WATCH: Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl Continues Learning After Car He Was In Collided With Another


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl, the former rabbi of the Jewish Quarter and one of the most prominent disciples of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zts’l, is well known for his hasmadah as well as his numerous books on Torah subjects. Yet when the car he was in collided with another car on the Ramot road Wednesday, worried bystanders gathered around to ask after his welfare. Instead, they were treated to an unusual sight- while the drivers of the two cars inspected the considerable damage to their cars, Rabbi Avigdor calmly continued his learning under a “canopy” of airbags. Asked whether he might consider being checked, Rabbi Nebenzahl (87) dismissed their concerns and continued to study his gemara. Acquaintances of the rabbi said that a similar incident had occurred a few years ago when the rabbi was involved in another road accident.

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2 years ago

Why is this so admirable? Hasmadda is so important but there is a time and place for everything. The headline I’d love my kids to hear about is the Rav runs to check on others involved in car accident. Once everyone is ok and while waiting for the police to arrive he pulled out his Sefer and resumed his learning.