Washington, D.C. – In her first public comments since the case broke, D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier said the department has established a hotline number for anyone who believes they may have been unwitting victims of accused Georgetown voyeur Rabbi Barry Freundel.
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WASHINGTONPOST.com (http://wapo.st/1wCNYfK) reports that in her monthly appearance on D.C.’s NewsCahnnel 8, Chief Lanier cautioned that it will take “some time” for the case to develop due to the painstaking task of investigators having to “comb” though Freundel’s computer and storage devices seized in searches, while admitting it will likely be “agonizing” for potential victims.
Lanier said potential victims can call the U.S. attorney’s office at (202) 252-7585, or, reach authorities at [email protected].
Lanier also announced that by accessing the website, www.justice.gov/usao/dc/programs/vw/bernard_freundel.html. potential victims who are “part of this larger family” will be able to get updates on the how the case against Freundel is progressing.
Reached on Tuesday following Lanier’s announcement, Freundel’s attorney declined comment.
Nebech, this “rabbi” created so much misery for thousands of people. Doesn’t seem to be showing any remorse either.
What other investigation has a dedicated webpage for updates and a hotline? This smells of a plan against the Rabbi.
A hotline not a bad idea. Why not?
After all Rabbi Barry Freundel and his family are a big Rachmones that at this stage of his life should have such a huge downfall.
But wait a minute,isn’t he a modern orthodox rabbi? a mo highly intelligent person to do such perverted stuff? na,it cant be.
We keep on hearing that only chassidim are abusers of children and women. And please don’t tell me that the ultra -orthodox community’s problem that they are covering for abusers.Because there were rumors flying around for years about rabbi Freundel’s misbehavior towards women and still until he wasn’t caught red handed the Rca and his shull didn’t do anything.
My understanding from reading the news is NOT that ONLY Chasidim are abusers & molestors, but that they tend do defend their own more than any other group and tend to blame the victim. In this case, clearly the shul looked the other way, but the MO community seems to be quite embarrassed by this Rabbi’s actions now that they have been made public. The Chareidim would probably throw this guy a fundraiser.
Perhaps all of you should wait until and if there’s a conviction before you spew all your Lashon hara. Is it really worth that Aveira???
This must be one of the best all time Chillul Hashem.