JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Incoming Diaspora Affairs Minister Omer Yankelevich caused a stir in the Knesset when she added the words B’Ezrat Hashem (With the help of G-d) to her declaration of commitment during the swearing-in ceremony of Israel’s new government. Yankelevich requested permission from Knesset Secretary Yardena Meller to add the two words to her declaration, according to an Arutz Sheva report.
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Omer Yankelevich is the first ever female Chareidi minister to serve in Israel. Yankelevich, a 41-year-old attorney, is married to Yaron and is the mother of two sons and three daughters. She resides in Ramat Bet Shemesh.
Eric Goldstein, the chairman of the Jewish Federation of New York (UJA) welcomed Yankelevich’s appointment and said that “we respect her long-lasting commitment to dialog and to building bridges within the Jewish people and we expect to work together with her to ensure a joint and fruitful future for the State of Israel and world Jewry.”
מתחייבת, בעזרת ה', כחברת הממשלה, לשמור אמונים למדינת ישראל ולחוקיה, ולקיים את החלטות הכנסת!
ברוך אתה ה' אלוקינו מלך העולם שהחיינו וקיימנו והגיענו לזמן הזה.
— עומר ינקלביץ׳ omer yankelevitch (@omeryankelevitc) May 17, 2020
“I, Omer Yankelevich, commit with G-d’s help as a member of government to maintain allegiance to the state of Israel and its laws and to execute Knesset resolutions.”
Fix headline. She did NOT add B’Ezras Hashem’. She added B’Ezrat Hashem’
Nice shaitel.
Poor innocent naive woman. She has no clue that “B’Ezrat Hashem” is despised in the Knesset. The entire foundation of the state of Israel is built contrary to what the Torah stands for.
A kiddish HaShem.
Good for her.
As long as she didn’t add “bli neder…”
Mazal Tov.
We’re proud of you .
She is an orthodox frum woman, not Haredi, with a long attractive sheitel and a public voice. Haredi women must not be seen or heard in public, and can’t be in any leadership role when men are involved. What exactly is haredi about her? I wait for all the hateful , personal attacks against me when my logic and words are correct , and the only defense some people have is to hurl rubbish with no substance.
I like the mame ” judith”. But that’s not you.
You’re a man , actually.. lol
You’re not fooling anybody but you’re entitled to your opinion anyway.
Lol again.
A mavin ?? a Tam big time
on judith she wears a shatel do u and she keeps shabos or bat do u ?
Good for you , Omer
i think there should , bezrat ha-shem , be more woman in the knesset , in fact I will bezrat hashem yisborach , bezras ha-shem yisborach v’yisromom shmo hagadol v’hamhoolal v’hamshoobach v’hamfoar l’olam vo’ed od l’oylei olamim , Bli Neder , ubli kinuyei v’kinoosei v’chinooyei , daven real hard that some day the knesset will Bezrat Hashem v’gomer v’choolei , consist of only woman , chas v’sholam , chas v’chalila , chas v’sholaces , chas v’cholent , chas v’chooooolent , nebach rachmmana litzlan , der Eibeshter zol helphen, l’olam vo’ed , od l’olmei olamim , v”gomer v’choooolei , od y’mos hamoshich , bimheirah b’yameinu , b’korov momosh , b’sha’ah tova umiztlachas , bitah acheeshenah , Achakeh lo b’chol yom sh’yavoh !!!!!!!!!!
What a bunch of MO’niks here who feel threatened by Shomray mitzvos.
Here are the facts.
Some people think that the Zionist of yesteryear when the old satmar rebbe fought them are gone so why keep up the idea of hating zionists. But actually they are far worse today. I’m not so sure if Ben gurion would of supported gay parades in Israel. He did away with drafting yeshiva boys. I don’t think the old Zionist would bring in all these so called svartas as so called make believe yidden.
i am just using a popular line that for the State of israel even though it welcomes all
All She is doing is “PUTTING LIPSTICK ON A PIG”
I don’t know if it’s sad or pathetic- or maybe both- listening to those who espouse R Yoel’s viewpoints from the 1950s, or those who try to bend the reality of 2020 to those viewpoints.
R Yoel was dealing with a destroyed community. For reasons known to himself- I will not psychoanalyze his actions-he took upon himself a rejectionist path and grew a community based upon that hashgafa. Successfully, may I add. That is profoundly sad, because the opportunity to recreate that type of community in Israel would have had profound differences in the evolution of the State. Again, I don’t pretend to know his motivations.
However, listening to those who espouse the evils of the Medina in 2020 is the height of historic revisionism coupled with what can only be defined as inability to come to truth with facts. More yidden are safe, sound, and learning Torah in EY than at any time in the history of European Jewry. This is indisputable. And seeing Gerrer Chassidim, Sepharadim, and Shaital wearing women in the Knesset refutes any opinion of the modern day “zionists” attempting to spread “shmad.” These ARE the modern day Zionists!!
Fearer of Hashem,
Guess what? the Torah is non-negotiable that’s what the Satmar Rebbe practiced and lectured.
He repeated the views of all previous true Gedolim that Zionisim is evil and Jews are not allowed to have a state before the coming of Moshicah.
Here is definition of hareidi, either orthodox or not orthodox.
In order to be Hareidi there are some rules:
All police and army members are NATZIs by definition.
You must be “meyached” rocks each and every Shabbos and you Tov to be ready to throw at police, fire fighters or any other non chareidi enering a Chareidi area.
You MUST throw rocks at all these public servents.
You must be ready to block traffic and keep innocent people from getting to Yeshivah, Work or any other destination.
you get the point but there is much much more conditions including moving into new occupied areas and protest, stone or otherwise harass the locals who have been there long before. Plus lots more.
What difference does it make if she said Bezrat Hashem or Bezras Hashem important thing that she mentioned Hashem that what counts and I say Kol Hakavod
Yup, it’s a beautiful thing .she is bezrat Hashem promising to uphold the laws of isreal “where Freedom of religion is enshrined in Israeli law, and proselytizing is allowed”
(See the other news item about god tv)
Which is ok as they are also giving money to yeshivos.
I am just wondering for all those people who are criticizing this young lady who became a member in the Knesset you sound more like somebody who is reading the Vayoel Moshe i’m wondering what you were said to Esther Hamalka first for Marrying a Persian King Hachashverosh and then saving the entire population of Jewish people You should put on a pedestal I am sure she will make a difference in the Knesset as far as Jew ish is concerned But that’s our problem unfortunately always finding false and someone else I’m sorry bro we have nothing learns from this corona virus that Gossip where we are right now Hashem Yerachem
Ashkanazik charedi gedolim all forbade pledging allegiance to the Israeli State and its (anti-torah) laws.
Being “charedi” and pledging allegiance to anti-torah laws just don’t go together. It makes as much sense as claiming to be charedi and anti-charedi at the same time.
I hope that she is the first of many!
I don’t believe that anyone who makes nasty comments on this site is truly Chareidi or even frum. If you were really a Chareidi you would not be using a computer with internet, a smart phone, nor would you be looking at a photo of a woman and make comments about her Sheital. I live with chareidim in Israel. They are the sweetest and kindest people I have ever met. I never hear the kind of nasty comments that I see on this site. They can tell by my garb and kippah that I am not Charedi, yet I feel loved by each person I know. I truly believe that the nasty comments on this site are written by anti-Semites who are looking to cause divisions between our people. They fear achdus between us Jews. Let’s rise above this bickering and hasten the coming of Moshiach
Ah, I wondered how long it would take for “Moshiach” to get into the picture.