New York – Police Continue Searching Group Of Teenagers Believed To Be Behind ‘Knockout Game’


    Politicians, and Community leaders in Crown Heights Nov. 19 , 2013 with NYPD officials to discuss the ongoing investigation into the incidents/(Arya Rabinovits/, NY – The assaults are called the Knockout game, where innocent people are sucker-punched in the head.

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    The most recent attack was on an elderly woman in Midwood on November 9. This followed eight similar attacks on Jewish people in Crown Heights, according to NY Assemblyman Dov Hiknd.

    Nothing was stolen from the 78-year-old victim of the most recent attack. She was walking on East 5th and Avenue L in the afternoon when a man approached, hit her on the head, and left.

    “It is critical that people are aware of what’s happening,” said Assemblyman Hikind. “It is critical that they report any and all occurrences like this to the police immediately. And it is critical that the police make every effort to arrest these cowards and thugs who target the elderly and target children, attacking them for amusement.”

    The Hate Crimes Taskforce is now looking for suspects in the attacks.

    Meanwhile, Public Advocate-elect Letitia James, Councilman David Greenfield, Councilman-elect Chaim Deutsch, and community leaders met in Crown Heights yesterday morning with NYPD officials to discuss the ongoing investigation into the incident and a $1,000 reward for information that leads to any arrests. Anyone with information about these incidents is urged to contact the NYPD’s anonymous Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS.

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    11 years ago

    Really scary.

    11 years ago

    The NYPD has been very slow in going after these GROUPS not group of African American teens doing this nazi like stunt.

    11 years ago

    B’haimas- Where’s my buddy Al Sharpton when I need him?

    11 years ago

    This is also known as Happy Slapping and is usually perpetrated by black youths looking for a laugh. They randomly select a victim who is in a relaxed state of mind I.e smoking a cigaret on a bench, reading a subway map or spacing out on the bus. Then WHAM!

    11 years ago

    I was in CH on Monday. It is very scary and everyone is on edge.


    11 years ago

    Sad situation. Reminds me of what NYC was like growing up, before Giuliani. It’s amazing how naive many New Yorkers were during the past campaign to believe that we can tie the hands of police without making the bad guys feel like they can rule the streets again. I hope the lessons they need won’t be too painful.

    11 years ago

    Thank you Mr. DeBlassio. You suckers all voted for him. Now look what you get in return. Lest anyone say but one second Bloomberg is still mayor how can you blame DeBlassio. The answer is the tone is set already. His “progressive” anti stop & frisk policies are already out there. In fact a caller on the Brial Lehrer show thsi morning calimed that her boyfriend a cop was recently told in training to discontinue stop & frisk. Welcome back David Dininks.

    11 years ago

    Of course, the cops cant use stop & frisk anymore, as we might insult a few idiots. In the meantime innocent people are getting assaulted. What a stupid administration we have.

    11 years ago

    Anyone who takes martial arts knows to be alert at all times. Whenever I’m in the 5 boroughs I never let anyone walk behind me. Be vigilant And carry mase.

    11 years ago

    Seems like the natives are practicing for the next 4 years. Yidden wake up and do WHATEVER you have to do to protect your family.

    11 years ago

    carry a baseball bat and if you get hit whack him back with your louiseville slugger

    11 years ago

    its a wake up call to do tehshuvah…. nothing has changed since kristalnacht
    we get sometimes comfortable when things are quiet .
    if we can ask hashem for gezunt parnosah and nacess from our kids .
    then we can ask for moshiac also , because that will take care of all world problems , even the goiem and even the earth will feel the difference.
    we all want and need moshiac now

    11 years ago

    I studied the martial arts and also learned to have a ‘sixth sense,’ to scan my environment, to keep a distance between punks and the like and me, and to try not to let anyone get up close behind me.

    Then I started texting and using the cell phone.

    This is the best invention for those who wish to rob or assault us.

    11 years ago

    They should catch few of those thugs, make a public trial and give them a vicious amount of years in jail.
    I promise you it will stop this “game” at ones!

    11 years ago

    To all you guys asking what Stop and Frisk has to do with this, open your minds a bit and learn some history. Stop and Frisk was only one of the components of Mayor Giuliani’s crime fighting philosophy, which made police very proactive and drove them to actively pursue even the most minor of crimes.

    The political and legal battle against a Stop and Frisk, replete with police bashing, is not in isolation. It drives police to be complacent and risk averse. When the police are not confident and working full throttle, the criminals are. It’s a zero sum game.

    11 years ago

    it will stop when vigilantism begins to spread. people get fed up and take the law into their own hands….they catch one and beat them within an inch of their lives or even kill them…a few of these and it’ll stop

    11 years ago

    Is חפצעם still alive??? Remember those days???

    11 years ago

    1. The FBI SHOULD BE INVOLVED if not go to your politicians to demand an immediate involvement like today. Two reason FBI have to get involve; it is a racist crime lnterstate and anything interestate the FBI must be involved. Example transferring funds by wire.

    2. Get our Jewish politician involve and demand press time and news feature. Go on MSNBC, NYT, Daily News.
    3. Demand to know what the news media are covering up and not publishing up. If it was Jews punching blacks, Al [not so sharp] sharpton would had bus loads of agertaters on the spot .
    4 Have Congress set up a community to see if there pressure from the White House to keep down the news on these hate crimes.
    5. Why has not the police investigated from where this videos are being download from. Where they are being down loaded has a code and that is an address. The address can lead to the people involved. Why haven’t the police down this or they are being told to not start up with race relations. This must be check out. Jews in America do not have to be anybody’s punching bag whether, white, asian, hispanic, black, etc etc.
    6.Protest, by city hall, Albany, and or the White House. We have the most crooked adminis

    11 years ago

    cont. crooked adminstration ever so nothing could or would surprise me. Just look at the news yesterday that the Jew growth rates in September of 12 were a totally lie.

    7. Don’t stop. Somebody has been killed and more will get killed so it has to stop now
    8 Remember demand to know where the video were downloaded to utube

    11 years ago

    Hmmm and it’s never a bias crime. A good head knock can also lead to amnesia so always carry ID on you

    11 years ago

    This has been going on all over the country so do not bring in kristelenacgh no comparison