Jerusalem – El Al Pilot Accidentally Takes Sleeping Pill During Flight


    Jerusalem – An El Al pilot took a sleeping pill by mistake about two weeks ago on a flight from Kiev, Ukraine. The pill eventually made him ill, forcing him to leave the cockpit during the flight.

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    The plane, a Boeing 737 with about 100 passengers on board, flew on under the sole command of the co-pilot. The details of the incident, which surfaced through an internal El Al investigation, were obtained by Haaretz.

    The findings of the investigation reveal that the pilot mistakenly took a sleeping pill instead of the blood pressure medication he meant to take. During the course of the flight, the pilot’s senses were dulled and he became disoriented and began to fall asleep. A flight attendant came to his assistance and removed him from the cockpit until he recovered.

    El Al Airlines said in response: “The [co-pilot] acted according to procedure in such cases and allowed the captain to leave the cockpit and recover. After a short time, the pilot recovered, returned to his place and continued with the flight. At no point during the flight were the passengers or the plane endangered.”

    An aviation physician who asked not to be identified, said in principle there is no problem with pilots taking blood pressure medication and flying an aircraf

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    14 years ago

    Why did he have his sleeping pills

    14 years ago

    They let guys with high b/p on meds fly planes? I used to think El Al was safe. No more. I’m keeping my feet on the ground.

    Ed Greenberg
    Ed Greenberg
    14 years ago

    My understanding is that I can’t even get a 3d class (private pilot) medical certificate while taking BP meds, so how is this guy in the air?

    Zach Kessin
    Zach Kessin
    14 years ago

    Just remember everyone thats why they have a copilot. There are 2 people there just in case something happens to one of them. And yes it is possible for one person to fly a 737 alone.

    14 years ago

    Ein lanu lismoch ela avinu shebashamayim

    14 years ago

    Look what time this article was published

    bobov chossid
    bobov chossid
    14 years ago

    We have to thank hashem on every breath we give
    We just don’t realize how many miracles and sayata dishmaya we have every minute

    How about small planes that only have one pilot?

    14 years ago

    Just shows you that people are “pill happy”. Understand the blood pressure pills, but maybe people should start taking warm milk before going to sleep instead of sleeping pills. The pharmaceuticals are making the fortune. With all the medication out there and innovations in technology, never before has there been such a sick society, all over the world. To find healthy people, you have to go somewhere in the Amazon where they have not yet been discovered. Those people have not yet been polluted with all the garbage. Anyway, most importantly, B’H, everything worked out – May HaShem always watch over His creations, and bless every Yid. Hinei lo Yanum v’lo Yishan Shomer Yisrael!

    14 years ago

    Not to long ago a continental pilot died of a heart attack shortly after takeoff. spending that much time in the air does mess with your system.

    14 years ago

    I take a low dose BP med and have had NO side effects whatsoever. But, fortunately, my dr is now happy with my numbers (and so am I.) I can even “operate heavy machinery” safely.

    14 years ago

    I personally think that even though he was a big talmid chochum and a great tzaddik, R’ Avigdor Miller’s zt”l tapes should have a label that says: Do not listen to when driving an automobile or operating heavy machinery. They should make five minute summary tapes for drivers. Something like “Miller light shiur”.