Postville, IA – Pressure Builds on Kosher Meat Company Agri-Star


    Postville, IA – A congresswoman has joined with a host of national Jewish organizations to pressure a controversial Iowa kosher meat company to open up dialogue with the community in which it is located.

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    According to The Forward Jan Schakowsky, an Illinois Democrat, wrote one of a number of recent letters to the new owners of Agri-Star, who bought a kosher slaughterhouse in Postville, Iowa, in July, a little over a year after the company was the subject of a massive immigration raid. Community leaders in Postville have complained that the company’s new CEO, Daniel Hirsch, has refused to meet with them to discuss the company’s plans.

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    14 years ago

    What does an Illinois democrat have to do with this company’s operations anyway?

    14 years ago

    Meet with so that they will see all your vulnerabilities so they can plan your demise with PETA and the feds again

    14 years ago

    After all the suffering and disruption caused in this community under the prior ownership, it is real arrogance to refuse to meet and outline your plans for growing the business. He is not obligated to take their advice or follow their preferences, but it is insanity to simply ignore them entirely. Its not good business.

    14 years ago

    maybe the democrat should buy a meatpacking plant….

    14 years ago

    We live in a free market society that regulates itself. I really dont see why the new owners should care to meet with anyone. If you dont like them, dont go to work there, or do business with them.

    Progressives ???
    Progressives ???
    14 years ago

    Oh I see. Talk to the progressives who are communists and PETA advocates and don’t even use toilet paper because it pains the trees !!! So what do they want? Oh, I know. Money, money, money !!! For communists they sure think of money all the time. They don’t want to work for their money. They want Yiddish money !!! Thank you very much. Leave the Yidden alone ! We need kosher food. We like chickens and cows !!! Go in peace and enjoy your tofu in peace !!! Enough already.

    14 years ago

    thay all backstabbed the last owners dont talk to these ppl

    14 years ago

    Don’t you understand?

    The fascism is coming from the Left.

    14 years ago

    What does this new ownerships owe to these alliances that they have to meet them? Did these alliances ever help anybody out? The only thing they can Is to destruct, looks like they are all out to destroy kosher shechite in America

    14 years ago

    agri for postviile sounds like GM motors in Detroit 47th St with out Dimond’s Tampa without Disney what a Joke!

    Liberalism is a Disease!
    Liberalism is a Disease!
    14 years ago

    Once again the Backward is up to its old shenanigans with getting involved with Agri. Der Aybishter Zul Helfin that farshtinkina fishwrap goes teef in der erd!

    14 years ago

    A ” Host of national jewish” organizations? Not one of those organizations keep kosher. Not one of them promotes anything to do with Judaism. Why do they call themselves jewish organizations. Why don’t they get busy writing letters to the company in California that just had to get rid of 1,800 ilegal immigrants and try to put him out of buisiness.

    14 years ago

    The smartest thing from Agri Star, look what those chazeirim did to the rubashkin’s

    14 years ago

    unbelivble its a shame and a tragedy, that most of the hate towards us are mainly from our own brethren. its been like that since our formation as a nation (i.e. eirav rav). so sad

    14 years ago

    What do those think, who ows them anything? dont like it, don’t get the meat, who do those think they are?

    Not Surprised
    Not Surprised
    14 years ago

    What goes around, comes around.

    They built their success on Rubashkins ashes. Yesh din vyesh dayan.

    14 years ago

    The time has come to be realistic and realize that the Old Rubashkin company as well as the new Agriprocessor would be infinitely better off going to a South American country ( i.e. Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, etc.) where the local government would be bending over backwards to help the new kosher entreprise. The mayor and the governor would most likely be on the payroll as well, legally paid as consultants. And on a special day of the year, the locals would celebrate with a parade honoring the worthy owners of Agriprocessors who are giving them the opportunity to honestly earn a decent living. Rather than deal with low-life self-serving politcians here in the US, together with their regressive unions supporters, and phony-do-good organizations such as PETA and their ilk, Agriprocessors should immediately re-establish themselves in South America, where they would be the welcome life-blood of a city that would be proud of producing excellent and appreciated products in demand all over the world. What could they be thinking, why are they waiting.

    Clear Now?
    Clear Now?
    14 years ago

    So to everyone who thought Rubashkin was brought down supposedly because of the “things they did” – now you are getting a glimpse.

    Just like in the sea, there is a whole industry of bottom-feeders out there waiting to feed on the company. From the Unions to the do-gooder churches, “Jewish groups”, Forward writers, (Self) Righteous Hekhshers, and more. They want a piece of the pie. And even if the company is running squeaky clean, that will not be good enough for them. Like leeches they want to live of a host.

    So sit back and watch as they pull-off another text-book Saul Alinsky “community organizing” campaign. That’s what they did to Rubashkin, and that is what they are *just beginning* to do now.

    14 years ago

    they want to meet the new owners to make sure they dom not destroy their community like rubashkin, by paying below minimum wage, shorting workers of their owned money. Paying them so little the workers had to go to soup kitchens.

    Is getting cheap kosher meat so important you do not care if produced by abusing workers.

    The argument that they hate yiddin or trying to stop shechta is nonsense since other
    well running, non abusing kosher slaughter house sdo not have these problem, like empire.,

    If you thing Rubaskin family are so erlich way is his brother and father in prison now convicted of other abuses and bank fraud

    14 years ago

    I find te arguements about who is responsible for what and who has a right to comment or interfere very shallow and narrow minded. The reality is that the frum yidden alone can not purchase enough kosher meat and products to be able to say non frummies and liberal do gooders stay out or be silent. Agri’s largest consumers were not Toraj observant Yids but all thoise other “misguided” folks that bought soem kosher meat. So to think that no liberal do gooder has any say is showing a total lack of how the market works and what susatins a company. If agri-whatever was to serve only frummies, it will never grow and be able to distribute that heap got to have it meat for the cholent pot (no matter who gets screwed!). so face it the outsiders are in and now make the best of it.

    14 years ago

    Further in Rav Elyashiv’s Tshuva:

    “Mittoch Divrei HaRashba Shameynan Dbedavar Shyesh Bah Mishum TIKKUN HAOLAM Yesh Koach L’Chachmei Yisroel Shebechol Dor Vador Ligdor Gader Velaamod Baperetz”.

    He is clearly paraphrasing the Rashba and he uses the aforementioned term “Tikkun Haolam”. Post your e-mail address and I will gladly forward you a copy of the letter in hebrew.

    14 years ago

    Where exactly is the demand to meet with the owners of Swift Beef and Pork? This was the place where 1300 illegals were arrested 2 years before the Rubashkin raid for exactly the same thing. Except:

    1) There were no charges brought against the CEOs or the corporation,
    2) The illegals were simply deported.
    3) They were not charged with the identity theft for providing false SSNs.
    4) The Dept of Labor did not review all the companies records to verify none of the illegals were minors.
    5) The Government continued to send an informant back to Agri several times after he was refused employment because he could not provide a valid SSN. He was eventually given an ICE issued SSN to gain employment. I do not believe this was the case with Swift.
    6) The Swift raid, called “the largest of it’s kind” was replaced by Rubashkin, even though three times as many illegals were arrested at Swift and the Swift raid included 5 facilities, clearly making it much larger than the Agri raid.
    6) The information about the Swift raid (operation wagon train) was deleted from ICE.GOV website.

    The difference in treatment between the Jew, Rubashkin, and others that were accused of doing the the exact same thing concerns me far more than if the new owners of the plant want to speak to “community leaders” that have nothing to do with Iowa, Kashrus, or Judaism.

    14 years ago

    Hey, I respect people who want to keep the traditions and I think it is a very good idea for airlines to serve kosher food. Also, it is important to keep things kosher in every aspect. Last year I was travelling to Argentina and I looked for Kosher apartments in Buenos Aires . It was a great service and I had a great time.