Op-Ed: Dave Chapelle’s Comments Were Not Antisemitic. That’s Why They’re So Dangerous.

ave Chappelle hosts "Saturday Night Live," Nov. 12, 2022. (NBC Universal)

(VINnews) — In his now infamous SNL monologue, Dave Chapelle cleverly and strategically tiptoed the line between a satirist poking fun at Jews and an antisemitic bigot.

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Although he made fun of “The Jews” and came dangerously close to voicing antisemitic tropes about control of Hollywood, Chapelle’s remarks were not antisemitic per se.

And yet that is precisely why they are so dangerous.

“Early in my career, I learned there are two words you should never say together,” Chappelle said. “Those words are…’the’ and ‘Jews.’ Never heard someone do good after they said that.”

“If they’re Black, then it’s a gang. If they’re Italian, it’s a mob,” he continued. “But if they’re Jewish, it’s a coincidence and you should never speak about it.”

“I’ve been to Hollywood. Its a lot of Jews. Like, a lot. But that does not mean anything. There are a lot of blacks in Ferguson, does not mean we run the place”

He also joked about Kyrie Irving, who was suspended after posting a link to an antisemitic film called Hebrew to Negroes: Wake Up Black America, that asserts the Holocaust never happened.

Chappelle noted that Irving “was nowhere near the Holocaust.”

“If you had some kind of issue, you might go out to Hollywood and start connecting some kind of lines and you could maybe adopt the illusion that Jews run show business.”

“It’s not a crazy thing to think,” he said. “But it’s a crazy thing to say out loud.”


Chapelle was doing what he has done in the past–strategically saying “facts” which lead the audience to connect the dots. While he does not say the quiet part out loud, it’s the elephant in the room.

Mainstream viewers would not be unreasonable to ask themselves, “He has a point. Maybe there really is a secret cabal of Jews controlling the media?”

For people who have been exposed to anti-Jewish rhetoric, this monologue would reinforce their ludicrous beliefs.

And that is why Chapelle’s comments were so chilling. As a mainstream comedian, technically not saying anything antisemitic, and what’s more–trying to entertain people–Chapelle is passively encouraging people to hate Jews.

Was that his intent? We have no idea. But whatever he was trying to accomplish, his comments could only be harmful.

By contrast, Kanye West’s history of blatantly antisemitic comments are not as dangerous. They were posted on social media or said in private rants, not on national television, and they are clearly and viciously antisemitic, which decreases his credibility.

While West needs to be taken seriously, because he is influential and has millions of followers, the hope is that Kanye’s comments would be dismissed by rational people as a crazed, raving lunatic, spewing nonsense.

Chapelle, on the other hand, comes off as reasonable and analytical. As is common with satire, his words are based on fact. He was not tweeting, rather hosting a television show with millions of viewers on NBC, a popular mainstream network.

One line in particular seemed to stun the audience, before they applauded lightly: “I know the Jewish people have been through some terrible things all over the world. But you can’t blame that on Black Americans.”

As an NPR columnist wrote: “What that has to do with a professional athlete posting a link to antisemitic film with no explanation – and then taking several long days to disavow the film’s antisemitic content – I do not know.”

Writer Adam Feldman tweeted: “That Dave Chappelle SNL monologue probably did more to normalize anti-Semitism than anything Kanye said. Everyone knows Kanye is nuts. Chappelle posits himself as a teller of difficult truths. It’s worse.”

The question is, how many people already think these things, but have been afraid to say them? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions?

We have no idea. But the more comfortable that people become with hating Jews and announcing it, the bigger the threat they will act on that hatred.

Celebrities with millions of social media followers have immeasurable influence over the direction that society is heading. Right now that direction is pretty scary.

The modern day Hitler may not need to be elected to an official position. Twitter and Instagram can create a level of power and influence with just a few keystrokes, bigger than most world leaders could ever imagine.

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1 year ago

I disagree with vos report. He had no attentions in bringing out anti-Semitic views . He was mocking the idiots out there who talk like immature racists etc. Yes, there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood, and he seemed to be ok with it. if it would have been blacks, then he would have stated the same. He was bringing out in a humorous way how we are on high alert when anything is said about the Jews, and he understands that. In my opinion, the audience walked out with the idea of how Kenya was blabbering so narcissistically and anti-Semitically like all the other racists idiots etc. out there.

1 year ago

Yidden should leave ALL social media and not be part of it.

1 year ago

Rabbosai, PLEASE, watch the whole video. He is pithy, funny and almost endearing.

PLEASE, PLEASE, let us not become the paranoid victim that has lost its sense of humor and humanity, for crying out loud!!!

For those who earn a half a million dollars a year, calling out antisemitism as if it’s a Where’s Waldo game, or those whose blog popularity demands constant conflict to create content… PLEASE….

YOU likely cause more antisemitism through your endless labeling and divisive opinions.

I am a Kahane Chai Jew, with enough sense to discern between comedy and reality.

And by the way, I suspect you do to.

1 year ago

He didn’t tip toe he quoted an often used attack by bigots and racists To them the only good Jew is a complacent Jew that doesn’t make noise and accepts being physically attacked

Dr. Alex Morales
Dr. Alex Morales
1 year ago

There is NOT a secret cabal of Jews running Hollywood.

There exists a fully transparent control of Hollywood and the media by Liberal Jews. Not a secret by a longshot.

Let me pose this question: are Liberal Jews doing us any favors by what they are promoting, their depravity, both public and private, and their disdain for Torah?

Are Liberal Jewish politicians who promote socialism, stoke anti-White racial sentiments, doing less harm than comedians and mentally ill musicians?

They don’t pay the price for their agendas, we’re the soft targets that take the brunt of the backlash.

We’re running cover for the Erev Rav and blaming those who were already silent Jew haters, and who don’t change their opinions, they just say it out loud now.

Take an unapologetic stand for Torah against the Erev Rav – not because it makes us any safer or more secure, but because that is what Avraham would do!!!

Hebrew Nation
Hebrew Nation
1 year ago

What is happening is very clear. The black American community Is being manipulated and used to come after the Jews.. what we do about is another story…

Conservative Carl
Conservative Carl
1 year ago

They were antisemitic, but subtly so.

1 year ago

So, Jews should simply respond that Judaism is a religion, not a race, not a nationality and not an ethnicity.

This would, of course, contradict the Zionist Big Lie that the Zionists’ little fiefdom is the National “State” of the Jews. So, unfortunately, many Jews will likely never admit to the above.

But, if they would ditch the Zionist idol and return to the true and real definition of Judaism – that it is a Torah-based religion – then that would make all this evaporate into the nothingness that it really is.

Last edited 1 year ago by