GOP Signals Unwillingness To Part With Trump After Riot

In this image from video, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., speaks as the House reconvenes to debate the objection to confirm the Electoral College vote from Arizona, after protesters stormed into the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021. (House Television via AP)

PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Donald Trump has lost his social media megaphone, the power of government and the unequivocal support of his party’s elected leaders. But a week after leaving the White House in disgrace, a large-scale Republican defection that would ultimately purge him from the party appears unlikely.

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Many Republicans refuse to publicly defend Trump’s role in sparking the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. But as the Senate prepares for an impeachment trial for Trump’s incitement of the riot, few seem willing to hold the former president accountable.

After House Republicans who backed his impeachment found themselves facing intense backlash — and Trump’s lieutenants signaled the same fate would meet others who joined them — Senate Republicans voted overwhelmingly Tuesday for an attempt to dismiss his second impeachment trial. Only five Republican senators rejected the challenge to the trial.

Trump’s conviction was considered a real possibility just days ago after lawmakers whose lives were threatened by the mob weighed the appropriate consequences — and the future of their party. But the Senate vote on Tuesday is a sign that while Trump may be held in low regard in Washington following the riots, a large swath of Republicans is leery of crossing his supporters, who remain the majority of the party’s voters.

“The political winds within the Republican Party have blown in the opposite direction,” said Ralph Reed, chair of the Faith and Freedom Coalition and a Trump ally. “Republicans have decided that even if one believes he made mistakes after the November election and on Jan. 6, the policies Trump championed and victories he won from judges to regulatory rollback to life to tax cuts were too great to allow the party to leave him on the battlefield.”

The vote came after Trump, who decamped last week to his private Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, began wading back into politics between rounds of golf. He took an early step into the Arkansas governor’s race by endorsing former White House aide Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and backed Kelli Ward, an ally who won reelection as chair of Arizona’s Republican Party after his endorsement.

At the same time, Trump’s team has given allies an informal blessing to campaign against the 10 House Republicans who voted in favor of impeachment.

After Michigan Rep. Peter Meijer backed impeachment, Republican Tom Norton announced a primary challenge. Norton appeared on longtime Trump adviser Steve Bannon’s podcast in a bid to raise campaign contributions.

On Thursday, another Trump loyalist, Rep. Matt Gaetz, plans to travel to Wyoming to condemn home-state Rep. Liz Cheney, a House GOP leader who said after the Capitol riot that “there has never been a greater betrayal by a president of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution.”

Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr. — a star with Trump’s loyal base —- has encouraged Gaetz on social media and embraced calls for Cheney’s removal from House leadership.

Trump remains livid with Republican Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia, who refused to support Trump’s false charges that Georgia’s elections were fraudulent. Kemp is up for reelection in 2022, and Trump has suggested former Rep. Doug Collins run against him.

Ohio Republican Sen. Rob Portman’s decision not to seek reelection in 2022 opens the door for Rep. Jim Jordan, one of Trump’s most enthusiastic supporters, to seek the seat. Several other Republicans, some far less supportive of the former president, are also considering running.

Trump’s continued involvement in national politics so soon after his departure marks a dramatic break from past presidents, who typically stepped out of the spotlight, at least temporarily. Former President Barack Obama was famously seen kitesurfing on vacation with billionaire Richard Branson shortly after he left office, and former President George W. Bush took up painting.

Trump, who craves the media spotlight, was never expected to burrow out of public view.

“We will be back in some form,” he told supporters at a farewell event before he left for Florida. But exactly what form that will take is a work in progress.

Trump remains deeply popular among Republican voters and is sitting on a huge pot of cash — well over $50 million — that he could use to prop up primary challenges against Republicans who backed his impeachment or refused to support his failed efforts to challenge the election results using bogus allegations of mass voter fraud in states like Georgia.

“POTUS told me after the election that he’s going to be very involved,” said Matt Schlapp, the chair of the American Conservative Union. “I think he’s going to stay engaged. He’s going to keep communicating. He’s going to keep expressing his opinions. I, for one, think that’s great, and I encouraged him to do that.”

Aides say he also intends to dedicate himself to winning back the House and Senate for Republicans in 2022. But for now, they say their sights are on the trial.

“We’re getting ready for an impeachment trial — that’s really the focus,” said Trump adviser Jason Miller.

Trump aides have also spent recent days trying to assure Republicans that he is not currently planning to launch a third party — an idea he has floated — and will instead focus on using his clout in the Republican Party.

Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., said he received a call from Brian Jack, the former White House political director, on Saturday at home to assure him that Trump had no plans for defection.

“The main reason for the call was to make sure I knew from him that he’s not starting a third party and if I would be helpful in squashing any rumors that he was starting a third party. And that his political activism or whatever role he would play going forward would be with the Republican Party, not as a third party,” Cramer said.

The calls were first reported by Politico.

But the stakes remain high for Trump, whose legacy is a point of fierce contention in a Republican Party that is grappling with its identity after losing the White House and both chambers of Congress. Just three weeks after a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol, Trump’s political standing among Republican leaders in Washington remains low.

“I don’t know whether he incited it, but he was part of the problem, put it that way,” said Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville, a strong Trump supporter, when asked about the Capitol siege and the related impeachment trial.

Tuberville did not say whether he would personally defend Trump in the trial, but he downplayed the prospect of negative consequences for those Republican senators who ultimately vote to convict him.

“I don’t think there’ll be any repercussions,” Tuberville said. “People are going to vote how they feel anyway.”

Trump maintains a strong base of support within the Republican National Committee and in state party leadership, but even there, Republican officials have dared to speak out against him in recent days in ways they did not before.

In Arizona, Ward, who had Trump’s backing, was only narrowly reelected over the weekend, even as the party voted to censure a handful of Trump’s Republican critics, including former Sen. Jeff Flake and Cindy McCain, the widow of Sen. John McCain.

At the same time, Trump’s prospective impeachment sparked a bitter feud within the RNC.

In a private email exchange obtained by The Associated Press, RNC member Demetra DeMonte of Illinois proposed a resolution calling on every Republican senator to oppose what she called an “unconstitutional sham impeachment trial, motivated by a radical and reckless Democrat majority.”

Bill Palatucci, a Republican committeeman from New Jersey, slapped back.

“His act of insurrection was an attack on our very democracy and deserves impeachment,” Palatucci wrote.

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3 years ago

“who refused to support Trump’s false charges that Georgia’s elections were fraudulent”
“Trump’s as yet not proven charges”. No court has yet ruled that the charges were false or baseless. The courts have dismissed all cases on procedural grounds.
We all know that most of his charges were true.


my response to eruv rav
my response to eruv rav
3 years ago

America will continue to part from the vision of the founders and sink deeper and deeper into fascism. The Democrat party stole the presidency, house, and senate. They stole the popular vote twice nullifying the silent majority vote. Biden was installed, never elected. The democrats will now finally and for all will be able to achieve their goals of population replacement, a globalist agenda implemented to western europe as well so that stealing elections will no longer be even necessary. Their socialist policies will turn this country into USSA, a 3rd world banana republic. And filnally, their implementation of the critical race theory will pave the way towards the self destruction of the white race.

3 years ago

Voter ID AND Term Limits, would fix ALL this!!

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
3 years ago

Exactly as I predicted. The more you impeach and bring it up the more you invoke and energize Trump. Its really that simple. This impeachment thing does nothing. You won’t win because Trump never committed a crime . And the repercussions are so weak. What the point? Its just a dumb babiesh thing on Pelosi part. She can’t control her anger and let it go. Yeah I get it, she needs to do whats right so its on “record”. So altruistic indeed. But in the interim you play right into Trump’s hand. Now again, its trump trump trump. Energize the base and when you lose you energize it more. Anyone with brains knows you ignore a toddler and don’t punish him or seek justice because he wants that attention to.

Side bar, there is also very little to say that trump ever intended to encourage any violence. yes you’ll quote his tough bully talk. Go get them , fight them or whatever he used. But at the end of the day you and I know he never meant it literal. Now its true that all this toddler , street kind of talk leads to danger like it did. But its not illegal to talk like that unless your intent is to harm others. And many republcians still want to purge Trump for being a toddler, but they don’t want to impeach.

You need a bissel sechel. Ignore him and Trump is gone. Nobody will want to look at him or feel enraged. Impeach him and Trump is back. Kamla momala , please tell Pelosi to stop the shpiel

D MAcKay
D MAcKay
3 years ago

Who wrote this marxist leftist hit piece? The people of Israel should be ashamed of the authors and dragk them before the high priests for examination to see if their is any good in them.

Chareidi Jews For Biden/Harris 2020
Chareidi Jews For Biden/Harris 2020
3 years ago

America will then continue to part from the GOP. The Republican party lost the presidency, house, and senate under Trump. Trump lost the popular vote twice. Trump has the lowest approval ratings of any president in history. There is only a small segment of voters who will support a party of Qanon and crazy conspiracy theories. Republicans like Matt Goetz, Mo Brooks, and Jim Jordan are a gift to Democrats as they will ensure that Republicans will never be competitive on a national level. Republicans need to wake up and rid themselves of the disaster of Trumpian populism. The country has chosen a new path. The threat of Trumpism is now more of a threat to the vitality of the GOP than to the country as a whole.