West Virginia High School Students Stage Walkout After They Are Forced To Attend Christian Prayer Event


NEW YORK (VINnews) — Over 100 students, some of whom were Jewish, staged a protest and walked out of the campus of their West Virginia high school after they were forced to participate in an evangelical Christian revival performance Wednesday. Jewish mother Bethany Felinton told local Fox television station WFXR that her son had asked not to participate and to stay in his classroom but was told the classroom was locked and he would have to stay.

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“It’s a completely unfair and unacceptable situation to put a teenager in. I’m not knocking their faith, but there’s a time and place for everything — and in public schools, during the school day, is not the time and place,” Felinton said.

An Evangelical Christian preacher who urged students to commit themselves to Christianity spoke at the event, which took place during a daily period set aside for study, prayer or optional guest speakers, students told the AP. The event was organized by a group called the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which organizes Christian prayer in schools and communities across the United States and beyond.

The students were asked to raise their arms in prayer and give their lives to Jesus, in order to find purpose in their lives and salvation. The report cited students who reported the speakers had told them that if they didn’t follow the Bible, they would go to hell after they die.

A local district spokesman said that the event was supposed to be voluntary but two teachers “made a mistake and took the entire class to the assembly.” The students walked out later because they claimed their religious freedoms were violated.

A parent reported that “While I was at work, my son texted me a video of basically what was a church service going on at school… I told him I’d be contacting the principal about it, and he said ‘LOL, the principal is here…’ One of the students asked to leave once they were told what was going on, and they were told they couldn’t.”

Max Nibert, the Huntington High School student who organized the walkout, sent the school administration and the Cabell County Board of Education a letter saying the walkout was “an attempt to convey our grievance; response from the administration and the county board of education was not satisfactory.” He added: “Student rights are non-negotiable, and by choosing half-hearted apologies and inaction in the aftermath of what happened, those at fault demonstrated their lack of empathy and concern for our well-being.”

An attorney representing the Freedom From Religion Foundation noted there had been two similar incidents in 2017 involving religious assemblies on campus at the same high school, one of which was supposedly voluntary, but a student reported to the foundation that a teacher mandated it.


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Noble Member
2 years ago

Kol Hacovod to the students who walked out !

2 years ago

the school, board and principal s/b sued big time

2 years ago

So much for “the rule of law’ separating CHURCH and state in the USA. These are the supposed evangelical friends of the Jews forcing kids to daven for yoizele. Its not 1933. Its 1492…

2 years ago

Fire the principal. There is academic freedom and freedom of religion not compulsory religious training

2 years ago

Michael Flynn’s and Josh Mandel’s one religion on full display.

Liam K. Nuj
Liam K. Nuj
2 years ago

Waiting for the brilliant minds here with their highly intelligent comments like “Jewish kids don’t belong in public schools” or “well, in a Jewish school you won’t have to worry about this”

2 years ago

yeah, when I was a kid in public school, so we had to sing around the xmas tree in the main hallway.
So we Jewish kids, just stood there and did not participate.
Separation of church and state? not always….

2 years ago

the school’s motto is “By Faith and Service”

2 years ago

The secular in Israel accuse the frum of religious coercion. Now they could get a taste of what coercion looks like.

Marc Jarett
Marc Jarett
2 years ago

Anti American Christofascists….

2 years ago

The population of West Virginia is about 1,700,000. Of these, about 2,500 are Jews. This means of every 1,000 West Virginians, only 1.5 are Jews. So how many Jews do you think were at this event?

2 years ago

Typical AP news item pushing religion out of schools.

2 years ago

More Soros sponsored Liberalism and Communist indoctrination taking over American schools.

When will the Left wake up to the dangers of people like Soros and AOC trying to use government to coerce participation in state sponsored religion???!!!

MAGA 2024, MAGA for 1000 years!!!

Yechi Adonainu Donald Mellech Yisroel LeOlam Vo’ed!!!