Tens Of Tombstones Smashed Near Tomb Of R’Gedalia Of Zvehil In Central Jerusalem


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Vandals broke the gate of the cemetery in Givat Ram, Jerusalem, smashing tombstones and stealing headstones from the burial site. The cemetery also contains the tomb of Rabbi Gedalia of Zvehill, a holy rabbi and the son of R’Shlomka of Zvehill, which is visited by thousands of people daily to pray and make requests for personal salvation. This tomb was not damaged.

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The burglars caused significant damage to the cemetery, which was used for only a short period of time after the founding of Israel. About 25 tombstones were broken and some marble headstones were stolen.

חלק מהמצבות שחוללו

Worshipers arriving Thursday morning were shocked to find desecrated graves and tombstones around the cemetery. Police were summoned and are investigating the incident. Currently police investigators believe that the perpetrators were robbers who intended to steal valuable marble and sell it and, when they did not find marble, vented their rage by smashing tombstones.

Members of the Kehillos Yerushalayim Chevra Kadisha began to repair the damage Thursday.

The cemetery was established in 1948 when East Jerusalem was under Jordanian control and it wasn’t possible to reach the Mount of Olives. Later the Sanhedria and Har Hamenuchos cemeteries were established and the cemetery, which had been used for 1948 casualties and for temporary use, was closed. Israel’s Knesset was later built just 100 meters from the perimeter of the cemetery.

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Paul Near Philadelphia
Paul Near Philadelphia
1 year ago

What would someone do with a stolen headstone? Is there a market for such things?

1 year ago

the Zionists cant even protect dead Yidden within a stones throw from their knesset lehavdil and we are told that the Zionists are our protectors, the Torah is what protects PERIOD.