Tzanz-Klausenberg Rebbe: ‘Who Wants To Be A Murderer Even By Accident?’


NEW YORK (VINnews) — The Tzanz-Klausenberg Rebbe of Boro Park harshly criticized people who are ignoring public health regulations and continuing to immerse in mikves and make public minyanim. (The rebbe was referring to males, as mikves for females have higher levels of hygiene.)

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The rebbe, who is the brother of the Tzanz Rebbe of Netanya, Israel and son of the Shefa Chayim of Klausenberg, spoke at a special guidance talk for his Chasidim and said that those who show contempt for the regulations are “light-headed” people, since a person is not the owner of his body and has no right to harm himself, as it is written “one who knowingly causes his own death has no portion in the world to come.”

“Suddenly they are Tzadikim,” the rebbe said scornfully, adding that “are they such Tzadikim on other matters? The Torah warned specifically about guarding one’s body and soul and one who endangers himself is akin to one who detests the wishes of his Creator. There is no greater contempt than that.”

The rebbe stressed that “obviously praying with a minyan is very important but that is only when the situation allows for it.” He pleaded with his Chasidim: “Have mercy on yourselves and your families, look how many Jews have passed away. Have mercy on your fathers and mothers. Who wants to be a murderer, even by accident?

“I know that there are those that will say I am paranoid and that I have gone through something myself (the rebbe lost his mother to the coronavirus a few weeks ago). But to them I say: ‘It’s a Mitzvah to be a fool all one’s life and not commit one evil act all of one’s life.’ The halacha is that we desecrate the Shabbos for a sick person even for temporary respite meaning even if he will live another ten minutes, and here people are allowing themselves to show disrespect for the entire lives of others?”

The rebbe added that at the beginning when people did not understand the severity of the virus one could understand people not strictly following the regulations but at present when all have seen already the disastrous results we must be especially careful and only go out for essential purposes and after taking proper precautions as advised by doctors as well as maintaining maximum hygiene.

“Some people say that ’emissaries of mitzvas will not be harmed, and of course those who claim this are ignoramuses, since the gemara says that where their is a possibility of being harmed one may not place oneself in danger even for a mitzvah,” the rebbe added, concluding that “a person must do all in his power to protect his body and soul and not listen to all the fools and idiots who are immersing in mikves and in mikves for utensils. These people are genuine murderers.”

Notice at Boro Park Mikve: With great joy we announce the opening of the Mikve

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4 years ago

The picture is of the Rebbe in Eretz Yisroel.

4 years ago

I can’t wait to hear from all the rotzchim who will say that this Rov doesn’t know what he’s talking about or that he was misled as to the true facts or some other reason not to listen to him.

Boro parker
Boro parker
4 years ago

Response to fellow who feels shul takes too long.
Find yourself a different shul. There are shuls that Daven and don’t shlep. No mishberachs. Davening in Shabbos takes one hour and a half tops. There are all types of shuls. Too long davening leads to much talking.

4 years ago

As the Rebbe pointed out, one way to fend off the Covid virus is to show Kovid to others and to oneself by listening to the hundreds of rabbonim who have implored Yidden to not daven in a minyan .

4 years ago

There is good reason he didn’t say porch minyanim are fine

Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders
4 years ago

By his mother’s funeral he came out fully protected and said that people shouldn’t come and also in kiryas tzanz they didn’t let people come

4 years ago

What a true צדיק and leader. I’m proud to have Tzanzer genes from many generations back. And about davening at home – I agree 100%. I find the hardest ניסיון for me is to daven with a minyan in the morning. I can get up without a problem, I just abhor being together with all those … people with their idiotic mannerisms and clapping and haughtiness. I can manage mincha and maariv. But schachris! Give Me a Home, where the Buffalo don’t Roam.

ah yid
ah yid
4 years ago

Other rebbes and manhigim came out very strongly about davening with a minyon. My rov was one of the first to close his shul and yeshiva in New York. He wrote a letter before Pesach to his kehila, If even one person is saved because we closed the shuls its worth it. It amazes me that so many people don’t take this seriously. The thing that I’m most upset about is that the many of the people that were yelling at the anti vaxers and banning them from schools(which I agree with) during the measles outbroke are now going to shul, to mikvos, went to family for sedorim. etc. It’s sad to say most people don’t have a rov he can turn to for direction. They daven in one shul for shachris another for mincha a third for mariv and the local shtible for shabbos. Many of the local shtibilach rabbonim may be big talmidai chachomim but are often beholden to the neighbors that make their minyon.

Boro parker
Boro parker
4 years ago

There are people who can’t live without a minyan. It’s a madreigah. Not everyone is on that level. I see plenty of chassidim as well as yeshivash people davening in minyanim on streets and driveways. These are very special individuals. I guarantee had the great rabbonim of yesteryear been alive today like the old satmar rebbe or ribnitzer rebbe or others in that league they would still Daven with a minyan. Our generation are lost sheep and the youth can’t see getting married with a three piece orchestra or expensive kallah dresses. Streimels have doubled in size. But the head under the streimels in many cases has shrunk. Today it’s a culture. Eat chulent and blabbel in Yiddish. It’s unfortunate. But Heaven has shown us how the whole world folds in front of an invisible enemy. So too will all nations fold when Mossiach marches in. This is a Mossiach still. Rubashkin as well was a Mossiach drill as Jews of so many different communities united to celebrate. The footsteps of Mossiach are coming closer.

4 years ago

As the Alei Shor suggests, FRUMKEIT is the enemy of YIddishkeit.
Anyone who thinks he is holier than the gedolim and literally hundreds of rabbonim who have come out against minyanim of ANY sort is not following halacha and is endangering not only himself but others with whom he comes within 6 feet, and can easily bring this very dangerous disease, which has already claimed the lives of several hundred frume Yidden and tens of thousands of New Yorkers, into his home.

A true shomer Torah u/mitzvos listens to rabbanim, and when so many say stay home, dont participate in minyanim etc he listens.

Someone who knows better than these rabbonim is following a different Torah than the rest of us. His Torah is one wherein HE decides–ala Korach.

4 years ago

If I follow and listen to the Gedolim that tell me to daven with a minyan, even now, I am not a ‘true’ shomer Torah U’Mitzvos?!!
Based on their comments, Many people commenting are not following the Gedolim, they are doing whatever they think is right for themselves and then taking cover behind the Gedolim that ‘agree with them’.
Be dan l’kaf z’chus. People davening with a minyan are listening to their Rov or Rebbe or Rosh Yeshiva etc. They are also doing the right thing. STOP THE HATE!

4 years ago

Drs. do not have the halachic standing to declare someone a Rotzeach, no matter how respected they are. There are many minyanim within the cdc and local guidelines.
There are numerous Rabbonim that have paskened that one should daven with a minyan, if possible, even now.
They are great poskim and Gedolim in their own right. I don’t pick and choose. I listen to my Posek regardless of what some random Drs say. Even if it’s alot of Drs. I didn’t ask them.
All I am saying is to open your mind and be dan l’kaf z’chus. People are following their Rabbonim and Gedolim just like the others who are listening by davening at home.
Btw, I know of a number of Hatzolah members who are davening with a minyan every day. They are listening too.

4 years ago

You ask why do the Rabbonim call Hatzolah? Then I can ask why do those Drs. that disparage Gedolim and Rabbonim ask any Shailos from Rabbonim? They seem to only ask when the answer agrees with them. That’s not the Derech HaTorah.
Bottom line, if you actually have a Rov that you follow, things are much easier. You ask and then you do. But if you’re basing your life on articles from VIN, then you are either constantly confused or you are just picking and choosing. Neither is the way of a Torah Observant Jew…

m P
m P
4 years ago

Hey how about chillel hashem.
Go yell on fire personal before calling people rotzchim!
After 5 weeks he comes out with these comments !?
What happened 5 weeks ago when all REAL rabbis took it on there backs and shut the Shuls down!
Always last minute…. המבין יבון

ah yid
ah yid
4 years ago

I don’t understand your question – Then I can ask why do those Drs. that disparage Gedolim and Rabbonim ask any Shailos from Rabbonim? I’ll give you a very clear answer. The reason why in this case there are Drs. who disparage rabbonim is because these Drs. are on the front lines and they saw people dying left and right. What would doctors say if a prominent rov came and said everyone should start smoking and his young students and followers started smoking, wouldn’t Drs. come out strongly against this rov. Remember we’re not talking about an isolated doctor who said don’t go to shul every Drs. said to do so. Personally, I do have moreh derech who was from the first to close his shul.

4 years ago

It seems that a lot of the confusion comes from the misconception that 99% of the Rabbonim assured davening with a minyan. This is because the only pesakim issued to the public are from those Rabbonim, whereas the Gedolim saying to still daven with a minyan are not very vocal. The reason for this is simple. They don’t feel a need to force anyone to daven with a minyan as it in not assur to daven at home. However, the other Rabbonim feel that it is pikuach nefesh and they must be vocal to save lives.
To sum it up, if all your knowledge comes from articles on VIN you think that all Rabbonim agree, but if you actually have your own Moreh Derech you might hear differently.
p.s. I know of a number of widely accepted Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva and Gedolim who feel that one should daven with a minyan and they are personally telling their talmidim to do so.
Again. Please STOP THE HATE and be dan l’kaf z’chums.

4 years ago

Two jews three opinions unbelievable it all boils down to one thing and that is there is a lack of unity among klal yisroel let all the rabbonim get together and give one psak not ten different ones and let the rebses come out together with the roshei yeshiva of the litvisha world and the chassidisha world and tell of klal yisroel the right thing to do even though its obvious we need a psak to make people do the right thing

4 years ago

Rottenschilds put his Father in auschwitz and fooled him too. Adolf Rothschilds garandfather was Salomon Rothschild, richest Shabsitzvinik in Austria. OSS files 1938 on reinhard heydrichs murder of dolfus on behalf of Adolf.