Audio: Satmar Rebbe Attacks Vizhnitzer Rebbe For Netanyahu Meeting: ‘How Low Can They Stoop’

Last Updated: 4:32pm

KIRYAS YOEL (VINnews) — The Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Aharon Teitelbaum, sharply criticized his brother-in-law the Vizhnitzer Rebbe for meeting with Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu in the prime minister’s residence.

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According to a recording obtained by VIN News, Rav Aharon spoke at a special Le’Chaim tish (celebration) for a small number of his associates marking the Yahrzeit of rabbi Nachum of Chernobyl, one of the early Chasidic rebbes and a disciple of the Baal Shem Tov.

Rav Aharon spoke with great anguish and said :”After months of isolation far away from the chasidim, with no public prayers, no tish, no reception of chasidim for private meetings, no sandek (holding the baby at a circumcision) honors, all due to the fear of not being in the same house with a person sick with coronavirus and being infected, after all this he went to the house of the head of the unbelievers, the person who spreads the belief in “our might and power”, the person who has no derech eretz (courtesy) and no respect for G-d? Wasn’t he afraid to sit in his house together with him where he could be infected with spiritual diseases?”

Listen to full speech below: YouTube

Rav Aharon added: “I don’t understand him. Today is the yahrzeit of our grandfather, the Magid of Chernobyl. It is well known that ‘cherna’ means black in Russian and ‘bila’ means white. One should know how to distinguish between black and white and it is forbidden to mix between them.”

The chasidim related that the rebbe was very disturbed after hearing about the meeting last night and kept saying “how low can they stoop, those who go to elections and participate in the government.”

Vizhnitz chasidim responded on the Bechadrei Chareidim site, stating that: “The Satmar rebbe must not know his brother-in-law properly, the rebbe would be willing to pay him the airfare and give him his Beis Midrash so that he can protest against him. Our rebbe is performing his method of Avodas Hashem (service of G-d) and he does not care for his honor the slightest bit, nor is he concerned what people will say.”


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4 years ago

I wont comment if the The Satmar Rebbe R’Aharon is or isn’t right criticizing in public.

it is very unfortunate that Chassidic Jews are seen as part of a government that is forbidden by the Torah.
A Rebbe should not be seen with a smiling face talking to the PM. Rather he should look down and not look into the face of a person who is head of a state who rebelled against the Almighty.

4 years ago

You serious? The one who sits with deblasio sonei yisrael is lecturing someone who sits with a yid?

4 years ago

very nice,

first your brother in law the belzer is a shegitez,
then your brother zalman lieb is a shegietz
now viznhitz is too

Yankel liebershnitzel
Yankel liebershnitzel
4 years ago

Gevalt, gevalt

Yonason Herschlag
Yonason Herschlag
4 years ago

One really needs to be mentally retarded to not be able to don-le-chof-schus having a meeting with the Prime Minister of Israel. How many times did Yakov prostrate himself before the wicked Esav?
Umn… which of the taryag mitzvohs is he insinuating was transgressed (when he spread his loshan hora and motzi shem ra). Reminds me of the time when the three bochrim who lived over the green line were murdered, and one of these bright lights claimed the Jewish parents were guilty of their deaths by having lived in an area that these two bright lights don’t approve of for Jews.
These bright lights think Chevron should be Judenrein. How these bright lights have more than a minyan of followers escapes me.

Moshe Rabienu went to Pharoh !!!!!!!
Moshe Rabienu went to Pharoh !!!!!!!
4 years ago

Moshe Rabienu went to Pharo…. Lots of Tzadikim went to rulers that they had difference of opinions with….

The gadlus of a man is one who can get along with people who have different of opinions than himself…. and STILL RESPECT THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the gemoro states:” Kemo she Partzufeihm shoinim ,
Kach DIEOSEIHEM shonim….

the gemoro relates the beis hillel and beis shamei disagreed on halacha,
but respected the other’s opinion …

beis hilel and beis shamei even inter married !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bibi Netanyohu is A HEISER CHOSID…

Er GEIT TZU ALLE REBBES !!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 years ago

Rebbe of Viznitz doesn’t care what anyone says, never has.
So whatever R Ahron said is just for the purpose of being relative…..

Rabbi A. Blau
Rabbi A. Blau
4 years ago

My Power and My Might is the slogan of the Real Zionists and the Real Satmar Rebbes since way back.

When Mohiach comes, both of these extremist persona will take a back seat. Wita and see. Big mouths

Only they are always right. That is why the Rambam says; Always go in the middle.

4 years ago

Same rabbi that meets in public with kofer, mechalel shabes, Israel hater schumer?!
Why am i wasting my time even commenting here?
Hey rabbi when is the last time you spoke to your brother?

A yid
A yid
4 years ago

Why is this being published at all?

4 years ago

Aron should take him to arkaos, like he did his father.

4 years ago

dont worry they are very good friends , they are each doing what their father did , who did what the rebbe before him did . believe me there is no ill will each one is doing whats right

4 years ago

unfortunate this is the world we live in today. the rebbes have the same face as the politicians.
there is no right or wrong anymore,its a corrupted world and then we wonder why hashem brought us this plague . many many machloykes,sines chinom, have happened since Reb Aron married his wifes sister and started the machloykes in satmar when reb aron became rebbe in KJ, now its continuing with a new scandal.Reb aron is not going to change them and he should just keep on learning Vayoel Moshe to his talmidim and chasidim , and led Viznitz practice their own religion Tziyones.

4 years ago

Sinas chinum results in what ?

4 years ago

We are not allowed to comment against a Rebbe in klal yisroel, I only wan to say that for generatiosn klal yisroel’s leader s would meet with heads of stateas hishtadlus to get a better situation for klal yisroel. has no bearing if the politician was Jewish or not.

Was a democrat then I saw the ligh
Was a democrat then I saw the ligh
4 years ago

If not for the ZIONISTS there wouldn’t be a satmar rebbe they saved him and while Jews where dying in Europe he was walking around in Tel Aviv isreal

4 years ago

Every chasidishe rebbe believed that you should be part of the government in Israel

4 years ago

He can’t shine his shoes…..

a yid
a yid
4 years ago

the satamarer rebbe was saved by the Zionist. The transport he escaped to Switzerland was from the sochnuth or Jewish agency and the organizer was later killed in Tel-Aviv. It is this fake which tuirns off the not frume and rightfully so. Chassdis went out of the chimneys of Auschwitz, majdanek and teblinka. what you today is a mockeery yes, strajmlach, shiach and socken and long payes but the iker of chassdis ahavas Yisroel and be conserned with the pintele yid is finished

4 years ago

VOS IZ NEIS should be ashamed in publishing all these lashon harah comments PERIOD.

Rodney Street
Rodney Street
4 years ago

The shtetl is dead. The future is Israel. After 1,925 years of slavery in golus you want to be mentally in golus under Israel-hating rabbonim? AM YISRAEL CHAI.

Steven Wright
Steven Wright
4 years ago

He learned from his friend the idiot mayor: He said it out of tough love….

a yoeli
a yoeli
4 years ago

To Yonason Herschlag who wrote “One really needs to be mentally retarded to not be able to don-le-chof-schus having a meeting with the Prime Minister of Israel. How many times did Yakov prostrate himself before the wicked Esav?”
I’m just curious if he would apply the same rational to Neturei Karta meeting Ahmadinejad and if not whats the difference?

moishe yoel
moishe yoel
4 years ago

this rebbe is sick in his head, very well known he says whatevers on his crazy mind.

4 years ago

“The Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Aharon Teitelbaum, sharply criticized”

If you listen to the actual recording (for those who understand Yiddish) you will see that R. Aaron is very restrained in how he delivers his critique.

4 years ago

Maybe he went there just to be mekarev bibi.maybe bibi asked him how he can change his ways ?it waS a private one knows what they spoke about.

a yid
a yid
4 years ago

The holy mary rabbi should make sholem with his brother

4 years ago

Maybe he went there just to be mekarev bibi.maybe bibi asked him how he can change his ways ?it waS a private one knows what they spoke about. Incidentally I did see a video of lubavitcher rebbe talkin to bibi

Mike green
Mike green
4 years ago

He really didn’t mean it what HE SAID WHAT WONT YOU DO FOR YOUR OWEN BUSINESS TO GROW his believers DO believe that he did a wrong thing SO HE SHOWED THEM THAT HE IS A BIGקנאה. But don’t worry

Rabbi A. Blau
Rabbi A. Blau
4 years ago

Why don’t you show the picture how the real Satmarer Rebbi greeted the President of Romania with his Big Hat in his hands covering his chest and bowing to the Romanian President who was known as an Ant-Semite before WWII. If they would learn Tanach, they would know that there was a lot of Hiemische communications with Jewish Kings who were Kofrim, Apikorsim and Reshoim in Bayis Reishon and Bayis Sheiny.

Satmar continuous with their original hypocrisy and will always be Bal Machlokes with other Gedolim as has been for decades. We, chasidim, don’t learn NACH so we will not know certain things about the past history and also we donot publish the true past Jewish history in Hungary.

4 years ago

Are you guys off your rocker? there has never been so much idfishkiet and Torah in Israel, the government gives millions of dollars to all from institutions, so what Dre you talking about.

Educated Boro parker
Educated Boro parker
4 years ago

Everyone is correct here.
When we fight the tziyonim which all Orthodox Jews oppose we need to fight on every level. We need people inside the government and outside the government. A war is fought with an army,navy,Air Force etc. you guys are confused. The old satmar rebbe was the biggest Zionist and the Ben gurions were anti Zionist. Why do I say that. Because if Jews don’t keep the Torah then we will be evicted from Israel. If the old satmar rebbe wanted to close up Israel then he would let it turn secular and eventually they would be driven out.

4 years ago

The satmar so called rebbe should be ashamed of himself. How low can he stoop? Because satmar makes something wrong something is wrong? We have a שלחן ערוך and that’s what we need to go by. The Vizhnitz Rebbe loves every jew and will not even listen to any לשון הרע while shron has no problem talking and fighting with anyone. He is saying מוסר when לשון הרע and ערכאות is an איסור דאורייתא? Shame on him and all his followers. I long said satmar is the closest religion to the Jewish religion and speak and hate every other jew.

4 years ago

I think it’s really not nice from vosizneias to post this both of them are very good people and rabbi it’s really not nice for posting this private family information sham on you !!!

4 years ago

Naarisha article, blabbering Aron and stupid comments, to boot !

4 years ago

Sorry, I didn’t read the whole article but I got the basic idea.
But which Satmar “Rebbe” was this story about, the one who hates his brother or the other one, who hates his brother?
When משיח comes they’ll both probably tell their followers to stay in America while they try to leave to EY. Like their predecessor did.

4 years ago

its been reported that the Vishnitze Rebbe went to Bibi to ask him to block the extradition of Malka Leifer to Australia. so lets see… the the Satmar Rebbe’s problem is that his brother in law met with Bibi, the Satmar Rebbe has no problem whatsoever that the Vishnitze Rebbe asked for the protection of a pedophile that harmed tens or hundreds of Jewish children

what has become of us..

4 years ago

reb aron is a gaon adir and wrote a few seforim and so is the viznitzer rebbe son of the yeshus moshe – this that one sais somthing about the other gives no standerd person a right to say ANYTHING NEGATIVE. hashem should have RACMANUS on all the people who wrote bad comments and be mochel them for being mevaseh a gadol byisroel berabim.

4 years ago

JUST SO YOU KNOW- After the 67′ war, my father received a contract from ZAHAL & Rav Shlomo Goren.
He consulted with the Beirach Moshe, who even put his name and hashguchah on the product.
Don’t give me that line, it was only when he was the Sighter Rav!

4 years ago

As if he never met with someone secular in power?

4 years ago

Touchy touchy

4 years ago

Do I understand this rabbi who so dislikes the Israeli state receives government money? Please correct me if I am mistaken.

M halberstsm
M halberstsm
4 years ago

Congratulations this statement is drivel amazing how you took a whole Kehila if intelligent people and turned them into the kind of beheimos that buy this
Oregon kelev

4 years ago

Like R Yoselman (Yosel von Rosheim), Heilige Chazon Ish… z”l. It’s called שתדלנות
Always was, always be till משיח comes.
It might also lower the:
שנאת ע”ה – פסחים מ”ט.

ר ארל’ה האט זיך באנארישט.

4 years ago

Everything Satmar does, EVERYTHING, strengthens the Middle Eastern Jew hating fanatics and their idiot Western supporters, in their fight to destroy Israel. Nothing else matters. They give aid and comfort to new Hitlers and will have to answer for it.

4 years ago

shame on the satmar rebbe

4 years ago

the satmar rebbe should learn how to keep his mouth shut

Educated Boro parker
Educated Boro parker
4 years ago

It’s a maclokes bais shammai and bais Hillel. Final. We small minds should stay out of it.

4 years ago

I’m not sure how someone considers Prime Minister Netanyahu a rasha. Under his governments Charedi Yideshkeit has flourished like never before in unprecedented ways. Before each election he went to the kosel to daven and/or sent a kvitel – how is such a person considered a rasha – or someone who doesn’t recognize the creator of the world. Wearing a yarmulka in public is not dispositive. Look at his actions, look at how much money he allowed to flow to yeshivas and yungerleit.

a yid
a yid
4 years ago

has the holy mary rabbi made peace with his brother