Opinion: Yes Zeldin Lost. But the Rabbonim Knew Exactly What They Were Doing.


NEW YORK (Yaakov M / VINnews) — As everyone knows, Rabbonim across the spectrum, from Chassidishe to Litvishe, overwhelmingly endorsed Lee Zeldin for governor.

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Even though Zeldin lost, I am confident that these Rabbonim did not wake up on Wednesday regretting their decision, nor were they surprised that Zeldin lost.

I have not spoken with them, nor am I speaking on their behalf. However I’m sure they were well aware that in deep-blue New York, he was a longshot at best.

Yet their rationale likely was this: The current threat posed against yeshivas is extremely dire, and our blind support of Democrats has not yielded the results we want.

The Rabbonim decided that our best option was to support Zeldin, who staunchly defended yeshiva education and our community. This was a calculated move, designed to show every politician that we are passionate about this issue. And I am cautiously optimistic that we will see the results in time.

It’s comparable to someone diagnosed with a serious illness, who tries a risky drug or procedure. There is no guarantee that it will work. And sometimes it may be harmful. But there is no alternative. Pick your poison.

The overwhelming turnout sent a strong and clear message to Albany. That was the likely game plan of our leaders.

It is hard to believe that after witnessing our community come out in droves for Zeldin, Governor Hochul or any other Democrat will take Jews for granted in the future, nor dismiss our concerns.

We have tried the other approach, only to be disappointed and thrown under the bus. The frum community has been in the back pocket of the establishment in Albany, and what happened? We have been targeted repeatedly, over Measles, Covid, and yeshivas, while antisemitism has increased exponentially.

The politicians may say the right things, but their policies have been harmful to our communities.

After the election, one Hochul supporter posted the following tweet:

“Hasidic/Orthodox Brooklyn guessed wrong and are now dealing with a state education department that seems poised to do some historic oversight of yeshivas and an empowered Democratic governor who knows she can’t rely on the community’s support.”

I don’t agree that they “guessed wrong”. Everyone knew that Zeldin might lose. But as long as there was a chance he could win, our best playbook was to support him, and show Albany that the current threat against yeshivas is like chopping off our limbs.

Yes there were some Rabbonim who endorsed Hochul, and I understand their reasoning. However the vast majority of our leaders did not agree.

The frum community came together as one big family, to demonstrate how deeply emotional this issue is.

Had we supported Hochul, we would have zero chance of her helping yeshivas (which she essentially confirmed again and again). Now she knows that if she wants our support moving forward, she needs to step up.

As commentator Yossi Gestetner tweeted: “Literally EVERY leader and public voice in this community assumed all along that @KathyHochul is the favorite to win; there are tweets by me saying this. Yet they and I backed @leezeldin based on policy; making a point; not to align with the likely winner.

Besides the point, incumbent @andrewcuomo won by 23 points in 2018 while @GovKathyHochul won by a 5.5 in a subdued Republican year. If you think that she thinks her path forward is fighting with a growing, engaged and voting community, then stay away from working for public officials.”

The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of VIN News. 


Yaakov M is the Charedi Sean Hannity.

He is a senior columnist for VIN and former Op-Ed columnist for Newsmax. He has hosted a conservative podcast for 15 years, studied in Kollel for 14 years, was a Bais Medrash Rebbi over a decade, and obtained smicha from a top Rosh Yeshiva.

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1 year ago

Is it me or does this article sound like a kid that was day dreaming explaining why he got thrown at 2nd?

1 year ago

Punkt farkert! Hochul now knows that the Orthodox are not needed to win again!

1 year ago

Very simple. Rabbi Avigdor Miller, one of the greatest sages of the last century had this to say. Nothing more to be said.


We can learn that the public is not aware of the necessity of protecting their interests. It’s important for the Orthodox public to finally wake up and protect their interests. The Orthodox Jews have to wake up and realize they have to vote not for what somebody promises to give them some benefit, some handout, some small program or some privilege.

There are Jewish askanim, Orthodox askanim, who are supporting congressmen who are trying to undermine America. The congressman comes to the frum Orthodox askan and he offers him some privileges, so he chaps, he seizes it. “Ah, my shtiebel will get special privileges, my rebbe will get special privileges, my yeshivah will get special privileges.” Meanwhile, he doesn’t care a hoot what’s going to happen to America. This congressman is undermining America!

We have to vote not for a person who promises a handout, a benefit. We vote for the overall benefits to America because when America benefits, the Orthodox Jew is also going to benefit.

America today you have to know is in very great danger because of the liberal forces that are rising in the colleges. We are going to reap a great whirlwind, chas v’shalom, in the years to come. Were in a great sakanah in America. Don’t think America is always going to be. America is at the crossroads and it’s up to us to help out as much as we can.

And therefore if we could get somebody in charge who is even a little bit conservative, who tries to stand up for the family, who tries to fight back against the destruction of moral values, that’s who we want. Even though we don’t believe him entirely – it’s election talk, it’s campaign talk – but if at least he talks the right kind of words, that’s the man that we have to vote for. It is very important to be aware of the issues and if you yourself are not fully competent, then you should consult the Torah leaders who know what is what.

1 year ago

Let’s be honest, we took a gamble and we lost. We were hoping for a kinda miracle to happen and it didn’t. Onward

1 year ago

Question for those who believe we should have supported Hochul. Say we would have. What would we have gained? She made it clear before the elections that she was not going to get involved in the issues of concern to the frum community. How would that have changed had we supported her? What was she offering in exchange for our support? By voting for her and having her take our vote for granted how would be better off?

Noble Member
1 year ago

Audit NY showed us how dirty the city voter rolls are, and are probably being used to cheat. It’s not so clear either that Zeldin lost fairly.

1 year ago

Why did FJCC which presumably follows daas Torah endorse schumer and tish james ?

1 year ago

I agree with this whole-heartedly. In fact, out vote for Lawler in NY-17 gave him the necessary votes to beat the Democratic leader. With the House of Representatives looking like it may be a 1 or 2 seat R majority, we may have tipped the House of Reps. We could have done the same in ny-18 but for the support of a single leader who believes that his group is way to small to make an impact. But his vote would have delivered the necessary votes for ny-18.
I suspect that our votes impacted two more congressal districts.

1 year ago

As the $$$ wind blows the politician will swing. Except for some notable exceptions, not all politicians are stupid. 2023 is another set of elections with many Mayors and some Governors up for reelection. The numbers game is still going to be game in 2023.

1 year ago

What about all the rebbunim who said to to stay in Germany in the 1930’s, did they also know what they were talking about.

1 year ago

“All the Rebbunim knew what they were doing” now I finally understand what Dovid Hamelech means when he says” hashem sits in heaven and laughs”

I calls them as I sees them
I calls them as I sees them
1 year ago

I have to say, I am surprised that Zeldin lost. The reason I’m surprised is because I traveled the state in the time period leading up to the election and you did not see signs for The Democrat.

This is part of the reason I believe something’s up, even though Gd forbid we’re not allowed to talk about these things, with other candidates who have won office in the past number of years. When you simply don’t see any signage for them and you see signage galore for the other candidate only to be done with election season, that’s a whole different discussion, to be told that the candidate who based on what you saw was the favorite to win, lost, it’s a problem.

ah yid
ah yid
1 year ago

Ari Feldman writes “Hasidic/Orthodox Brooklyn guessed wrong and are now dealing with a state education department that seems poised to do some historic oversight of yeshivas and an empowered Democratic governor who knows she can’t rely on the community’s support.”
Mr. Feldman are you serious? I am sure Ms. Hochal would love to be governor beyond 2026. She knows we vote and is going to everything possible to get our vote.

Active Member
1 year ago

blessed ois the man that relies on Hashem. jer 17:;7

Cursed is the man that truts in man. Jer 17:5

If Hashem does not watch the city then the watchman is for naught. tehillim 127

1 year ago

We need to return to Rabbonim dealing with Torah and Mitzvos and leaving politics to lay leadership.

1 year ago

One point to add to this wonderful article. She will run again in four years, she certainly prefers not to have to pull Hillary Clinton out of the freezer again in order to win. She knows she will need to accomplish a lot in order to win next time in a landslide. Politicians look forward so they will be reelected.

Leftism is a mental disorder
Leftism is a mental disorder
1 year ago

It’s not a mitzvah to support the Democrat Party. In fact it probably is just the opposite to support that party. Remember they are the party of doing everything the Torah says DON’T do.

Noble Member
1 year ago

This is not a lottery – where you gamble hoping you pick a winner.
This is democracy – where you vote to show who you support, hoping that they win.
There would have been no difference if the Jewish community voted for Hochul (or other democrats) – except pretending that you support her & her parties views.

1 year ago

If Hochul promoted the sub-standard education the NY Yeshiva buchers get, frum would be outraged against her.

Purim Torah
Purim Torah
1 year ago

Do these jokers really think the oilem buys into this nonsense “heads I win, tails you lose” stories?!?

If Hochul has rochmonius on these yeshivas that don’t teach any english it will be thanks to those who supported her like Satmer and Square. All the other askonim should sit down now please and stay out of politics.

1 year ago

Do you mean to say that only the Rabonim who told us to vote for Zeldin “knew what they were doing”? and the Grand Rabbi of Skver and Satmar who advised their followers to vote for Hochul didn’t know what they were doing?

No i’m sure you did not mean to that. you meant to say that ALL rabonim knew exactly what they are doing, the ones supporting Zeldin and also the Rabonim supporting Hochul

1 year ago

FYI de Santis would not be eligible to be vice president when President Donald Trump שליט”א runs for president in 2024, because they are both Floridans, and by law, president & vice president cannot be from same state

Dr. Alex Morales
Dr. Alex Morales
1 year ago

voting is avoda zara. thinking that going into a little booth and confessing who you want to win, while thinking that those counting your prayers are going to let you upset their scam is peak stupidity.