Los Angeles, CA – In possibly the first time a mezuzah has ever figured into a presidential race, a Los Angeles based online store specializing in mezuzahs is selling a mezuzah being marketed as “The Rick Perry Mezuzah.” (online here)
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The one of a kind mezuzah, made out of Jerusalem stone, measures twenty six inches long and is being offered for sale on the site for $999.
The MezuzahStore.com was founded by Rabbi Aaron Shaffier who is both a Sofer and self proclaimed mezuzah aficionado. The 34 year old former Californian who now resides in Beitar Ilit also maintains a mezuzah blog on the store’s website, where he writes about different topics pertaining to mezuzahs, including any mezuzah related news.
“Over the past few years, I have seen several instances in Florida, Chicago and Texas where condominium associations have banned homeowners from placing mezuzahs on their doorposts,” R’ Shaffier told VIN News. “Do homeowners have the right to place a mezuzah on their door? If a condominium complex bans mezuzahs, are they encroaching on the residents’ religious rights?”
The Texas Mezuzah Law (HB-3025) was born after Michael and Monica Smith were fined for placing a three inch silver mezuzah on the doorway of their Houston rental apartment in May 2007. After losing a lawsuit for religious discrimination filed against the condominium association, the couple contacted Houston Representative Garnet Coleman to sponsor a bill protecting the right to put up a mezuzah to prevent the problem from recurring in the future.
The bill, passed this past June by Governor Rick Perry requiring homeowners associations to allow religious displays up to twenty five inches in height, piqued R’ Shaffier’s interest.
“Everyone always brags about everything being bigger in Texas. We thought it was humorous that there was actually a law that dictated the allowable size of a mezuzah and decided to make a mezuzah that exceeded that size by just one inch. We weren’t looking to challenge the new law or to make any trouble. We just thought it was a cute idea that could give us great publicity. We couldn’t decide if we should name it ‘The Texas Condo Mezuzah’ or ‘The Rick Perry Mezuzah’. ”
The mezuzah, which had been ordered in the middle of June, was delivered just days before Governor Perry announced that he was throwing his hat into the presidential ring and given the timing, the mezuzah was dubbed “The Rick Perry Mezuzah”.
A spokesperson for the Perry campaign told VIN News that at this time they had no comment on the unique mezuzah bearing the Governor’s name.
Several years ago, the apartment complex in California where I was living was sold. The new owners came through, painted everything, and replaced the doorframes and doors. They did a really nice job. They then banned all outside door hangings, decorations, etc. I ignored them, and put my mezuzah back up using some of what I call “renter’s putty.” The mezuzah faced away from the traffic area, and was totally unnoticeable, until the manager came to the door on some other errand. She told me to take it down. I said no. She said yes, I said, you’ll have my 30 day notice this afternoon.
Next day she comes back, apologizes, and states that the owner had overruled her. Mezuzas permitted.
and if Perry wins in 2012, he’ll put this on the door frame to the oval office…