Stockholm – In a bold move meant to bring her cause to light, a Swedish Jew filed for asylum in the country where she lives – Sweden.
The Times of Israel ( reported that on Monday, November 18, Annika Hernroth-Rothstein, a 31-year-old political advisor and mother of two filed for asylum based on her steps to protest anti-Semitic measures taken in Sweden to ban kosher slaughter, ritual circumcision and possible importation of kosher meat into the country.
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Rothstein hopes this act will bring awareness to the issue of anti-Semitic actions in Sweden, and bring private discussions from social media, family dinner tables and synagogues to the political forefront as a severe problem that needs to be addressed.
Proposals in Sweden and Norway hoping to ban ritual circumcision and a resolution by the Council of the European Union reproving the practice show signs of rising anti-Semitism in Europe. Rothstein said she has been told to forget her cause and that the only solution for Jews living Europe is to move, but she’s not willing to accept that answer.
Rothstein brought her position to light in an article published on the Mosaic Magazine website, which announced her petition to be documented as a refugee in Sweden. In her article, Rothstein says that kosher slaughter was deemed illegal in Sweden in 1937, and circumcision bans are on the rise, gaining both public and political support.
So far, Rothstein she has been getting overwhelmingly positive responses from all over the world despite the silence of the Swedish community. She does acknowledge, however, that she expects more negative reactions in the future in addition to the negativity already received.
“I want people to understand that this is not just a ploy…It’s about holding the government accountable.”
You have to admire the lady’s guts and of course she is right on principle. However she shouldn’t hedge her bets that anything will drastically change and might be better off packing her bags and moving to a more Jew-friendly land.
Perhaps a rally at the Swedish embassy would help. They would never do this to Muslims for reasons of fear.
Sweden is the land of contrast. Raoul Wallenberg was a Swede but Count Bernadotte was an anti-Semite. Currently Sweden has a large Arab influx which fuels the local dormant anti-Semitism . During WWII Danish Jews were channeled across the Skagerrak to Sweden for safe haven from the Nazis. Sweden during WWII produced accurate bombsights for German bombers
Good for her! Winning against the powers of lapsed concern.