Mount Olive Township, NJ – Town Fined In 911 ‘Nazi State’ Call


    Mount Olive Township, NJ – A northern New Jersey town has agreed to pay $25,000 to a man who was stopped at a roadblock and called 911 and asked the operator if they “lived in a Nazi state.”

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    Mount Olive Township police charged William Duncan Jr. with calling 911 for non-emergency purposes. Duncan spent two days in jail because of the 2002 incident. His conviction was overturned by an appeals court.

    Duncan was driving to a hospital to visit an aunt who had broken her hip when he was stopped at the roadblock by police looking through car windows for contraband.

    Mayor David Scapicchio says the township’s insurance company recommended the settlement.

    In court papers, Duncan claimed the police department harassed him and his family.

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    14 years ago

    Good for him! I wish it had been a lot more $$$

    14 years ago

    I think the chief should have been fired.
    its abuse of power(lead by this chief) that leads to nazi like state.

    14 years ago

    road blocks within reason are a neccesary part of our country’s and community’s safety.obviously this guy could have chosen to cooperate with the police but had a chip on his shoulder for some reason.all of us should respect police officers and be grateful for the dangerous work they do. fyi,when indivisuals abuse the 911 sysyem,it diminishes the system’s ability to respond promptly to real emergencies.

    14 years ago

    Whether or not the person should get fined I am not going to discuss.
    The actual problem has not been dealt with, which is that we are living in a system that is becoming more and more authoritarian, and is starting to bear an eery resemblance to the early regimes of European dictators from the 20’s and 30’s.
    It is absolutely unconstitutional for the police force to randomly inspect the private domain of citizens. This is scary.

    14 years ago

    The NJ state policemen ARE nazi like. From the uniform to the attitude to the amount of leeway they have. After having my own run in with them, I have consequently heard of many similar anecdotes whereby they abuse the power fiven to them. kol hakovod for this individual who stood up to them. I hope they get a deluge of 911 callers with the same question-about past events. hopefully they will pick up on the hint!

    14 years ago

    This guy was rushing to look after his 80+ year old aunt who just broke a hip and he sent her off in an ambulance. He followed shortly thereafter. I think this crazy situation created by the police would frustrate anyone; and especially him in this situation. To then be held up, lectured to for 20 minutes, and later have his mother harassed at 10PM in another town (another jurisdiction) is ridiculous. The town paid up because their behavior was arrogant and borderline unlawful. You cannot target a citizen for speaking out — that’s what they do in a Nazi state. Can you believe it took 8 years to straighten this out? Were I the Mayor I would just have the cops apologize for the unfortunate situation. It would have been cheaper. But no, cops are NEVER wrong, right? And any citizen to addresses their abuse is subject to full legal system harassment. Shame on Mt Olive NJ PD.

    14 years ago

    Maybe a criminal rapist murder should have stopped him. Then he would be complaining about not having any police around. What an idiot!

    12 years ago

    Here is what most people do not know.

    Three cops lied under oath during trial in stating that no ambulance ever passed their checkpoint. The prosecutor lied under oath that police never kept any records of 911 calls to their department. A corrupt judge was informed of this criminal violation and did nothing. The incompetent judge completely ignored a NJ Supreme Court ruling that would dismiss the charge outright. All misused their power, exactly as the Nazis did, to violate my freedoms.

    It was a minor nonsense case that should have resulted in 3 cops, a prosecutor, and a judge serving prison time but the entire legal system is utterly corrupt and will never at this point be fixed. Police can shoot someone point blank and walk away free, and they know it. The Nazis knew it too, and look what happened there. No one fought them, stupid morons excused their criminal actions, and millions died.

    We now live in a police state. Anyone with two eyes should see it clearly, unless their are just as stupid as those in 1933.

    Bill Duncan, Victim of the Police State