Monsey, NY – Prominent Halachic Rabbi: Why the Rabbis Were Silent On Tropper


    Monsey, NY – Rabbi Dovid Ribiat heads the Kollel Ohr Yaakov of Forshay in Monsey NY, and is regarded as a prominent Halachic authority across the US. He is also the author of several Seforim, including the world-renowned four-volume work on the 39 Melochos of Shabbos. On January 21, 10 he graciously consented to the following interview regarding the Tropper scandal:

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    Interviewer: Over the past several weeks there have been a lot of questions in the media over the silence of the Rabbis in the Ultra-orthodox community re. the Tropper scandal. Why has there been no condemnation of Tropper from the Rabbis?

    RR: I can only speak as one of the Rabbis of Monsey. Firstly, you must understand that there is no single authoritative Rabbinic body in Monsey. The city is comprised of many different Orthodox segments and synagogues, each with its own Rabbinic leadership. Although the Rabbis do get together on issues affecting the entire community, this can take time, especially when the issues need a great deal of clarification. Even though Rabbi Tropper lives in Monsey, the scandal, based on a series of tapes (which Tropper claims are fraudulent), only came to our attention through media reports. The Rabbis had no prior knowledge of this scandal and had no way of confirming the reports without undertaking their own independent investigation. It has taken time to organize a focused investigation and begin the process of sorting out the claims and counter claims in the media in search of the objective truth. We cannot issue condemnations against an individual without due process or before verifying the facts. This is why you have not heard any statements from the rabbis as yet.

    INT: Rabbi, these tapes have been available on the Internet for many weeks already; didn’t this leave a lot of time to come to some conclusion by now?
    RR: There is no special Rabbinic “investigating agency” in Monsey with forensic experts responsible for investigating and reporting on scandals. This kind of embarrassing incident is not something that occurs, Heaven Forbid, on any regular basis; it is obviously not something that we ever anticipated.

    INT: As you know, the EJF (Eternal Jewish Family) and Horizons, two major organizations that enjoy the broad support of the foremost Orthodox Rabbis today, were headed by Rabbi Leib Tropper. These well-funded organizations have distributed large sums to many Yeshivos and Rabbinical institutions. Tropper has resigned from EJF, but still remains in charge of Horizons, which is the parent organization, and has control over the money. Why hasn’t he been asked to step down, at least temporarily, until this scandal is investigated?

    RR: I am not sure that EJF has the broad Rabbinic support that you describe. In any case, the information I have indicates that he has indeed stepped down from both organizations. Regardless, these organizations do not function principally in Monsey, and are not under our jurisdiction.
    INT: But what about his Yeshivah in Monsey? Isn’t he still there?

    RR: Yes, we understand that he is still in his Yeshivah. However, as I said, we cannot force him to resign before confirming the rumors about him while he continues to deny them.

    INT: Why can’t he be told to step down at least temporarily?
    RR: This too is not something that we can force without a hearing in Beis Din. The Rabbis did not want to proceed until their investigation was completed. Incidentally, there is a lot of outrage in the community here in Monsey, and I suspect that Rabbi Tropper has heard this message from others.

    INT: Still, all of this does not explain why the most prominent Rabbis in the US and Israel have come out with statements in support of Tropper?
    RR: I have not seen any of these alleged statements, but I do know that at least some of the claims of their support are not true.
    INT: May I ask you to please explain?
    RR: Well, for example, there were rumors being spread that Rabbi Wachtfogel, Rosh Yeshivah of South Fallsburg Yeshivah and a major figure in the Torah community, was supporting Rabbi Tropper. However, when a delegation of Rabbis went to speak to him personally on this matter, Rabbi Wachtfogel made it very clear that this was absolutely not the case. On the other hand, he was unable to condemn Rabbi Tropper or to sanction any other action against him in the absence of evidence.

    INT: But there are letters of support that have been signed by the leading Rabbis in Israel, including Rabbi Elyashiv and Rabbi Kanievsky. These can be shown to exist.
    RR: As I said, I have not seen these statements. But even if they do exist, I doubt their accuracy.

    INT: Do you mean to imply that those letters are forgeries?
    RR: No, not necessarily, although this too could be the case. What I mean is, I have doubts about the accuracy of what is being deduced from them.
    INT: But why would they sign a statement before being certain of its veracity?

    RR: I’m afraid I wasn’t clear. You have to realize that these are truly great people, completely dedicated to the public. When a request for moral support is brought to them, especially in issues of possible slander, it is right and proper to lend a hand to the victim. A statement of moral support does not have the weight of a legal document and would have no effect on any of the proceedings or hearings in a Beis Din. On the other hand, helping one who should be presumed innocent until proven guilty is a perfectly plausible and proper thing to do, as there certainly have been cases of malicious slander destroying innocent people. Someone probably asked the Rabbis to save Tropper from slander, and they merely responded. They are not making a Halachically binding act of support.

    INT: I will ask a blunt question that many are asking: There are claims in the media that Tropper is being protected because he has helped important and influential Rabbis, and that this is in fact the reason for the wall of silence in the Chareidi community. Can you please comment?

    RR: These allegations sound like no more than pernicious gossip. As a Rabbi in Monsey, I can only say that once there is incontrovertible evidence, appropriate measures will be taken. However, no action will be taken before there is satisfactory evidence, regardless of any scurrilous reports or media pressures.

    INT: Forgive me Rabbi, but do you mind if I ask if you or your organization have ever received money from Rabbi Tropper?
    RR: No, I do not mind. Neither I nor my organization have ever received money from or through Rabbi Tropper.

    INT: Why was there such swift and universal condemnation of Rabbi Nosson Slifkin and his books, while in the case of Tropper, who is guilty of blatantly immoral conduct, there is painstakingly slow and careful deliberation – only silence – before taking any action?

    RR: Firstly, your question assumes Tropper’s guilt. As I said, until there is due process we are not Halachically permitted to issue condemnations against an individual, or to take any other action against him …

    INT: … but where was the “due process” in the case of Rabbi Slifkin? Here was a brilliant young Rabbi who wrote many scholarly books on Torah subjects, yet his books were banned and he was roundly condemned and ostracized by the entire spectrum of Rabbis in the ultra-orthodox community, merely because his views, such as the age of the universe, are not in line with their “politically correct’ way of thinking. Why was he treated differently?

    RR: Before I explain the difference, I must address your comment; This is not the forum for a discussion of Slifkin’s books, but to cavalierly describe the controversy merely as a fight over “political correctness” reveals not only a crass ignorance of the books’ content, but also of the basics of Jewish philosophy.

    INT: I understand your point Rabbi, but still, you must admit that there seems to be a double standard here. On the one hand is a simple scholar who feels the swift, full brunt of Rabbinic condemnation for his books, while on the other hand is a powerful well-connected Chareidi-style Rabbi who is accused of grossly unethical and immoral conduct, abusing his Rabbinic position in the most objectionable manner, yet there is only deafening silence. Why?

    RR: I was not involved with the Slifkin controversy and cannot speak for the Rabbis in that case. Nevertheless, there are some obvious differences between the case of Slifkin and that of Tropper. With Slifkin, the evidence was on black and white, and irrefutable – there were published books, and nothing to deny. Also, the books contained many views whose objectionability ran much deeper than merely such questions as the age of the universe. As it was, there were some Rabbis who did not feel that the condemnation was the best approach, even in that case. Either way, the evidence was not the issue, whereas in the case of Tropper, in the face of denials, the evidence is the first issue.

    INT: Rabbi, do you care to make any final comments?
    RR: I would like to remark that this terrible episode has brought great pain and embarrassment to the entire Torah community. If the allegations are proven to be false, those who perpetrated the slander owe a profound apology, not only to Rabbi Tropper, but also to the entire Orthodox community.

    If, however, they are proven to be true, then we have discovered a venomous snake in our midst, an immoral individual who abused his rabbinical position and caused immeasurable Chillul Hashem [desecration to the Name], and shame to our community. We in the Torah community must collectively take swift measures to eradicate this abomination from our midst, and to do all in our power to search and root out any other potential charlatans before they can cause their great harm.

    However, observers from outside our community must be fair-minded. They must not attempt to paint the entire community or its Rabbinic leadership with one ugly broad brush. Nor is it fair or constructive to jump to conclusions over the manner in which internal issues are dealt with by the Rabbis, especially outsiders who do not feel the pulse of the community. Those who do not reside in a community or who are not members of the Orthodox community should respect the fact that their understanding of the issues may be limited, and should be cautious before passing judgment. With attitudes of mutual respect and human sensitivity, problems can be solved and tragedies avoided.

    INT: Thank you very much for your helpful insights and for granting us your precious time, Rabbi.
    RR: You are welcome, and I thank you as well.

    Rabbi Dovid Ribiat Shlita is the author of numerous halachic works including the much acclaimed four volume 39 Malachos of Shabbos published by Feldheim. Rav Ribiat is a mechanech, Posaik, and Rosh Kollel. His clear elucidations of the most intricate aspects of the laws of Shabbos have won him a reputation the world over as a renowned Posaik.

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    14 years ago

    Typical political double talk. It is so unfortunate that we live in a world where the leaders are unable to stand up and lead, where the innocent are treated as guilty and the guilty as Rabbinical leaders.

    I guess the one positive aspect of trailer trash like Tropper masquerading as a rabbi is that it must prove that “ikvisa D’mishicah” is here. Pnei Hador K’pnei Hakelev is so apt a means to describe these events.

    14 years ago

    I’m confused.

    Books are enough to deny due process but tapes are not?

    14 years ago

    This interview really contains little content and is just asking for a lot of trouble.

    14 years ago

    Kol hakovod to rabbi ribiat for clarifying the position of the rabbis.
    I do wantto point out that slifkin was no speedy response. On the contrary they attempted to work and help him for a long time. He refused. He knew it would result in this and chose to do his thing.
    An added point would be that those rabbis who didn’t come out against slifkin would thus be absolved from commenting about tropper. That’s a dangerous road.

    14 years ago

    Kol hakovod to rabbi ribiat for clarifying the position of the rabbis.
    I do wantto point out that slifkin was no speedy response. On the contrary they attempted to work and help him for a long time. He refused. He knew it would result in this and chose to do his thing.
    An added point would be that those rabbis who didn’t come out against slifkin would thus be absolved from commenting about tropper. That’s a dangerous road.

    14 years ago

    R Tropper never publicly denied the allegations. To let this much time go by and not fight it … how can that in itself not be seen as an admission of guilt?

    14 years ago

    The good rabbi failed to answer the question, Why was Slifkin never given an oppurtunity to explain his printed word. Perhaps it was a misprint or someone maliciously planted those words in the book without Slifkin’s knowledge? Why is Tropper being given a chance and not Slifkin? Clearly Tropper’s is an aleged crime against victims whereas Slifkin hurt no-one. Furthermore, Slifkin had backing of gedolei hatorah of other political camps. Could he not be afforded a chance to explain himself or back his philosophy with statements of the greats such as the Rambam and Tiferess Yisroel?

    14 years ago

    Your honoe please instruct the witness to answer the question. Was Slifkin allowed to defend himself or was this a circus court?

    14 years ago

    This is the first statement made by a rabbinical authority that I read or heard which does not defend Tropper while refraining from endorsing him. It comes across with responsibility. Reb Dovid also makes it clear that the allegations, if true, are a terrible blemish to Klal Yisroel, and does not dismiss them with any offhanded swish of the wrist.

    Charlie Hall
    Charlie Hall
    14 years ago

    Pardon my language, but this is a bunch of B.S. That Rabbi Slifkin and his works remain under a ban, while there is still no criticism of Tropper, and Tropper remains in charge of Horizons, shows that we simply can not trust the Charedi leadership today.

    14 years ago

    It is about time someone got the chance to rebute all the slanders being made. Untill now it seems averyone was just competing as to who can make worse accusations against the frum community.

    14 years ago

    Kudos!! finally a Rabbi with a backbone to speak out about the chiyuv & need for Rabbonim to publicly condemn this despicable behaviour.
    “If, however, they are proven to be true, then we have discovered a venomous snake in our midst, an immoral individual who abused his rabbinical position and caused immeasurable Chillul Hashem [desecration to the Name], and shame to our community. WE in the Torah community MUST collectively take SWIFT measures to ERADICATE THIS ABOMINATION from our midst, and to do all in our power to search and root out any other potential charlatans before they can cause their great harm.”
    I hope he doesn’t suffer a backlash for this.
    I would be shocked if the tapes are not authenticated I believe there are even videos & the biggest proof is that tropper never denied it publicly.

    14 years ago

    “With Slifkin, the evidence was on black and white, and irrefutable – there were published books, and nothing to deny. Also, the books contained many views whose objectionability ran much deeper than merely such questions as the age of the universe. As it was, there were some Rabbis who did not feel that the condemnation was the best approach, even in that case. Either way, the evidence was not the issue, whereas in the case of Tropper, in the face of denials, the evidence is the first issue. “

    A bald faced lie. Condemnations came quickly from those unable to read his books in English, and, further, the rabbis refused to speak with him at all.

    14 years ago

    “With Slifkin, the evidence was on black and white, and irrefutable – there were published books, and nothing to deny. Also, the books contained many views whose objectionability ran much deeper than merely such questions as the age of the universe. As it was, there were some Rabbis who did not feel that the condemnation was the best approach, even in that case. Either way, the evidence was not the issue, whereas in the case of Tropper, in the face of denials, the evidence is the first issue. “

    A bald faced lie. Condemnations came quickly from those unable to read his books in English, and, further, the rabbis refused to speak with him at all.

    14 years ago

    The Rabbonim couldn’t spare thirty seconds of thought to banning Lipa. Now they want forensic evidence, without hiring a forensic expert. It’s Catch-22.

    a reader
    a reader
    14 years ago

    i don’t know what rabbi ribiat is talking about. tropper never denied the allegations.
    the interviewer’s comparison with the slifkin affair is completely on point (all the moreso considering that tropper was a major force behind it), and rabbi ribiat’s answers are very unsatisfying. it sounds like rabbi ribiat is so incredibly concerned with ‘due process’, etc., etc. that he is creating excuses/justifications for tropper which tropper himself has never offered.
    rabbosai! the tapes are real! tropper is a sick man, and himself caused a chillul hashem of epic proportions. the current silence by the rabbonim only adds to this chillul hashem. and the present attempt by rabbi ribiat to justify this silence only increases it further.
    we are truly a nation without leaders.

    14 years ago

    The rabbi maybe a good writer on matters of halacha, but the interview doesn’t tell anyone very much. The Slifkin thing is a bit absurd, he advocated a belief the rabbis objected to, no-one said anything against the man himself. The Tropper scandal is a man’s error, Tropper didn’t write a book advocating extra-marital affairs, he did wrong. It is just ironic that hye was so quick to act like Mr. Super righteous while secretly behaving like slime. Nobody has produced a single other allegation of Tropper misbehaving, so we have to assume that it was a one time slip.
    If you ask me the interviewee sounds very pompous, talks about formal investigations, he knows and I know there is no such thing. the illustrious rabbis of Monsey have not yet given a report on Finkel, how long did he sell treif chickens, was it to supply a mistress with extra $$$$, did he think that geirim whose conversions had been overturned were buying the chickens and therefore he was allowed to sell them treif? His ex-father in-law lived opposite Kol yaakov and I think Finkel davened there sometimes when he came to visit the shver.

    14 years ago

    Anonymous, you are speaking nonsense. R’ Slifkin was given six hours to retract his books before the posters came out. And at no point was he given reasons as to why the sources he was relying on were no good. In fact to this day nobody can agree on why the books were banned and what was wrong with them. And R’ Ribiat is mistaken in saying that it was black-and-white. Most of the Gedolim who banned the books did not even read them – and some of them can’t even read English. So it was a matter of relying on the askonim – one of whom was Leib Tropper!

    14 years ago

    Of course nobody mentions Tropper. If his name was Mondrowitz everyone would be ripping him apart.

    14 years ago

    If no one gets it yet, the Chareidi leadership is AWOL. Other people, such as Rav Ribiat Shlita, have stepped in bemakom sh-ain ish.. We need a new dor of talmidei chachomim yarei shamayim to take over

    chief doofis
    chief doofis
    14 years ago

    Rabbi Slikin’s works constitute a bold attempt to reconcile issues between traditional Torah concepts and modern science. Our so called “;leaders” regard any subject outside of the daled amot shel Halacha as verboten. They are afraid that a little knowledge will undermine their authority. The entire Charedi system is designed to buttress this authority. Young men and women are brainwashed (aka flipped) in Yeshivot and seminaries. Young husbands, for example, are told to hire cleaning ladies for their wives (even people who eat from “tamchui”) to prevent their rebelling against a system that relegates wives to servitude. Tropper, on the other hand, even if guilty (and the jury is out) presents no threat the Rabbinic hegemony. At worst, he is a “mushchus”, but at his own expense. If he is proven guilty, they will drop him like a hot potato. Slifkin, on the other hand, by granting legitimacy to a corpus of knowlege outside of the Rabbinic sphere, is a direct threat to their authority.

    Revolutionary thought
    Revolutionary thought
    14 years ago

    This thing stinks so bad nobody wants to touch it. Additionally I think the shame is too great. This is unprecedented by the Yeshivish Velt and the Rabbis simply don’t know what to do. Obviously nobody thinks what he did was right and its not necessary to say its Ossur. You can’t compare it to something ambiguous like Lipa or a Slifkin book. This is clearly Ossur to anyone who heard of the Torah. So now the question is authenticating the tapes. It obviously costs a fortune to authenticate and nobody is coming forward to pay to have them authenticated.

    14 years ago

    does anyone no FACTS about which rabonim said what in support of tropper. ican’t believe it.

    14 years ago

    “once there is incontrovertible evidence, appropriate measures will be taken.”

    Give me a break. The incontrovertible evidence is all over the web. There is no doubt to any sane person that the tapes were not fakes (as it would be close to impossible to replicate the voice, tenor, tone, and timbre of his voice, not to mention his sanctimonious speaking style and the specific details the speaker knows).

    What exactly is Rabbi Ribiat waiting for? Is there a commission that has been convened to review the evidence? Is it taking them more than half an hour to hear the tapes or let a professional hear them? This has been going on for weeks already, and what is worse is that Leib Tropper was already a person with a “Mudene'” reputation.

    I find his explanations and especially his distinctions about Slifkin unconvincing and deceptive.

    For sure
    For sure
    14 years ago

    If Leib Tropper would have been from the Chassidic camp – the Litvish Rabonim would for sure condemn him. But now that it is vice-versa, this is not the case.

    14 years ago

    I have enjoyed learning from Rabbi Ribbiat seforim. They are an excellent reference for our generation. However, I wish he had not responded to give this interview. Although his weak reaction to such an “alleged” terrible act conforms to Halacha he refuses to realize the deep damage that some “rabbonim” are doing to klal yisroel. I am refering to the protectors of “Rabbi T” sic – they are guilty by association. Slifkin is another matter entirely.

    Tanna Kamma
    Tanna Kamma
    14 years ago

    Why are Rabbis have to condemn obviously immoral conduct, is there a concern that others will emulate it??
    Slifkin, on the other hand, was passing off his ideas as normative Jewish thinking and that does require a response…

    14 years ago

    there are also videos!

    14 years ago

    “With Slifkin, the evidence was on black and white, and irrefutable – there were published books, and nothing to deny.”

    R’ Slifkin’s haskamas were also in black and white, as were his clear and kosher sources (i.e. Ramban).

    14 years ago

    If it smells like a rat, if it looks like a rat, and if it acts like a rat, then it must be a rat. Except, when the rat is a rabbi. Did anyone say Tropper ?

    14 years ago

    The rabbonim received money from him, so they are in bad situation, if they speak against him they first look kefuyey tova. Second, they will be asked to return the money which probably already gone or went to other institutes

    14 years ago

    Everything the Rav states about the due process of presenting evidence in a Beis Din is correct. I had the same problem when I was beaten by a Chabad Rabbi and I attempted to get help from the surrounding Chabad Community of Rabbis. They aid I was motzei shem rah. I had no evidence.

    Hack Nisht Kein Chaiynik
    Hack Nisht Kein Chaiynik
    14 years ago

    The Chet of one man Bein Adom Lamokom is grave and may cause an outpouring of anger to relieve him of his position. But he may have done Tshuva and regretted his actions for falling in to his Yetzer.
    Sefarim of Kfira are Kfira and must be banned! How do we compare the two isuues?
    One requires a cherem to stop the dissemination of scientific reasoning that negates the concept of A BOREI OLAM
    The other requires that an individual do Tshuva for himself and the Chilul Shem Shomayim.
    Im terea talmid chochom over aveira balayla Al yeharer achrov Bayom ……. Bevadie usoh tshuvah

    14 years ago

    Its not about tropper Per SE , its about any organazation under his authority.

    The Rabonim should make him step down from any official postion or encourage any donors to not donate to his yeshiva or organazations.

    You have to make a distinction between his private life and the public concerns that are effected by his behaviour.

    EJF: who needs it?

    Horizons: we have plenty of outreach and kiruv orgaganzations in this country and israel. Gatways, arachim, etc.

    Kol yaakov: for the ten guys that are there, just transer them to Ohr Somayach across town whos building is empty as well and can also use a few more bodies these days.

    Borrom line. shut down his institutions ,and then let him deal with his private issues between him and his familly,

    End of story!!!

    14 years ago

    I’m about the give away his seforim. If he doesn’t recognize the voice on the tapes and thinks he needs to do forensic analysis, he’s fooling himself.

    Shame on this Rov.

    14 years ago

    The agenda with Slifkin is amazing.
    There is no comparison between the 2 cases
    Firstly Tropper is no longer involved in BOTH organizations so he has been punished.

    All you had to with slifkin is readhis kfira and you had an answer..

    Shaul in Monsey
    Shaul in Monsey
    14 years ago

    The sad reality of the Tropper affair is that the klal has to be thankful his victims were women and his avla was heterosexual rather than molesting seven year old boys.

    The true double standard is illustrated thru Rabbi Tendler, not Slifkin. R’ Tendler was accused but no evidence was ever produced, even though it was claimed that tapes existed. Here with Tropper the tapes of him in corpus delecti are irrefutable, I myself can validate I’ve heard the man speak and those tapes are 100% him. I don’t know what more R’ Ribiat wants, there is no question the tapes are the Troptrouser.

    kreina da igrisa
    kreina da igrisa
    14 years ago

    Reply to 42: As Rabbi Ribiat says: “If, however, they are proven to be true, then we have discovered a venomous snake in our midst, an immoral individual who abused his rabbinical position and caused immeasurable Chillul Hashem and shame to our community.” I would consider this a condemnation of Tropper also ‘kol haposel bimumo posel.’

    14 years ago

    I am most disappointed with Rabbi Ribiat. He seems to be grandstanding, is evasive with his responses concerning Tropper and is unwilling to take a decisive stand. This lack of moral leadership is a good example as to why the Rabbonim continue to lose the confidence of the masses.

    14 years ago

    Not sure what the point of this interview was

    Politically Correct
    Politically Correct
    14 years ago

    I guess living in the US makes Rabbis also politically correct. I have not heard of this Rabbi B4, so I don’t know him. I think I could have given him a little advise B4 the interview, & that would have been a mishna. Syog Lachochma Shtika. He would have been betteroff not answering an interview than answering in his way.
    BTW Abba Dunner did a better job IMHO.

    14 years ago

    “You know absolutely nothing about beis din and halacha. Rabbi Ribiat is absolutely correct in how the situation must be handled. I am also convinced of the alegations, but that is NOT halachically binding.”

    You are incorrect. The halacha recognizes such things as “Sonei Shumanay” and “Kallah De’Lo Pasek”. Both of these have been well established in this case. Go download and read R Wosner’s psak about Mordechai Tendler where he goes through the sugyah.

    Plenty of folks like to use the Shulchan Aruch to shield sickos like this. Oy Lanu.

    14 years ago

    can someone bring me a 100% source what questions were asked to rabbi tropper
    and what where his answers then if the rabbi’s let me conduct my investigation i will
    find the snake(s)
    better yet give me the phone # of the leading rabbi conducting the investigation
    i& i will give him some irrefutable evidence how to know if he is a liar or not [email protected]

    14 years ago

    The reason the Tropper scandal has not resonated more in the ultra-orthodox community is because most “heimishe” rabbonim never even heard of the guy not of his organization. Tropper mainly operated in obscurity bilking and doling out Kaplan’s money. The heimishe oilam doesn’t really deal with giur issues on a daily basis. It is more an issue in the modern and conservative communities and in the kiruv field. I personally never knew of Tropper nor would I care if he dropped dead tomorrow. If my rabbi were to waste time dealing with this lowlife I would resent it. There are things that effect our community more.

    14 years ago

    After reading and browsing these comments and dealing with individuals who have questions on the actions(or lack thereof) of Gedolim and prominent Rabbonim I have just one comment: How can ANYONE have the chutzpa to begin to imagine that they understand the minds and thoughts of our Gedolim. Minds that have been sharpened far beyond our own by years of learning, and experience in dealing with people on a level that goes beyond our comprehension. We are very smug with self righteous indignation in the confidence of our own intellect to the extent that we fail to recognize that WE ARE LIMITED!! Can we fathom a mind of a Gadol that is able to grasp material at a pace which makes one feel like a mere toddler? Can we fathom a heart that gives to Klal Yisrael on a level that makes one feel utterly selfish? I am not making any judgments on the matter or any matter for that matter whether there is guilt or not. My point is that none of us here sitting in front of our computers are capable of making that judgment with our own feeble minds and hearts. Let those of whom Hashem has given to us as Gedolim decide that, and leave the judging of others up to the Bais Din shel Maalah!!

    14 years ago

    he is right. I just don’t get why when a zionist rabbi says something, the condemnation comes quicker than a parking officer, and it is also easy to void all conversions he did in his entire life …

    14 years ago

    Disgraceful. If Tropper had played some music that someone thought was inappropriate, or wrote a book suggesting that the world is more than 6,000 years old, these rabbis would have abandoned all thoughts of “due process” and been all over him like crunch on a matzoh. The real– and only– reason for their silence is that they don’t care to embarass themselves and their own crowd.

    14 years ago

    to me this is a cry for help from and for the gedolim. why we, as a community do not support them and provide them with the tools they need to act decisively when appropriate is a bigger boosha to us then them. Maybe if every little petzelah would stop trying to argue toe to toe with talmedie chachamim, and would instead be mevatel his da’as to da’as torah, and would open his checkbook to do so as well, then we would live in a society where they gedolim could enforce and would enforce the proper torah values.

    14 years ago

    Cannot say that I find the rabbi’s responses reassuring when there is too much chicanery going on. You had the meat scandal in Monsey two years ago that rabbis lined up to cover themselves from any wrongdoing, and you have the continuing sex abuse scandals that yeshivos and rabbis continue to hide. This terrible scandal which has recently claimed a promising young life will explode if the rabbis do not start becoming mature about life and how to lead Yiddishkeit into the 21st century.

    14 years ago

    I’d just like to point out what it means to say the tapes were fabricated or are not legitimatte. What that means is that Ms. Orland deliberately concocted a scheme to slander. Uhm. Interesting…. She had nothing better to do with her time then to fabricate a story and and a tape to tarnish an innocent man’s reputation. Really? Perhaps Rabbi Tropper should sue her!. … Be real! Do you realize that this is a way of first doubting, and then eventually blaming, the victim? Rabbis often have a habit of this, and they need to stop.