Bnei Brak Kollel Student Renounces Huge Inheritance Since It Was Accrued Via Shabbos Desecration


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In an amazing display of self-sacrifice, a kollel student from the Chazon Ish kollel in Bnei Brak has relinquished his right to a huge inheritance which he received because it involves Shabbos desecration.

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The story began when the father of the student, a French millionaire in his 80’s who owns twenty deluxe hotels made a huge deal and then organized his will. The millionaire is religious but a number of the inheritors do not keep Shabbos. The student was supposed to sign the inheritance order. However after consulting with his rabbis about an inheritance which involved desecration of Shabbos (since the money was accrued via desecration of Shabbos), they told him to give up the inheritance.

A number of family members tried to find a legal or commercial loophole which could enable the kollel student to sign the inheritance order but he decided to relinquish the money which had accrued via desecration of Shabbos. He sent a detailed letter to his father explaining the situation and his father was deeply moved and inspired by the sacrifice his son was willing to make for his principles.

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A yid
A yid
1 year ago

Something missing in the story. …

@But Why?!
@But Why?!
1 year ago

Very silly. No mekor for such a drastic thing.

1 year ago

Bubbe mayses, gedolei hador viewed accepting money from mechalel shabbos as a way of sharing mitzvos with a yid who desperately needs them , why deprive your own father the zechus of supporting torah and getting some olam haboh , don’t be wiser than the torah

1 year ago

What, no talking fish or Indian sheteil hair involved!? Can’t be true

Not Surprised
Not Surprised
1 year ago

What about all the tzedaka he could have done?

1 year ago

So his father can just make a big deposit into his sons account now, instead of waiting for his own death. What’s the big deal. Seems like a self-promoting story by the kollel.

1 year ago

but does he accept a stipend from the government to attend the kollel? and does his kollel accept government money? because that has involved way more hilul shabbat than his father’s inheritance. so the principle isn’t exactly clear.

1 year ago

Alot of poor people In Isroel

1 year ago

like someone mentioned seems that something is missing
how has the kollel student managed financially all these years? chances are that his fathers money helped buy apartment, support and marry off grandchildren etc
why would the son have to sign on a will when his father is still alive
maybe the business is being given over during the life of his father and the kollel student becomes a responsible partner in the business …
many frum people are partners in businesses that run 24/7 and some work out internal contracts how do deal with shabbos issues…
same with other halchic issues…
maybe this person wants to go lchumrah but he has probably been benefiting from this money for many years…so why now…??? something must have changed that is left out here
with wills people have been able to sign a shtar to give over money to daughters moments before death so maybe something could be worked out to get inheritance from possible other way …
father should live a long life and much hatzlacha to the family in figuring out how to work with the halacha to find solutions

1 year ago

The Commish

william weiss
william weiss
1 year ago

Mi k’amcha yisroel!

1 year ago

mi koamchu yisroal , we are proud of you