Washington – The White House says Israel needs to recognize the role “public opinion” in the Middle East will play in efforts to negotiate peace with the Palestinians.
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Obama adviser Ben Rhodes said Thursday the pro-democracy Arab Spring movements have changed the political dynamic in the region. He said the peace process no longer will just require Israel to have the support of individual leaders in the region, but the public as well.
The most dramatic shift in the region has been in Egypt, which has a peace treaty with Israel. Newly elected leaders from the Muslim Brotherhood party are viewed with suspicion by some Israelis, though the government has vowed to uphold the treaty.
Obama arrives in Israel on Wednesday. He will also make stops in the West Bank and Jordan.
“Public Mid East Arab” in other words: no peace process should be attemted, as the infidel Israel who is the cause of all problems, has no right to exist. Only an Islamic state should be occupying Jerusalem and the rest of Israel.
I agree
Ben Rhodes, you’d think would know better or is pretty dense. No one in their right mind would even entertain any thought that what’s happening in the Middle East over the last two years is democracy!
Egypt has sunk into complete chaos without any light at the end of the tunnel.
Syria with over 70,000 civilians killed in 2 years, is a complete basket case, at best.
Rhodes expects Israel not only to play nice with these corrupt madmen who lead the madness but also with the average arab from the street.
I say Rhodes needs a team of doctors to examine him, poor soul!
So do they have to give away their underpants as well? At what point does this “evolving” peace process stop and satisfy “everyone”.
How about just telling these democracies to mind their own business, besides is the Muslim Brotherhood a Democracy?
On the contrary, things are so unstable, its no time to make peace and compromise security.
Such propaganda. The Arab Spring is a misnomer. There’s no push for democracy, rather, already shabby governments were overthrown by Islamists, except in Tunisia which is struggling and in oil-rich countries like Saudi Arabia which quickly gave big cash payouts to the citizenry.
It’s a bad time for company to come — What a fiasco. Stay home, man.
If you do not make peace when you are on top, you will have peace forced upon you when you are on the bottom.
Same old, same old. Israel is the problem and must (a) give up territory (b) compromise security (c) play nice with the bullies or (d) all of the above. Come on, Mr. Ben Rhodes – just admit you are a proponent of the new anti-Semitism and that way you won’t have to make foolish pronouncements that contradict the facts!
Didn’t obama say he coming to listen not to lecture. It seems like he can’t control himself.
2 states is not enough in Israel. 4-5 may be better. One for Jews, one for Sunnis, one for Shiites, one for Druze, and one for Christians. And the Jewish one will get a generous half an acre.
Israel is the only DEMOCRACY in the middle east and the only stable union/country/state whatever you choose to call it. Now is the most crucial time to stay strong and show leadership and courage. Now is the worst time to give in to pressure of “public opinion”. Now is the best time to show strength and determination. A leader who gives in to public opinion is NO leader at all. A country who gives in to public opinion has no strength or viability.
A leader must do what is best for his own country and not what his surrounding enemies want! What an absolutely stupid thing to say! Should South Korea give in to what North Korea dictates? Is that how these two bordering countries work? Does Germany allow Russia to dictate to them how they should run their country? Does Russia care about Public Opinion? For that matter does Saudia Arabia, Jordon or Lebanon? How about the Gaza? Do they care that Public Opinion requires them to get rid of Hamas? Just asking….
This is more of the same community activist/antagonist agenda that propelled the presidential campaign. Make is personal and make your opponents look like dirt.
It’s thanks to Obama (like Carter) that the Mideast is being run by the loonies.
Seems like “public opinion” is not much more than the Arab Street ( and J Street) It’s time for Jewish Street, Hindu Street, Christian Street, Buddist Street et cetera to ramp it up!
Politicians are so busy with “Public Opinion/ Polls” & how they are viewed by the public, that it clouds their judgement & their ability to govern. Every policy decision is made based upon how many votes will be gained or lost by it’s implementation.
“Public opinion” be damned! We have suffered and ARE suffering the repercussions of considering public opinion over the Word of G-d. Let’s pay attention to what matters – NOT the fickle voice of Jew-hating nations but of HKBH!!
well Mr. president…public opinion is against same sex marriage, is against Obama Care, is pro guns, is against blanket amnesty for illegal immigrants…..so which one of those are you going along with when it comes to public opinion?