Former IAF Pilot Threatens: ‘If A Prime Minister Rules Undemocratically, There’s An Obligation To Kill Him’


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — The level of incitement in the anti-Netanyahu camp has risen significantly in the last few days, with attorney David Chodek stating during a Lawyers Association conference that “I won’t refrain from using live fire if they force me to live under a dictatorship.”

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Chodek’s incendiary statement went unchecked despite the presence of former Supreme Court judge Chanan Meltzer. One of the lawyers present, attorney Anat Kaufman, later called his words “violent, criminal language” but was not allowed to continue her speech.

A more severe statement was made by Colonel (Res.) Zeev Raz, one of the leaders of the anti-Netanyahu protest movement and a former IAF fighter pilot who bombed the Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981. Raz seemingly called to murder the Prime Minister on the charges of “rodef”, a traditional Jewish law that allows bystanders to preemptively kill a potential murderer.

“I am amazed by the Hodek’s mildness. Only defense with a weapon? Passiveness? cupping therapy for a dead person,” he wrote on Facebook, referring to Attorney David Hodek.

Raz wrote that “If a Prime Minister gets up and takes the authority of a dictator, that Prime Minister is a dead man, it’s that simple, together with his ministers and those who work with him. We also have to have the law of ‘rodef.’

“My rodef law states: If a man, Israeli or foreign, takes over my country and rules it undemocratically, there is an obligation to kill him. It’s not polite, and it makes me shudder, but the other option is many innocent deaths, and it is better to kill criminals. I am preparing a detailed declaration on the matter.”

Raz later denied that the post was his, saying it was the statement of another person who had later retracted. However Israeli political pundit Amit Segal did not buy Raz’s retraction and denial, stating that Raz is “an inciter, a liar and a coward”.

In response to Raz’s post, the Likud released a statement stating: “The incitement against the Prime Minister is breaking records of insanity. We are shocked by Zeev Raz’s calls to murder Prime Minister Netanyahu and the ministers in the government. ISA and the police must work immediately to arrest him and anyone else who incites against the government.”

National Unity Party chairman Benny Gantz condemned Raz’s remarks in a conversation with Israel National News, “I strongly condemn any call for violence or incitement. It is forbidden to be dragged into these areas, and no one has the authority to incite, no matter how much they contributed to the country. We will fight the police coup in the streets, in the parliament and through other means, not through incitement and calls to murder.

Opposition leader Yair Lapid condemned Ze’ev Raz’s comments against Netanyahu. “I strongly condemn any incitement and the call to preemptively kill Netanyahu. This fight is for the soul of the country. Any incitement and violence only harm the war to save the country. I call on all lovers of the country to demonstrate, protest, take to the streets, but keep the law, do not give in to violence.”


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1 year ago

Is he suggesting the murder of Prime Minister Rabin was justified ? After all, Oslo was opposed by a majority of Israeli citizens.

1 year ago

And he’s still walking as a free man after threatening the life of the PM. Isreal needs Court reform as well as A G

1 year ago

amazing! what were the last 4 elections, if not “democracy”?! or is it only “democratic” if you get what you want? why do these morons sound like badly behaved 3-year olds?

1 year ago

That’s his law of rodef.
But what would this genius know about the Torah law of rodef?
Who exactly elected him to a position of inventing laws on the fly?
Pilots fly planes not laws.
Isn’t someone who invents laws a dictator?
So by his own dictate should he kill himself?
Liberalism is an incurable disease.

Creative Chumash 102
Creative Chumash 102
1 year ago

First the whole world, kol haolam kulo, misappropriated (meilah?) the Holocaust for various political purposes.

Now everyone’s latching onto hilchos rodeif. Every political opponent will be a rodeif.

What’s next? Declaring women witches so they shall not be allowed to live? Are warlocks included? And what’s the status of trans witchies?

get it straight
get it straight
1 year ago

they should put this guy on ben gvir’s electric chair

1 year ago

The leftists get away with calling for the MURDER of a prime minister in the only so called democracy in the middle east

Democrats support mutilating confused children.
Democrats support mutilating confused children.
1 year ago

What a bunch of morons.

aaron meir
aaron meir
1 year ago

Characteristically, the left encourages and validates dictatorial policies when in power, but has the audacity and hypocrisy to invoke anti-democracy criticism when they lose power democratically; by a legitimate vote by the constituency. The left’s anger and resentment of the public’s will is a candid reflection of their dishonesty and craving for power.

1 year ago

He makes no sense.

Not only is he wrong about the judicial reforms which actually increase the democratic nature of Israel..

..even if he were correct, establishing a dictatorship is not actually causing bodily harm, and certainly not seeking anyone’s death, so no such application of rodef applies by any stretch of the imagination.

This guy is an ignorant delusional homicidal maniac.

Hashem Yishmor!!!

1 year ago

You thought it was only in America that when the Left loses the elections they become deranged? Israel is worse!

Judge Sander
Judge Sander
1 year ago

The Satan and embodiment of the Yetzer Hora founded the secular Zionist state of Israel and has more or less had total charge of the country for over 70 years. He doesn’t go down easily. He is a tool of Amalek and fights against a Klal Yisrael who is weak in Mitzvos and Torah. But now since that equation seems to be changing a little, the Satan raises his ugly fists to fight and kill the Jews!

Avrohom Elya
Avrohom Elya
1 year ago

“I won’t refrain from using live fire if they force me to live under a dictatorship.”
nothing wrong by saying that – I would do the same.
It is interesting a top fighter pilot calls out a political change and is distanced by many in the middle. However it gives those who want to carry out the plan some reason to pause. A good move on their part.