Agudath Israel Expresses Concern Over New Act Requiring Women To Register In Selective Service System


NEW YORK (VINnews) — The Agudath Israel of America issued the following statement in which it expressed concern about a new provision in the proposed National Defense Authorization Act requiring all Americans including women to register in the Selective Service System which could then be used if the draft is reinstated:

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“Agudath Israel of America is a national Orthodox Jewish organization. We offer this statement to express concern regarding the provision within the proposed National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022, which will require all Americans, including women, to register with the Selective Service System. The registration framework will be utilized in the event that the draft is reinstated and there is need to mobilize the armed forces for military conflict or national emergency.

“Over the years, many concerns have been raised in regard to manpower, management and morale of the military in the event that women would be required to serve alongside men in service to their country. Those concerns are real. However, the concern we wish to highlight in this statement relates to how the draft registration requirement will infringe upon the religious liberty of women who have religious objection to such military service.

“While an in-depth survey of religious traditions relating to women’s participation in warfare and defense is beyond the scope of this statement, it is clear that a generalized requirement for women to register for the draft for the purpose of serving in some unknown military capacity in the future would be highly objectionable to many religiously observant women. Indeed, it is likely that large numbers of these women will not so register.

“Agudath Israel respectfully requests that this issue, and these consequences, be considered carefully. There is much at stake here and fundamental freedoms may be lost. That should be cause for concern among all who cherish religious liberty.”

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2 years ago

Slowly slowly our freedoms are deteriorating and this country is on its way to become a communist dictatorship.

Gershon Gold
Gershon Gold
2 years ago

Perhaps they should of supported the correct candidates, instead of crying now.

2 years ago

If they have to call up women to combat, the war is probably lost.

Let's go Brandon.
Let's go Brandon.
2 years ago

This is all the democrats doing, maybe next election support their republican challengers.

2 years ago

Agudah should be more concerned about their leader mixing into machlokos. When Sol W uses his bully pulpit to tell others not to acknowledge the Gera Rosh yeshiva, that’s a terrible thing. It’s against all of what aguda stands for. Only a blind person doesn’t see how much of a postive hashpa he is having in Yiddishkiet. Look at the crowds and Torah he is spreading with a varmkiet. To be clear no one is telling agudah to take sides. They can stay out of it completely. They don’t need to invite R Shual to be the keynote speaker at the next convention. But to have their head, make calls that bully people and mish arin in machlokos against the man is despicable. R Sherer ztl would have never enabled this. Harav Chaim Dovid, you have always been a man if integrity and an ish shalom. Please stand up for what’s right, and don’t get sidelined for a few dollars (and a nice moustache).
Maga= make agudah great again

2 years ago

Yet aguda and their brooklyn arm FJCC only supported Dems and Werdyger their chair who makes money off untznius clothes is threatening rabbi alter supporters. Aguda is irrelevant nowadays

Not Surprised
Not Surprised
2 years ago

Maybe they should send a copy of this letter to the Kenesset.

Yehuda levin
Yehuda levin
2 years ago

Milquetoast as usual..
Doesnt mention the other aspect of sakanah in bill:
DOES AGUDA even know this?
If no its derelict!
If yes why didnt they highlight this let alone mention this?
Isnt this sakanah enough to bring 1000 yidden and like minded Gentiles to lobby in DC?
Lets be frank:
Noone in the secular media or politicians are even gorais these parve statments.
Thus their tepid reaction now in the midnight hr is far too little far too late and much too irresponsible!
Sadly / Fearfully
yehuda levin

Chona Gewirtz
Chona Gewirtz
2 years ago

Everyone made a big fuss when President Carter reinstated draft registration. I registered back in 1981. It’s been 40 years now and I was never called upon to be drafted.

Indy 500
Indy 500
2 years ago

Many of you vote Demonrat no matter what. Brandon came.

2 years ago

This would be, of course, yehareig viAl yaavor.

A Jewish woman may not be under the “control” of anyone other than her father or husband.

Hashem Yiracheim. Just one more reason we so desperately need Mashiach.

Charles Hall
Charles Hall
2 years ago

If they are really religiously observant they qualify for conscientious objector status. This is a non-issue.