WATCH: Ben Shapiro on Musk’s Lawsuit Against ADL: ‘Almost impossible to win’


(VINnews) — Conservative podcast host Ben Shapiro discussed Elon Musk’s lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League on his show Wednesday.

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Shapiro slammed the ADL as a “progressive interest group that claims to be speaking in the name of Jewish causes. That is untrue. They are just a progressive interest group.”

Shapiro continued, “A lot of times they are targeting people on the basis of spurious nonsense or ignoring people on the basis of spurious nonsense.”

However after harshly criticizing the leftist group, Shapiro opined that Musk’s lawsuit is unlikely to be successful.

“It’s almost impossible to win a defamation suit against a public figure,” he said. “It’s really rough, you need to show actual malice, it is a nearly impossible standard.”

He continued. “With that said, the ADL has made excuses for some of the world’s worst antisemites in Congress, they posted a report suggesting that Twitter is now filled with horrible hate…in order to reduce advertising. Basically, [you either] abide by left-wing standards of speech or watch your advertising dollars disappear.”

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Liberalism is a mental disorder
Liberalism is a mental disorder
7 months ago

ADL stands for Anti Defamation Of Leftists.

Ben Shapiro is 100% right as always on this. They do not represent Jewish values at all. They cozy up with the anti-semites because they are democrats. It’s time for them to be called out for what they are .

Elon Musk is 100% right and should be supported for this!

7 months ago

Yes ban the ADL

7 months ago

A restraint of trade suit would go a lot further. Unless the ADL is lying about a fact (unlikely), they are just stating an opinion, and that isn’t defamation.

However, deliberately interfering with the advertiser relationship for the purposes of harming Twitter revenue is indeed a cause of action and you can sue for damages over it.

If that gets to discovery, it would be interesting.

Alan Jules Weberman
Alan Jules Weberman
7 months ago

The JDO called the ADL the Anti Demonstration League

7 months ago

They hate us because we’re Jews.
Joining with non Jews against the ADL, is like joining Arabs against Israel if your Hashkafah is against the Medinah.
Jewish infighting has caused the second Churban, and if a Jew is a rasha even more of a reason to help him, (look at tosfos in pesachim 113b).

7 months ago

Does VIN support Musk’s Jew hating?