Teaneck, NJ – Kosher Supermarket Providing Food To Those Without Electricity


    Zevi Greenberg from New Square standing behind the counter serving walk in'sTeaneck, NJ – Among the many areas hard hit by Saturday’s snowstorm was Teaneck, New Jersey which as of this morning still had approximately 7000 residents without power.

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    While stories of downed power lines and fallen trees abound, equally abundant are the stories of chesed as those who have electricity do their best to aid those who are still in the dark.

    Teaneck Kosher Supermarket, located on Teaneck Road at the corner of Forest Avenue, one of the few businesses in the area that has electricity, has been serving free suppers to anyone who has been left without power. The supermarket served 700 dinners on Monday night, 1,000 dinners last night and is gearing up for even more people tonight.

    “When my boss, Shia Schonfeld, came in on Sunday and he saw it was dark all around us he decided to take advantage of the fact that we had electricity and share our wealth with those who didn’t. He said ‘let’s make food,’” said night manager Yitz Stern. “Everyone is so thankful to get piping hot food to take home to their families and to warm them up, at least a little.”

    Last night’s menu included chicken, hot dogs, chicken cutlets, chicken nuggets, rice, kasha varnishkes, split pea soup and chicken soup and Stern says they are planning to serve supper again tonight from 4 – 10 PM to anyone from anywhere who does not have power in their own home.

    This isn’t the first time that Teaneck Kosher Supermarket has given away free suppers, having done the same thing for three consecutive nights in March 2010 when a vicious Nor’easter knocked out power to the area, killing two local residents on their way home from Shul after Shabbos.

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    13 years ago

    The owners are huge baalei chesed and many people in the community, myself included, benefited from this gracious gesture.

    13 years ago

    Another link to the chain of proof that religious Jews (witch is less then 1/10 of a percent of the population) are always the first to do chesed (good deeds and helping others) with all the people. No matter who it is Jews and gentiles alike

    13 years ago

    Now lets hope that the yiddeshe community comes back when the lights come back on and do all the shopping they can here rather than saving a few pennies at the supermarkets which are probably cheaper for certain prepacked kosher products.

    13 years ago

    Shea we are very proud of you! we still remember how many chesed you did as a volunteer for Chesed of New Square!

    13 years ago

    Yasher Koach! The owners have performed a true mitzvah, with compassion and kindness!

    13 years ago

    shea (fred) lives next to me and when i lost power to my house due to hurricane irene shea was the first to offer that i could connect my electric to his house. and i was connected for a few day. thanks again

    13 years ago

    Hearing about such acts of Chesed make me more proud to a frum Jew with each passing day. How many people in this world (Jewish and not Jewish) have and don’t give when people are in need. I hope people take a lesson from this individual.

    13 years ago

    chanukah lights a month early, as simple as it is this is what this is…
    Another meal another family another brick towards the kodesh hakadashim construction site…
    When people like this rise above themselves and kindle little candles like these, candles of light, candles which illuminate the dark times in which we live in, that is when we know, we just know…
    Next time when people you know, want to bad mouth jews of any sort, please tell them about chanukah in teaneck n.j.

    13 years ago

    Shia I know you’re reading this I just want to tell you I’ve been exceptionally blessed to have know’n you and be your close friend all these years, Knowing you this story does not surprise me at all your generosity and warm heart always amazed me, Now to all readers living in teaneck make it a priority to shop at teaneck kosher and show your appreciation to such a ba’al chesed.
    Your good friend YM

    13 years ago

    I am not from Teaneck nor O or MO but still find the kindness of this market owner to be but a magnificent act of kindness towards his community members of any level or background. Shia Schonfeld appears to be the best of the best and I wish him nothing but good things.

    13 years ago


    Just when I think everyone in this country is going through a crazy-case of “ME! ME! ME!” and “MY MONEY! MINE!”….

    I see a story like this, and I still have hope! (lol)

    G-d bless this Supermarket! I’m sure they are helping many, many families!

    It’s wonderful! (:-D

    13 years ago

    kiddush hashem keep up doing chesed hashem should repay you kifly kiflyim

    13 years ago

    Shea Yitzchock and Aron Yoinesen:
    Keep up your great work!!