New York, NY – Political Stars Speak On Security At Agudah Breakfast


     Jarrod Bernstein, who was recently appointed as President Obama’s liaison to the Jewish community at the podiumNew York, NY – In the latest example of its sophistication and political influence, Agudath Israel hosted a dozen local elected officials at its second annual legislative breakfast near Wall Street. This year’s theme addresses security concerns, speakers included elected officials, U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch, and Jarrod Bernstein, who was recently appointed as President Obama’s liaison to the Jewish community.

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    “We’ve realized an unprecedented level of military cooperation with the state of Israel,” said Bernstein.

    “The administration requested $2.775 billion specifically for assistance for military cooperation with Israel. That’s the largest request in U.S. history.” Bernstein added that American economic sanctions on Iran are creating economic instability, something that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad acknowledged before his parliament. “That’s not something you hear every day in Tehran,” said Bernstein.

    Prior to assuming his current position, Bernstein served as an official at Homeland Security, which according to Agudah Exec. Vice President Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, made the mitzvah of lulav possible this year. “Lulavim from Egypt, 200,000 sets, were being held up three days before Yom Kippur,” said Rabbi Zwiebel. “We reached out to Jarrod and within a few hours the lulavim were released.”

    Speaking on the changing tactics of Al Qaeda, Lynch spoke her office’s cooperation with federal and local law enforcement agencies in preventing acts of terrorism. “Our primary focus is the prevention of terrorist attacks before they occur,” Lynch said. “The nature of the threat has shifted. The mobilization of the lone wolf terrorist, coached by the larger group but acting alone. Another shift is the rise of the home-grown terrorist.” Lynch listed off a list of recently thwarted terrorist attacks, noting that some 400 individuals have been prosecuted over the past decade for attempting to organize attacks. These individuals received Al Qaeda’s message through strategic marketing via the internet and a magazine. Lynch added that two of Al Qaeda’s American-born propagandists were recently terminated by air strikes.

    Full story at Jewish Star

    Photos video credit: Shmuel Lenchevsky
     U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch

    Speech By U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch.

    Speech video below by Jarrod Bernstein, who was recently appointed as President Obama’s liaison to the Jewish community.

    Speech by Rep. Jerry Nadler

    U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer addressing the Agudath Israel of America Legislative Breakfast. Left to Right: Rabbi Shmuel Lefkowitz Agudath Israel of America’s Vice President for Community Services, Rabbi David Zwiebel, ESQ. Executive Vice President, Rabbi Gedaliah Weinberger Chairman of the Board, Jospeh Zelmanovitz Breakfast Chairman and Partner at Stahl & Zelmanovitz, Joseph B. Stamm President and CEO of Med Review, Event Sponsor, Jonathan Zalisky Senior Community Relations Coordinator of Health Plus, Event Sponsor, Chaskel Bennett Board of Trustees of Agudath Israel of America, and Congressman Bob Turner.

    Rabbi David Zwiebel, Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America, speaking at the Agudath Israel of America Legislative Breakfast.
Foreground: Marshall L. Miller Assistant US Attorney, Deputy Chief Criminal Division, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, Rabbi Michael Miller CEO Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, David Moskovits, Abe Biderman Chairman of Shuvu, Jonathan Schenker Senior Adviser to Congressman Bob Turner, Joseph Zelmanovitz Breakfast Chairman and Partner at Stahl & Zelmanovitz.

    Ezra Friedlander CEO of the Friedlander Group, Jarrod Bernstein Director of Jewish Outreach at the White House, Rabbi David Zwiebel, ESQ. Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America, the Honorable Loretta E. Lynch United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, Joseph B. Stamm President and CEO of Med Review, Event Sponsor, Jospeh Zelmanovitz Breakfast Chairman and Partner at Stahl & Zelmanovitz, Abe Eisner, Chaskel Bennett and Shlomo Werdiger, members of Board of Trustees of Agudath Israel of America.

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    12 years ago

    They pulled out all the stops and shows!! Keep fighten the good fight Lynch!

    12 years ago

    Jarrod spoke great – was there and he made such an impact on the audience.

    12 years ago

    The sophistication is do the agudah finally letting in younger askanim like Chaskell Bennett who really gets it!

    12 years ago

    People have “gotten it” all the time. Hence we are seeing a change in the Agudah- They finally added some top of the line higher ups (Joe Z) to fight their good fight-

    12 years ago

    Mr. Bernstein, White House Director of Jewish Outreach, said: “…I have a vested interest in a strong and vibrant Jewish community here, one that is safe and secure from all kinds of issues.”

    He’s referring to child abuse.

    12 years ago

    Too bad frumme askanim are always tied up in things related to fear and diminishing the Constitution rather than inter community harmony and reducing war.