MAILBAG: The Pandemic Nobody Is Talking About


There is an epidemic that no one is talking about. It’s more contagious than covid. It’s more contagious because we get it from ourselves. Type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart problems, high blood pressure, strokes, and all kinds of other issues. It’s caused by unhealthy eating and lack of exercise. Just look at pictures of weddings, l’chaims, dinners etc and you’ll see what I am talking about.

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You’re at a wedding. You grab some finger food at the smorgasbord. If you’re like me 7 years ago you got to the women’s side because that’s where the good stuff is. You are careful. Maybe you only have 3 or 4 small portions. Or you use one of those small plates and feel good about yourself because you’re not eating that much. Then you go to the chuppah and an hour later you go to the ballroom. You wash. After all, it’s a seudas mitzvah. You eat a roll or two and then you have the entrée. Usually, it’s fish or a blintz or maybe both depending on how much the baal simchah spends. Then you eat some of the salads that are on the table and the soup with croutons or with a bread stick. Maybe the bread stick is whole wheat so it must be healthy. Oh, I forgot. Chances are you probably ate something at home before the wedding. After all, who knows when they are going to serve. And let’s not forget about the sweet table. I was at a wedding recently where there was a sushi spread as part of the sweet table. So, now you’ll probably load up on those little cakes, the hot apple strudel etc. And sometimes they put out all kinds of hot food for the people who only come for the simchas choson v’kallah. What’s the harm in having some of that, after all, you’ve been burning calories dancing. So, tell me, why are you eating the main dish? You’ve already eaten too much!

Six years ago, in March 2016, I had a wakeup call. I was 59. I was overweight. My doctor put me on blood pressure pills. I didn’t want to take pills; one pill begets another.  I embarked on a health journey. I changed my eating habits, took up running and slowly weaned myself from the pills. Along the way I got rid of 75 pounds, gout, severe acid reflux from a hiatus hernia, and got my blood pressure under control.

Was it easy? No. Did it take time? Yes, a long time. Was it worth it? Absolutely.

I’m not going to give you advice. I’m not a doctor or nutritionist. All I can do is tell you about my experience and hopefully you will be inspired to do something for yourself. Because you can!

I did two things. I started exercising and changed the way I eat.

At the time I was doing some walking so I decided that I would try running because I read that running revs the metabolism more than walking. When I started, I couldn’t run more than 200 yards without stopping to catch my breath. I would start out walking and then run a little and then walk some more. Over time I started lengthening my running time until I was running a 3-mile route without stopping for a walk break. It took many months until I was able to run that distance but once I did, I kept adding mileage in small increments. And in June 2018, I ran my first full marathon. That’s 26.2 miles.

Exercise only represents about 10 to 15% of weight loss. The rest is intake. So, I stopped eating lots of stuff. I like to tell people that I cut out vitamin K. What is vitamin K they ask? Knishes, kugel, kreplach, karnatzel, kishkeh. I didn’t deprive myself. I eat a danish occasionally. I cut out a lot of the garbage and started eating healthier. One thing I did not do is go on a “diet”. Did you know that the diet industry was valued at $192.2 billion in 2019? Do you know what it is built on? One word: FAILURE. 95% of people who go on a diet will gain back all the lost weight and then some. Be honest. How many diets have you been on? If you are one of the 5% then kol hakavod!

How did I do it? I cut down on portion size. We really don’t need to fill our plate with food. Instead of eating a dinner plate size portion I eat an entrée plate size portion. The brain only registers fullness 15-20 minutes after eating. You think you are not full, but you really are. In fact, The Rambam says (Hilchos Deos 4:2) that you should only eat 75% of what you now eat. Now you know why. You don’t have to fill the plate. I also eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, and dried fruit. That’s where I go when I want a snack.

Slowly the weight came off, my running increased, and my overall health greatly improved. It took a long time, and it wasn’t easy. There was a point in the process where I reached a plateau and the weight stopped decreasing no matter what I did. That was probably the hardest point in my journey. It lasted about six months. I persisted and then the scale started to move down again. I got rid of 75 pounds. My current weight hovers around 150, my acid reflux disappeared completely, and I don’t have gout attacks. I’m 65 but I feel much less. BH, I can honestly say that I feel better now than I did at 40. Aging is inevitable; being old is a choice.

And the pills. I stopped taking them a long time ago. I kept them as a motivator. If I wasn’t in the mood to run, I looked at them and was out the door! I recently met my doctor. I thanked him for prescribing them! On November 7, 2021, I threw them in the garbage at the finish line of the New York City Marathon!

You can do what I did. It takes time. It takes patience. It’s not easy. Don’t get discouraged. I walked the walk, so can you. You don’t have to run marathons. Exercise 3-4 times per week for half an hour each time. A brisk walk, bike, swim, treadmill, whatever.  Anything that gets the heart pumping. Eat better.  There is no such thing as “I can’t”! It can be done. I did it, so can you! I call it the 3 P’s. Persistence, Patience, and Perspiration! The weather is good; get out there!

If you have any questions e-mail me at [email protected].

Stay healthy and have a wonderful summer!

Shmarya Richler



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1 year ago

Obesity is the preeminent health care crisis, world-wide. Covid deaths were linked to obesity. Myriads of disease and health related consequences are related to obesity. Fat acceptance is increasing the profits of pharmacy companies who are committed to serving you more and more medications with less and less health. When the Torah says “v’chay bohem”, it doesn’t mean self-indulgence.

Open minded Dan
Open minded Dan
1 year ago

Thanks for bringing this to the forefront. Unfortunately very few industries benefit if we are living healthy lifestyles and not relying on the plethora of available for profit interventions.

1 year ago

Thank you for the inspiration. I just logged into the news as I sat down to lunch. But now the lunch is happily sitting in my garbage can and I had yogurt and veggies! I have made a decision. I am not a garbage can. Thank you for the chizuk!!!!

1 year ago

Thanks for bringing this topic to the forefront.

I think that most people would agree with you. They just feel that they can’t resist the urge to eat, do the healthy meal preparations etc.

I’m sure that different methods work for different people (Low carb. low fat, etc.), but for me it was getting on a 2 weeks diet that did the trick. 2 weeks you’ll ask?

Yes, I stopped eating sugary foods for 2 weeks (Added sugar, fruit juices, white flour) and just like that I was off my undetected sugar addiction.

Then it became a way of life and not any longer a “diet” against an “urge” for these foods. You just have to be careful not to fall into this sugar addiction again.

My metabolism took care of the rest for me. No more sugar, means less insulin spikes which in turns means less fat storage and more fats burned. I have lost between 1-2 pounds a week for months and my heath markers are where they should be BH. As a side benefit for myself and my spouse I stopped snoring at night.

It is really not hard. It’s just the will to make a small effort for a relatively short amount of time. The numbers on the scale will keep you motivated.

Hatzlacha to all!!

1 year ago

It’s contagious person to person from all the junk served at simchas and kiddushim, like fatty cholent, kishka, overly sweet or salty kugel (sometimes both at the same time) , cake, soda, etc., not to mention all the nosh distributed in yeshivas, ad infinitum.

Last edited 1 year ago by misslydia128
Mister, Just Plain Mister
Mister, Just Plain Mister
1 year ago

Great! Thanks for sharing.

1 year ago

Best article I’ve read on here, in memory (not that the others are bad CH”V).

1 year ago

Great article.

I must say that I used to live on Nash soda & danishes, and then off course I ate supper.

I am 5ft 7in and my weight was always about 175lb.

I started to eat normal but healthy food, and sometimes take a peace of cake, in no time I went down to 140lb.

I have to say, I don’t eat by any kiddush on Shabbos, I only eat when I go home.

It was very hard for me in the beginning, because you can’t imagine how much I used to eat, but now I am BH just fine with what I eat.

1 year ago

Actually, exercise is extremely important in preventing certain metabolic disorders. It doesn’t directly cause weight loss, but it is antiobesogenic. In addition, even in individuals who exercise and do not lose weight, the risk of disease is much lower.

1 year ago

Don’t blame Judaism for too much food, it’s an American problem, we live in a time where being overweight is more common than underweight for the first time in history.

1 year ago

a few thoughts;

1.first its nice when its a real person & real name sharing his experience are correct that there are many bad things that come with excessive weight , but i think that for most people its genetic. & are not acting so much diff. than many skinny people , (.personally i dont have this nisayon as i’m blessed with a high metabolism & same skiny weight for 25 years w/o watching , i’m no better.. )

3 most people have “too much on their plate” to deal with parnasaa, chinuch, aging parents , shiduchim..weight loss needs effort & mental head space which most dont have

4 question? a few weeks ago on shabbos there was a brooklyn marathon down ocean parkway with thousands of runners , yet most frum yidden cannot run ONE OCEAN PARKWAY BLOCK without huffing & puffing , yet we dont seem to have a lower mortality rate , im not sure why ?
5 the guf is the biggest cheftza shel mitzva thru which we do all the other mitzvos we need to take better care of it

1 year ago

Regarding Ruby’s comments below:
1) What makes you think that frum yidden have a lower mortality rate than the thousands of runners who participated in the Brooklyn Marathon, let alone as compared to people who generally maintain healthy lifestyles, exercise in moderation, and eat in moderation?

2) Just because you have a genetic predisposition to not gain weight, what makes you think that MOST heavy people got that way due to genetic predisposition?

While we do see that obesity runs in families, that could have more to do with family lifestyle than genes.
And even if they do have that predisposition, why would that exempt them from having to put more effort into moderate exercise and eating in moderation?

1 year ago

who am i? its all the fault of my chasidic yeshiva that gave me nosh and did not let me exercise wah wah wah i will hold up a sign about it all day tomorrow wah wah wah i cant work bec i am fat and its the yeshivos fault wah wah wah

1 year ago

When I saw the title I had slight hope it would be about the pandemic of sexual abuse in our communities.

1 year ago

Without blood pressurr pills you’re a gonner!

1 year ago

Is Vin now going to start posting everyone’s issue’s and how they dealt with it?!
I have a whole list of issue’s, I mean silent EPIDEMICS.