(VINnews) — Former CNN host and rabid pro-vaxxer Chris Cuomo interviewed a vaccine-injured nurse practitioner highlighted in a blockbuster NY Times article, Sean Barcavage.
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Cuomo disclosed that he is also COVID vaccine injured and offered to share his physician’s contact with Barcavage.
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The NYT just published a bombshell story entitled ‘Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening?’
How about rescinding the prohibition against choice in NYS over Vaccine Exemptions. This was an undemocratic law pushed through in June ‘2019 by the pro-Pharma lobby and liberal democrats. Vote on the bill was scheduled on a Thursday afternoon for the following day -which was the last day of the NYS Legislature, and was snuck through without any room for debate -despite sizable protests outside organized in just a few hours after the prior day’s announcement of the vote. Quite despicable. Not to mention the covid shot mandates against employees in NYC in elsewhere who chose not to poison themselves with the ‘clot shot’.
Interesting how much hate and loshon hora was spued on this site to all those that claimed this same thing two years ago, how they were ridiculed and blamed for murder and going against daas Torah, now when a stupid goy claims the same thing suddenly it’s accepted.
How sad.
Fact We will never get to the truth on covid .
Fredo promoted the clot-shot while on CNN Cuomo Prime Time …brought to you by Pfizer.
I guess NewsNation does not yet much in ad revenue from BigPharama.
A person does the best they can with the tools they have. G-d decides when a person’s time is up.
How about all the lives saved by the COVID vaccine? Does anyone remember when the hospitals were over-crowded by people dying from COVID? Medication is a miracle of modern times. I find it distasteful when “Big Pharma” is portrayed in a negative light. It takes billions of dollars to develop a new medication and then mass market.
It is the socialist philosophy that has pervaded society that advocates that everyone is entitled to everything.