New York – Doctor Says Never Underestimate Dangers Of Heat


    New York – Along with the heat wave come some real health risks.

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    But experts say symptoms of heat-related illness are not always easy to recognize. CBS 2 HD has what you need to look out for.

    Some people like it hot, but the heat can be a very dangerous thing. Emergency room Dr. Tod Bania says heat stroke can kill.

    “It could become a very serious life-threatening condition,” Bania said.

    It may start as heat exhaustion but can elevate into heat stroke, and Dr. Bania says victims are not always aware that they are in danger.

    “They may get a little confused and continue to exercise or stay out in the sun and not notice it themselves, so you really have to rely on other people to kind of notice it for you if you’re becoming confused,” Dr. Bania said.

    Other symptoms include high fever, hot, dry skin and rapid heartbeat. Bania said get the victim to a cool place and give fluids and call 911 if the symptoms persist.

    He said the elderly and young are particularly susceptible, and so are those who exercise in the heat.

    “You sweat but the sweat is not able to cool off your body adequately. And your temperature continues to go up and you can develop heat stroke that way,” Bania said.

    In fact, he advises not to exercise at all in the heat and to also stay away from alcohol.

    “Alcohol may alter your perception of how hot it is, and your ability to recognize when you’re developing heat stroke and you may stay out in the heat even longer,” Bania said.

    Finally, those with chronic medical conditions such as asthma or diabetes are advised to be especially wary of the heat.

    “It may not be directly related to an elevation in temperature, but for a lot of people with chronic medical conditions, the medical conditions get worse in the heat,” Bania said.

    And experts say some medicines can impair the ability to sweat, which can also raise body temperatures to dangerous levels.

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    13 years ago

    I already notice more then the usual Hatzolah responses in my area, must be hot weather related.

    13 years ago

    Dr.Bania I understand the heat risks but what can I do that my manager doesn’t, I will have to drive my school bus full with children for 5 hours this afternoon without air condition….

    13 years ago

    I hope all the camps will be careful with the kinderluch.

    13 years ago

    how can it be that some day camps still have packed buses
    with out air cond.
    the kids are on bus for hour with out water and air cond.

    13 years ago

    This heat is EXTREMELY dangerous. You cannot be too careful. If the heat goes out, I’m going window shopping…

    13 years ago

    I meant the AC lol

    13 years ago

    al gore is not saying tachanun today

    13 years ago

    This is no joke. I developed heatstroke and it was terrible. I was working outside and was too confused to realize I was getting sick. Especially if you’re older, be very careful. And be VERY VERY CAREFUL where children are involved.

    Leon Zacharowicz MD
    Leon Zacharowicz MD
    13 years ago

    Heat is extremely dangerous. Children or elderly may be particularly susceptible, if they remain in the heat and are not protected by light-colored, loose clothing, light-colored hats, and do not remain well hydrated with cold water and cold fluids (Gatorade, Poweraid, etc.)

    Early signs of heat stroke may include headache, confusion, and sleepiness, as well as sweating or even the lack of sweating.

    I gave away multiple bottles of cold water today.

    Some drinks, such as caffeinated beverages (tea, coffee, colas) may increase urination and hence make matters worse.

    Jewish law characterizes extreme heat as in some ways more dangerous than the cold.

    Limit time outside, especially during the hottest time of the day (10 am to 4 pm in most locales).

    Be careful.