Islam is working on a non-violent, cultural takeover of the United States.

    “We are now in a new phase of a 1,400-year-old jihad against the kafirs (all non-Muslims everywhere); we are not prepared to meet the threat,” SIOA says. “[I]gnorance about Islam, its doctrine and purposes is a moral and ethical failure whose consequences can be nothing short of national extinction.”

    The official launch of the SIOA is slated for September 25, 2009, at an as-yet unknown venue in the U.S. capital. The timing and location appears to be far from coincidental.

    A massive Muslim prayer gathering is planned for for the same day in front of the Capitol building. Spearheaded by the Elizabeth, New Jersey Dar-ul-Islam Mosque, organizers are expecting 50,000 people to attend the first-of-its-kind national event. The gathering will be limited to prayer, according to Hassen Abdullah, president of Dar-ul-Islam.

    SIOA sees the event as a “big-budget… soft jihad,” fought through “marketing and cultural/ideological warfare.” D.L. Adams of SIOA wrote of the planned Muslim prayer gathering, “It is impossible to see this event as anything but what it is, taqiyya (sacred deception), jihad (endless universal war against the unbelievers), and dawa (conversion).”
    The SIOA website calls for ‘every protest of this takiya-jihad-dawa event… [to] include some component of donkey, dog, and women.’

    The SIOA’s own event is planned to conclude with a “saunter” around the streets of Washington DC, on the day of the Muslim prayer rally, in order to “engage in conversations with our fellow citizens who might happen to be there on the same day on matters of moment.” However, more confrontationally, the SIOA website calls for “every protest of this takiya-jihad-dawa event… [to] include some component of donkey, dog, and women.” The reason for this unusual suggestion is made clear on the SIOA site as well: Muslim doctrine, according to the SIOA, says that “Islamic prayer is nullified if a dog, a woman, or a donkey are present.”

    At the same time, the SIOA promotional literature for the organizational launch emphasizes, “We are an entirely non-violent organization. Our sauntering is planned to be more a polite conversational engagement rather than a demonstration.” Organizers “look forward to a pleasant several hours chatting with our fellow Americans in the Capitol on the issue at hand.”

    Speakers at the SIOA launch are slated to include expatriate Egyptian activist Nonie Darwish, Islam scholar and author Robert Spencer, journalist Pamela Geller, and Christine Brim, Senior Vice President for Policy and Program Management at the Center for Security Policy.

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    15 years ago

    Why do they have to pray “in front of the capitol”? why not in Madison square garden?

    15 years ago

    If the typical white american won’t start having kids by the dozen America will either be Muslim of Mexico in 20 years without on shot fired

    15 years ago

    What the heck is this Rally of Prayer all about??

    For anyone with a half of a brain, you know the answer.

    And it’s not good…

    Hashem Yishmor

    15 years ago

    First, there is nothing wrong with a Muslim rally/prayer session in Washington D.C. Muslims are citizens of this country as well and every right to assemble in public under the Constitution. Xian and Jewish groups have had rallies/prayer events on the mall as well.

    Secondly, we should be 100% outraged over this. This group is not singling out “radical” Muslims, or Muslim groups which promote violence. They are protesting against an innocent group of people praying. Don’t fool yourself, these white/xian supremacy groups hate us just as much. Yidden should never accept this kind of behavior. Yidden should never accept the kind of hatred.

    We seem to quickly forget that when one of these groups decides to stand up against a particular religion/ethnicity, we are not far behind. Believe me, living in FL you get to see it first hand (if you travel north of Palm Beach County). There are many of these groups in the rural part of the state. When they refer to the ‘browning of America” (a disgusting term), they include Jews. One should never think that if he has white skin, he will be OK. These groups want to see you driven out too.

    When they publish their manifestos, they refer to Mexicans, African Americans, middle-easterners, and the like. They don’t openly refer to Jews very often, because they know we stand up for ourselves. They will refer to those who “do not stand with” or “enemies of” their false messiah. That specifically refers to US.

    No matter what our problems may be in E”Y with certain Arab groups, many of the Muslims in America came here to ESCAPE that radical ideology, like my boss’ family did a generation ago. When it comes to this kind of hatred, believe me when I say that they have antisemitic posters in their offices just waiting for the right day.

    15 years ago

    There is already such an organization SIOE here in the UK, where Jews (especially frum ones) suffer increasing anti-semitism, mainly from Pakistani Muslims, so maybe we should give chizuk to such groups. Unfortunately here in Europe they are fighting a losing battle, at all their protests they are heavily outnumbered by violent Muslim counter protesters, and need police protection.

    15 years ago

    PMO raises some very good points. The best way to fight Islamization is to fight the concept of anyone being able to impose their religious views on others — whether it’s denying others birth control, denying women equal rights or denying gays equal rights – yes, including the right to marry, and by maintaining a strong separation between church and state.

    15 years ago

    The issue of islamization in the U.S. and the UK is one that people should think about when clamoring for government funding and support for religious schools or even charter “language immersion” schools. Do ou really want your tax dollars funding madrassas where radical islam is taught? (I realize not all madrassas do, but some do.)
    I wonder if one of the reaons that islam is growing in the u.k. is because of government funding for religious schools. Public schools play an important role in socializing children to some of the glue that holds a society together — in the u.s. its the values of democracy, respect and tolerance for people who are different and the belief in the equality of all men and women and the separation of church and state. When people are in those types of religious schools where those values are not taught and instead the direct opposite is taught — that can provide a fertile breeding ground for islamization.

    15 years ago

    The question really is, what’s the Muslim prayer rally for? Is it to pray for peace and prosperity for the US? What’s their agenda? Somehow I feel it’s to show solidarity with Muslims around the world including jihadists and cut throat terrorists.

    15 years ago

    “encroaching Islamic takeover of the U.S.”????? I’m not sure what planet these people live on.

    15 years ago

    Great organization. I will contribute to them. More power to SIOA

    15 years ago

    Doesn’t sound like a pro-American organization to me.

    15 years ago

    I agree with PMO,

    It’s not fair and its self destructive to generalize any group. The fight must be just against the extremist and the haters.

    15 years ago

    Right now, we are in more danger from islamization and radical left wing socialism that enables this islamisation than we are from right wing white supremacist groups. Look what is happening to Europe (the Netherlands in particular). Therefore, I say (as the old saying in the middle east goes…) the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

    chana eisenstein
    chana eisenstein
    15 years ago

    PMO is absolutely incorrect. I know Kendra Adams and she is absolutely not a white supremacist nor is she a feminist. Yes, she’s Jewish but she is running this group as a non-religious organization. The organization is open to ALL people who love freedom, love the United States, and understand the threat of Islamization in America. As a matter of fact, if you look at the site, you’ll see that she or DL Adams recently interviewed the last surviving member of The White Rose– one of the very few German groups that openly opposed Nazism.

    Kendra is a kind person who is not racist nor bigoted at all. I’ve spoken to her about the head-covering issue and PMO is mischaracterizing this completely. If Jews wish to cover their heads, more power to them. If Muslims are forced to cover their heads and all those who fail to do so are maligned or targeted, then this is not a good thing. In Sweden, for instance, even non-Muslims are forced to cover their heads in Malmo, for fear of rape. As a matter of fact, this is approaching epidemic proportions in Muslim enclaves in parts of Europe now. The perpetrators are Muslim and the victims are not.

    PMO has no idea what he or she is talking about. In one post she says, “She says that things like death penalty for violating shabbos is “in the past” and “is no longer part of Judaism”. Well, that’s correct, actually, and is considered a good thing in the 21st century. If G-d wants to punish those who violate shabbat, then He will. It is not for you, however, to decide to sentence people to death for this violation. Over the years, Jewish scholars have reformed Judaism and continue to do so– this is the very essence of Talmud– the very essence of Jewish debate and discussion. Your post makes it seem as if you are a radical fringe element, PMO. I think, however, that would mischaracterize you just as you wish to mischaracterize Kendra. So, I will refrain from doing so.

    Judaism requires all Jews in diaspora to follow the laws of their host country. Islam, on the other hand, requires all Muslims in their host countries to attempt to put Sharia into place. Islam requires all Muslims to further Islam by whatever means will work. Judaism believes Judaism is for Jews. Yes, those who wish to be Jewish may convert, but it’s a difficult process, generally discouraged, and definitely not required.

    Islamic doctrine, conversely, requires all to live under sharia law. In all countries that Islam has conquered, the previous cultures have been subsumed. Islam requires all those who live under an islamic country to be forced into dhimmitude, killed, enslaved, or converted. this is not my OPINION on the matter; this is what mohammad ordered. This is Islamic doctrine.

    So, to pretend this is Kendra’s bigoted opinion is false. She is calling attention to something many of us find reprehensible– that Islam is required to be the supreme law of the land (according to the Koran) all across the planet. If you don’t like what she’s saying, take it up with your local Imam after you buy a Koran and read it. Kendra Adams doesn’t like it either. And, she wants to reach all free peoples and warn them all of this threat, and run this organization as a secular organization. If you don’t like her message, you don’t like Islam. Calling attention to hatred and bigotry and misogyny (nope, not a feminist agenda- stoning rape victims, testimony in a ct. of law that’s worth half the testimony of a man’s, etc., etc.) doesn’t make one a bigot. It makes them smart.