Vaccine Deniers versus the Satmar Rebbe


    by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

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    Boruch Hashem, vaccines have been so effective in saving lives that the very possibility of there being people that actually deny their effectiveness is only because so many have not been exposed to the deaths and damage that the diseases have wrought in the past.  Years ago, Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, shlita – the Satmar Rebbe had voiced his view against the vaccine denying movement.  His letter is reprinted here.

    Of course, it is not just the Satmar Rebbe, it is Rav Elyashiv zatzal, Rav Shternbuch, Rav Asher Weiss, and numerous other Gedolim as well.

    As far as doctors go, it is true that some legitimate doctors have voiced their view against vaccinations, but according to information verified by Dr. Kasriel Roberts – they are outnumbered by other legitimate doctors at 10,000 to 1.  Are there some allergic and/or other negative repercussions or reactions to vaccines?  Yes, but there are also deaths associated with wearing seat belts.  I was once stuck in a seat-belt when my 1974 Chevy Vega caught on fire.  I barely managed to get out.  But that does not mean that I should become anti-seat belt.  Seat belts save lives and so do vaccines.  May Hashem open our eyes and bring yeshuos to Klal Yisroel.

    It is important to listen to:

    1] the pediatricians and primary care physicials that have faithfully served our communities for decades and

    2] the vast majority of Gedolim who say to listen to them




    The hordes of commentators who cast aspersions on our doctors, our Gedolim, and any article that points out the overwhelming benefits of the classical vaccinations as will surely appear.  It is likely that they appear in such numbers is because there is apparently an email network where they anti-vaccination people alert each other to comment to give the impression that most frum people are against vaccinations.  It is sad and a macha’ah must, once again be made against this view from our Rabbonim, doctors, and askanim.




    The author can be reached at [email protected]

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    11 months ago

    I also once believed that vacciness were safe and saved lives. I thought that people who mistrusted vaccines were paranoid. All my children are fully vaccinated. Recent events though caused me to rethink everything, to speak with people whose children suffered severe reactions to vaccines, and research the issue.

    Open minded Dan
    Open minded Dan
    11 months ago

    Quoting Kasriel Roberts- who makes his living off the pharmaceutical industry is definitely an unbiased an scientifily sound approach lol.

    Dr. Alex Morales
    Dr. Alex Morales
    11 months ago

    If anyone has doubts as to the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, including the experimental mRNA therapy for COVID-19, one only has to look at the levels of epidemic disease among the Amish, and the 7th Day Adventists. Their ranks are riddled with polio victims, whooping cough, COVID deaths by the thousand, and there are so many with autism and victims of SIDS, that it defies enumeration.

    oh wait! they don’t have any of this.

    Noble Member
    11 months ago

    Yair Hoffman duped again by the bought science and tainted research of our days.

    Noble Member
    11 months ago

    If we followed overwhelming majorities in our beliefs we would all be non-Jews who believe in Evolution.

    Noble Member
    11 months ago

    Has Rabbi Hoffman actually studied the science, or is he just carrying the water for the Pharmaceutical industry by parroting a bunch of regurgitated talking points?

    A concerned yid
    A concerned yid
    11 months ago

    Censorship is alive and well in VIN

    Active Member
    11 months ago

    The Gedolim rely on testimony from pharmaceutical companies and doctors.

    Unfortunately, we are now seeing that both of these entities did not tell the truth about certain things during the government lockdowns and mandates of 2020.

    The Torah tells us to only rely on the gedolim of our generation – not of the previous generations. What have today’s gedolim said now that they know for a fact that much (if not all) of the information they were fed in 2020 was not true?

    11 months ago

    Every person with who discovers anything, is outnumbered a million to one.

    Being outnumbered doesn’t mean anything.

    Your article didn’t address the covid shot, and is blatantly negligent in doing so.

    yerachem hamerachem
    yerachem hamerachem
    11 months ago

    Diseases come and go.
    Hashem doesn’t seek to destroy mankind.
    Some of mankind do.

    11 months ago

    Nice job Rabbi Hoffman for picking and choosing gedolim, The biggest and most prominent Roshei yeshivos in America are all against vaxings, Reb shmuel kaminetzky, Reb elye ber vacjtfogel and Reb malkiel kotler. for some reason you ran to satmer.

    Noble Member
    11 months ago

    Does the same apply to the Covid vaccine? Just asking . . .

    11 months ago

    Which Rabbis don’t agree?
    I’ve heard Rav Kotler Shlita is one.

    11 months ago

    Rabbi Huffman you’re great, just one question why are you pushing vaccines, what happened with respecting other people’s opinion? You are always writing about how we need to understand others.

    get it straight
    get it straight
    11 months ago

    anything satmer says means zero. just look who they voted for and you can see what its all about. need I say more

    Thoughtful Response
    Thoughtful Response
    11 months ago

    The FBI killed Marilyn Monroe.
    The mob killed JFK.
    Israel did 9/11 and
    The moon landing was faked.

    Birds aren’t real,
    They’re just surveillance drones.
    Cell phone towers control our brains, And there’s more you need to know.

    Obama is from Kenya,
    Anthony Scalia was killed off.
    Jimmy Hoffa is alive and well,
    I saw him having coffee at the shop.

    So when you go and tell me
    That vaccines are all so bad
    Maybe you should see what death and illness were
    In the years before we had.

    Have you ever seen a kid
    In an iron lung?
    Did you cry
    When a parent died
    Because they touched someone?

    Hashem is so kind
    He sends us great minds
    Who can help prevent disease.
    It’s not a lack of Emunah
    When you see His hand
    In medicine and vaccines.

    11 months ago

    None of the C19 shots meet the (FDA pre 2019) defenition a vaccine. Many of previous psaks that came out are now outdated with all the Public Health sheker that has been exposed. We have to to deal with “baasher hu sham” – now the new reality on the ground.

    10/10: I’m still in favor of a real vaccine that conveys long term 10+years of infection immunity and has a long tarck safety 10+years of safety data. In light of all the recent givernment lies, like any medical intervention the risk vs reward must me stratified & tailored to the patient AND NOTHING ELSE: chayecha kodem! A basic medical concept that many practitioners suddenly forgot along with other things like natural immunity.

    Unless by fat chance RFK Jr. gets elected to legistlates vax retesting (RTCDB trials against placebos) and shifts the liability onus back on Pharma, chacham einav b’rosho.

    Last edited 11 months ago by Noach
    11 months ago

    So I guess all the frum pediatricians who I asked about that all lied to me when they said that was a falsehood. They are still paying off their student loans in their 50s, despite having a bunch of patients who completed their childhood vaccines so they should have tons of money and many of them are just getting by. But you know those frum pediatricians they love lying to frum people and shilling for pharmaceutical companies and killing Jewish children, that’s why they give up their shabbosim and yom tovim and nights to serve their communities, just so they can murder those neighborhood kids while driving average cars and paying off student debt and asking for tuition breaks from their kids’ schools all just so they can inject poison innocent Jewish kids.

    11 months ago

    Pink Sugar Cube
    Stickball-Handball- ring a leveo at recess
    Look ma NOT one case of Polio in entire yeshiva
    Nowadays too much ADHD- Could it be the cholent?

    11 months ago

    This falsehood has been shown to be incorrect.

    11 months ago

    VIN = Woke.

    P.s., error in the caption: Satmar Rebbe’s brother.

    Vaccine Risk Aware
    Vaccine Risk Aware
    11 months ago

    If anyone wants to really be open-minded go to this site now..

    11 months ago

    Well the problem with that is that you are arguing on Reb Moshe and every other posek who asks you to hold on the phone while they call a doctor and talk to them. Reb Moshe and R Shlomo Zalman and the Tzitz Eliezer many times write about their checking with doctors and every single posek does the same nowadays including R Shternbuch… as this article makes very clear. So everything you wrote is 100 percent keneged Torah.

    11 months ago

    Oh lord, not this this fool again. Just remember that all of this slanders all of the frum doctors and all the gedolim who trust them. Everyone loves money so they put all these frum people in harm’s way and risk death or serious illness to them all because they are stupid and love money. So R Chaim Kanievsky and Rav Shternbuch and R Shlomo Zalman and Rav Moshe Feinstein and the Debertzeiner and the Samar Rebber and the Klausenberger Rebbe and Rav Aharon Kotles.., who were all relying on doctors for myriads of issues and also mandated vacacines, were stupid and brainwashed and loved the money kickbacks so much that they risked hundreds of thousands of Jewish lives. Thankfully the world has you and RFK JR to enlighten us.

    10 months ago

    Most ppl question the COVID vaccine not the polio etc. After all new data and evidence are they insisting that COVID shoot is good ?

    get it straight
    get it straight
    10 months ago

    anything said by satmer can be laughed at, just look at what they did by voting for democrats, they ruined ny. now they will have the consequences of their choice, all the illegals from the border will be heading their way. they get what they deserve

    Charlie Hall
    Charlie Hall
    10 months ago

    Thank you.

    The only public health intervention that rivals vaccines for saving lives is clean water.

    Liam K. Nuj
    Liam K. Nuj
    10 months ago

    Wow. Gotta add another question for shidduchim:
    Are you an anti-vaxxer? (MAJOR deal-breaker!)

    We're not professionals
    We're not professionals
    11 months ago

    Before advocating against vaccines please know that if you’re wrong about vaccines (please have humility and at least recognize that you could be wrong since most doctors disagree with you) you participate in שפיכת דמים there’s no disagreement that without any vaccines thousands of Jewish kids would never make it to adulthood. Imagine you’re in עולם האמת in גן עדן and there’s an infectious disease that’s killing kids C’V do you think they will leave you in גן עדן?

    Voice of Reason
    Voice of Reason
    11 months ago

    We need to beware of schnorrers collecting “tzedokoh” at simchos and shuls who are masquerading as collecting for “Bnai yeshivos”, but are really soliciting funds for the anti-vaxx movement. This is deception and dishonesty. I have seen one such person thrown out of a shul. And I suspect there may be others. Giving to this movement is NOT tzedokoh, regardless of your feelings about the subject.

    11 months ago

    It is indisputable that Covid Vaccines prevented millions of deaths and hospitalizations. Only rightist conspiracies and the “autism syndrome” lobby believe vax are nisht git. See the science-