Jerusalem – Over 50,000 people, among them countless gedolim and rabbonim, accompanied Rebbetzin Batsheva Chaya Kanievsky, wife of Reb Chaim Kanievsky and daughter of Reb Yosef Shalom Elyashiv yblc’t, to her final resting place in the Zichron Hachayim Beis Olam in the Shomrei Shabbos section of Bnei Brak.
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Rebbetzin Kanievsky suffered a fatal heart attack shortly after returning from mincha at the Lederman Shul adjacent to her Bnei Brak home on Shabbos afternoon . Attempts by Magen David emergency crews to resuscitate the 79 year old Rebbetzin proved to be unsuccessful.
They levaya began at 10:30 PM Motzei Shabbos outside the Kanievsky home, located on Rechov Rashbam in Bnei Brak. Simchos Beis Hosheiva celebrations that were planned for tonight and countless Shuls and yeshivos in Bnei Brak were cancelled by R’ Aron Leib Shteiman. Due to his poor health, the decision was made not to inform the 101 year old R’ Elyashiv of his daughter’s death until after Simchas Torah.
Rebbetzin Kanievsky, the oldest daughter of R’ Elyashiv, was born in Yerushaylayim and was known to be a tzadekes, even from the time when she was a young girl who would accompany her maternal grandfather, Reb Aryeh Levin Zt’l, to visit and bring food to the imprisoned and unfortunate.
Elderly residents of Meah Shearim recall that while the city was being shelled during the Six Day War, the shelling would stop when she would walk down the street. Forced to go to work to earn money to help support the family, the Rebbetzin would wake up in the predawn hours in order to say the entire Sefer Tehillim to protect her from any improprieties or other issues that might occur while working in a place that employed both religious and non religious Jews.
After her marriage, as men came to R’ Chaim Kanievsky to seek both blessing and advice, their wives sought out Rebbetzin Kanievsky for advice and blessings of her own. As time went by and the Rebbetzin’s blessings came to fruition, Rebbetzin Kanievsky’s reputation spread by word of mouth and countless men and women, from all across the religious spectrum, came to seek both the warmth and counsel of the Rebbetzin who was described by one regular visitor as “the greatest woman who has lived since the time of Miriam the Neviah”.
When R’ Chaim Kanievsky once went to R’ Elyashiv for a bracha when he fell ill, R’ Elyashiv is reported to have said to his son-in-law? “Why are you coming to me for a bracha? Go to my daughter, your wife. Her bracha is worth more than mine.”
The Rebbetzin was known to sleep only three to four hours nightly and other than taking a few moments for small meals, she spent her day either accepting visitors or davening. She would be the first one at Shachris, reciting Perek Shira and Tehillim and distributing brachos until it was time for shachris. From the moment she finished davening, the Rebbetzin was surrounded by those seeking her blessings and she was known to always give them freely and with a smile.
Baruch Dayan HaEmes. What does halacha say about not notifying family members in fear that such news may be too much to handle? It’s not uncommon for parents in their mid 90s or reaching 100 to see their children dying.
Ask your Rav!
She sounds like a truly exceptional woman! I am sad to hear of her passing.
Are there any here on this forum who new her & her family personally? How are the family doing? Are they coping ok? Poor souls…
Let them know they have friends all over who are mourning the loss of such a great soul, with them. (:-(
G-d bless.
to #5 !idiot!!are you using your real name??wish i’d know who you are ,i would strangle you for saying such stupid words.she was such an emessdige tzadekess!!!!ask anyone who went with her.ofcourse she may not always have been right,she aint hashem alone!!!but emunas chachamim also happens to be here in a rebetzen,she was trully amazing!in all respects,so please keep your stupid comments to yourself next time.stupid idiot
Baruch Dayan Emes. The first concern is for the health of the one receiving the bitter news. I have no doubt that great Rabbis and Gedolim were in full agreement to refrain from giving the news immediately, and each case, when it comes to such matters, are decided on an individual basis. My wife received brachas from the Rebbitzen, the loss for us and all of Yisroel is beyond measure. This was more than just a great woman, far more.