Brooklyn, NY – State Court Declines To Halt Kaporos Ritual By Orthodox Jews


    Photo illustrationBrooklyn, NY – On Monday, a Manhattan Supreme Court justice gave the go-ahead for the 2,000 year-old Orthodox practice of Kaporos to begin in Brooklyn after clipping the wings of a challenge from a local animal rights group who claimed the ritual was inhumane and unsanitary.

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    Subscribe to our Daily Roundup Email ( reports that Supreme Court Justice Debra James didn’t see eye-to-eye with the suit brought by the Brooklyn-based Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos who named the city, the NYPD, and local Jewish leaders as defendants in their suit which portrayed the Jewish ritual in court documents as “carnival-like and chaotic public nuisance.”

    Reaction from the Jewish community was swift and jubilant.

    “No one has the right to change our religion,” said joyous 27 year-old Yossi Ibrahim from Crown Heights. “This ruling proves we can’t be touched.”

    Alliance to End Chickens attorney Nora Constance Marino said she was “devastated” by the ruling.

    “To be forced to endure opening up your front door annually to a mass animal slaughter is just dumbfounding,” Marino said.

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    Active Member
    9 years ago

    This is how the 2 day a year Jews deal with guilt. Get a life.
    I have been doing kaporas for decades in various Brooklyn locations and I yet to find one done by any sidewalk. It is usually by a school, whether a sideyard, backyard, or a fenced in schoolyard.
    Instead of feigning concern over “50,000 chickens”, go file lawsuits to stop the far more dangerous 4th of July illegal fireworks.

    9 years ago

    Unless her allegations are true, this lady needs a life.

    9 years ago

    While this lawsuit has a secondary agenda, they are correct that the traditional form of shluggin kaporos with a chicken creates a terrible mess and stench and a lot of tzar baalei chayim. Many chashuve rabbonim have paskind you can be mekayem the mitzvah of kaporos by using a kosher fish or even silver coin. This would make much more sense than the use of chickens. Either way, a gmar tov to all.

    9 years ago

    Marino, Why dont u try to stop the human slaughtering (Killing) or the drugs? instead of being bz with chickens ,
    Now that the court had turn u down start the real thing to stop the daily human killings all over

    9 years ago

    These all antisemite people got a learn a lesson already thet you cant fight religious stuff that we doing already for decades, that includes mtziza bpah & now kapuros.

    9 years ago

    what a shame that this barbaric, cruel procedure is being allowed to continue when doing kaporos with money is just as acceptable.

    9 years ago

    To #6 ,7 etc etc (assuming you are different people)

    You want to use money – go right ahead. Nobody is stopping you. Most of us want to use chickens. That is now our LEGAL right as well as our religious one. So we will continue to do the tradional Kapores method & you can use A LOT of money which no doubt, you donate to an organization that feeds the poor. If you need suggestions of such deserving mosdos, I have a few. Gmar Chatima Tova.

    9 years ago

    No one bothers to clean up afterwards and blood and feathers are all over. How unsanitary is that?

    9 years ago

    What do all the screamers say about the goat that gets thrown off a mountain????

    9 years ago

    The mitzvos of avoiding tsar ba’alei chayim and tikun olam certain take priority over a barbaric minhag from the alte heim to use live chickens. No where in the torah does it say to grab a chicken and shlug kaporos…just some nameless rabbonim in the alte heim decided that was what was available so they made it a minhag, NOT a CHIYUV M’doraisah.