Shuvu Children Visit Gedolim Who Tested Them Prior To Siyum Hashas


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — The notion that a secular Israeli boy whose parents have little connection to Judaism would even consider learning in a school which teaches Torah is utterly far-fetched to anyone acquainted with Israeli society. The polarization and antagonism towards chareidim exhibited in the media should be enough to deter anyone from sending their children to a religious school.

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In this context, the Shuvu schools, which were founded in 1991 by Rabbi Avrohom Pam Ztz’l after the huge influx of Russian immigrants to Israel are nothing short of a miracle. The schools cater primarily to such secular families, placing an emphasis on teaching sciences, math and computers as well as teaching Jewish studies and Russian as a second language. The schools maintain an extended school day which includes meals, transportation and social assistance for students.

The success has been phenomenal, with some 70 schools around Israel from kindergarten to high school age incorporating 15,000 students who gain a Jewish identity while excelling in their secular studies. Recently the schools decided to make a siyum on all of shas and all of the Tanach in memory of Rabbi Pam and they were tested on their studies by some of the leading rabbis in Israel including Rabbi Shraga Steinman and Rabbi Gershon Edelstein


With Rabbi Gershon Edelstein Shlita


With Rabbi Shraga Steinman Shlita


With Rabbi Yechiel Abuchatzera Shlita

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