New York, NY – Thousands of Street Stops by NYPD Were Legally Unjustified


    New York, NY – A new report is calling into question the legality of the NYPD’s Stop and Frisk policy.

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    The study by a Columbia University law professor makes the claim that the highly-touted crime fighting tool is based on race, not crime.

    It’s a rather damning report that challenges the NYPD’s claims that stopping and frisking hundreds of thousands of people every year is constitutional.

    The findings claim the practice is actually targeting blacks and Latinos and yields few results.

    To the NYPD, Its “Stop and Frisk” practice is one of its greatest crime fighting tools.

    To many of those stopped, it seems like racial profiling.

    Now, a new report by a Columbia University Law Professor finds race may drive the policy.

    Professor Jeffrey Fagan analyzed 2.7 million stops made during a 6 year period and found police “often used race in lieu of reasonable suspicion” to make the stops.

    7% of the time, data he says, shows police had no legal justification for the stops.

    24% of the time, the stops lacked enough details to assess whether they were constitutional.

    “That’s a huge problem and means hundreds of thousands of people are having their rights violated,” said Darius Charney, of the Center for Constitutional Rights.

    Continue reading at The NY Times

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    13 years ago

    the sad fact is the community of blacks and espanics account for a crime rate disproportionate to there numbers.the truth is politicly incorrect of course.however there are certain things which in the language of the constitution are self this as it may a social problem or otherwise this is the fact on the ground.the police do not strip search white grannys from the midwest here on vacation.the police want to arrest criminal offenders and not waste time on nonsense.i must give credit to mayor bloomberg on this one and heaven knows i’m not a fan of his.

    13 years ago

    Aren’t a lot of the police themselves blacks and latinos?

    13 years ago

    How did Professor Fagan manage to analyze 2.7 million stops?

    13 years ago

    Those in minority communities who have been the biggest amount of people caught commiting crimes have brought this problem unto their own. It is a shame that decent minority people are affected by NYPD stops, but just who are the police going to look at but those who fit certain profiles.

    13 years ago

    Cowy, what exactly is “espanics”, is it the spanish equivalent of “ebonics” ?

    13 years ago

    (Reply to #5 ) you think cops one day decided to just start scrutinizing blacks and hispanics more then others? No they do this because more then half of prisoners In jail the US are black and hispanic fact is they DO commit more crime then whites, black and hispanic gangs greatly outnumber white ones and be honest with yourself when your walkin down the street by yourself at night you get a little scared when you see a black man walking towards you. The NYPD are not racists they just know which people are bigger risks then others

    13 years ago

    why not?
    why are people so into taking away the cops rights? theyre working for you

    13 years ago

    Reply to everynormalnamewastaken

    Dude you have waaayyy to much time on your hands enough with your droshos go look for a job

    13 years ago

    i will post my last comment on this matter.the liberal views put foward here seems to be of one or another.either mr.#15 is extreamly nieve and believes what he writes is true which hope is the case.or he is an intentional leftest who uses this media as a tool as communists are wont to do.either way its drivel and i wont be drawn out to answer these banal postures.i wont be jew baited on this matter and i stand by all i’ve said.