EXPLAINER: Why was Trump charged with the ‘Espionage Act’, not ‘Mishandling Classified Docs’?


FLORIDA (VIN Podcast) — President Trump has officially been indicted by the Biden administration.

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For the first time EVER, a former president and opposition candidate has been indicted by a current administration.

Whether you like Trump or hate him, this is a dark moment in our history.


Even more disgraceful, it came the same week that bombshell evidence was exposed, alleging Joe Biden took $5 million in bribes from Burisma in Ukraine, in exchange for political favors.

In addition, Biden took home many more classified documents than Trump, yet he is not being indicted or impeached.

Hillary Clinton destroyed over 30,000 emails which were under subpoena, including many classified emails, stored on a private server in her basement.

Yet Hillary was exonerated.

The double standard is sickening.

In addition, the media has falsely reported that Trump was charged with mishandling classified documents. However that is not correct. He was charged with the Espionage Act, which is a completely different (and bogus) charge, especially since Trump did not commit espionage.

Yaakov M explains all this and more on his latest episode.


Yaakov M is the Charedi Sean Hannity.

His columns have been featured in Newsmax. He’s hosted a podcast for 15 years, studied in Kollel 14 years, was a Bais Medrash Rebbi over a decade, and obtained smicha from a top Rosh Yeshiva. (Opinion do not necessarily reflect Daas Torah.) If you’re tired of boring or fake news, you will love this podcast.

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1 year ago

Yaakov M is misstating the facts. The difference between what Trump did with the documents and what Pence and Biden did is that Trump did not cooperate with the authorities. The others all immediately gave back the documents and allowed the authorities to search their premises. Trump ignored the government’s request to return the documents and did not cooperate. This is similar to hitting someone with your car. You are is supposed to remain there and talk to the police. The bigger crime is running away from the scene.
Hillary’s email investigation by Comey – (under a Democratic administration) helped Trump win the election due to the fact that he riled up his crowd with his “Lock her up”. He pronounced her Guilty without any trial!!

1 year ago

“Biden took home many more classified documents than Trump, yet he is not being indicted or impeached.”

Completely bogus. The documents are from Biden’s 36-year tenure as a US senator for Delaware. Unlike presidents, who are subject to the Presidential Records Act, senators own their offices’ documents and can do whatever they want with them – donate them to colleges, keep them at their homes, give them to journalists, even throw them in the trash.

Yaakov, how about doing just a little but of research before spouting false statements on VIN? You embarrassed yourself.

1 year ago

After reading this article I’m not very impressed with this guy Yaakov M. He is a blind trump follower who will never accept that his biggest nemesis Hillary was let go after extensive and numerous investigations while the investigation on Donald resulted in charges.
Yes, Hillary was exonerated and trump was charged. That’s how the judiciary system works. Get it ?

Liam K. Nuj
Liam K. Nuj
1 year ago

The old and tired “waddabout” defense never works. It’s basically an admission that whoever you’re trying to defend is guilty.

Baal Habos
Baal Habos
1 year ago


John Kerry
John Kerry
1 year ago

And I violated the Logan act. Big deal. Nothing happened to me because I’m a Democrat. I’m also married to a nazi. The media has got me covered.

1 year ago

The Liberal Boomerang will strike once again. Everything they accuse Trump of will be proven false, and on top of that they will be found guilty of those same things.

1 year ago

AP toilet water.

Help him
Help him
1 year ago

Why aren’t Rabbonim & Askanim calling for a Tehillim Asifa to Daven for the best President American-Jews have ever had?

Happy birthday, D.T.
Happy birthday, D.T.
1 year ago

Maybe Trump was keeping the documents because he was afraid of what Biden and his Iranian friends would do with the information.

Last edited 1 year ago by
1 year ago

Trump on TV after his arraignment and arrest said he kept “boxes and boxes” of his “personal belongings”. In other words he just pleaded guilty. You can’t decide what the Law is for your own benefit. Read the Presidential Acts Law. Read the Indictment. If you run a Red Light you can’t say to a cop “The Law says its ok to run a Red Light.”