Annapolis, MD – Testimony of the Orthodox Union On Anti-Bullying Bill (HB 38)‏


    Annapolis, MD – The Orthodox Union today testified at the Maryland General Assembly in support of HB 38, the Nonpublic Schools Accepting State Funds anti-Bullying Bill sponsored by Del. Jeff Waldstreicher. The OU submitted the below testimony and Rabbi Jonah Lerner, the regional director of NCSY’s Atlantic Seaboard region – headquartered in Baltimore – which services hundreds of teens per week, delivered oral testimony at today’s hearing as well.

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    February 24, 2011

    Madam Chair, Mr. Vice-Chair and Members of the Committee:

    The Jewish tradition has long been centered on children. As Lord Sacks, Chief Rabbi of Great Britain & the Commonwealth has written, “Throughout history, Jews were called on to value children. Our entire value system is built on it. Our citadels are schools, our passion, education, and our greatest heroes, teachers. The seder service on Pesach [Passover] can only begin with questions asked by a child. On the first day of the New Year, we read not about the creation of the universe but about the birth of a child – Isaac to Sarah, Samuel to Hannah. Ours is a supremely child-centered faith.”

    So it is no surprise the Orthodox Union, representing hundreds of synagogues and thousands of members across North America, including communities throughout Maryland, supports – as amended – HB 38. And I am privileged, as Director of the Atlantic Seaboard Region of the OU’s youth arm, NCSY and its affiliated Jewish Student Union, to express that support to you today. Here in Maryland, our region’s headquarters, we are active in Greater Baltimore and in Greater Washington with programs serving hundreds of teenagers each week. We work with Jewish day schools on informal religious programming and with local public schools – some twenty in all – on social action and cultural projects.

    When a parent entrusts their child to us, or to a school, they do so with the belief that their children will be safe. It is a charge we take seriously and one that every school – public or nonpublic – that I have ever worked with, takes seriously as well. HB 38 takes that commitment up one notch. It also takes us into the twenty-first century, recognizing that the playground bully now has access to cell phones, cameras and the internet.

    As amended, this legislation requires each school to have an anti-bullying policy. Most schools we work with already have such policies, but we believe every school ought to have one. As well, it ensures that these policies are applied in an internally consistent manner in each school, recognizing that elementary schools, middle schools and high schools each require different options and large schools might need a different policy than smaller ones. Finally, it ensures that there is no new cause of action. The last thing any of us want is for teachers, administrators or other school personnel to be penalized for doing what they believe is right.

    NCSY’s International Director, Rabbi Steven Burg has noted (see op-ed) that there is no place for bullying in “G-d’s world” and reminds us the Talmud quotes the great sage Rabbi Akiva teaching the most fundamental principle of Jewish law is to “love thy neighbor as thyself.” HB 38 is modest attempt at bringing those principles back home – and back to school.

    Finally, the Orthodox Union is appreciative of the sponsor, Delegate Waldstreicher, for his efforts on this important issue. Thank you again for this opportunity. The Orthodox Union and NCSY respectfully request a favorable report of HB 38.

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