Psak From Rav Moshe Sternbuch : Dont’ Give Children Candies On Yom Kippur

Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, Raavad of the Eda Chareidis

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In a dramatic psak given during the Shabbos Shuva drasha, Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, the leading posek of the Edah Charedis, said that parents should not give their children candies on Yom Kippur.

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Rabbi Sternbuch’s drasha, which was given at the Dushinsky shul in Jerusalem, focused on the issue of feeding children on Yom Kippur. After discussing the halachic ramifications at length, Rabbi Sternbuch concluded that the permit to feed children on Yom Kippur refers only to nutritious food but food which is meant only for its taste cannot be given to children and this may constitute an Issur of Lo Ta’achilum (prohibition of feeding a child forbidden items).

Rabbi Sternbuch based his reasoning on the ruling of the Ran who says that the only permission to feed a child is in order to prevent Pikuach Nefesh, (a life-threatening situation.) as opposed to Rambam who gives a blanket permit to feed children. The ruling of the Ran is adopted by the Magen Avraham and Mishna Berurah.

Thus only foods which can make a child healthier will prevent a life-threatening situation but candies which are only meant for taste cannot be given. However healthy foods can be given without limits, in order to prevent life-threatening situations.


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Ask you Rov
Ask you Rov
7 months ago

Just asked my Rov being the candy man he said 100% ok, it’s a Yom tov.

Everyone please ask your Rov before paskening from blogs.

A git Yom Tom and a Gemar Chsima Tova

Accuracy Matters
Accuracy Matters
7 months ago

I explicitly remember learning in Yeshiva that unlike other fasts where you don’t give children treats, you are supposed to do so on Yom Kippur. The reason is that it’s a Chag – and since children don’t have a chiyuv to fast, they should be given treats as they’d be given on any other Chag.

Jj friedman
Jj friedman
7 months ago

I would like to wish to all VIS readers a Tzom Kal and a Gmar Chatima Tovah

7 months ago

A maxing how for centuries children went to Shul and received candy and not one paishach ever objected
They wanted children to attend to feel the sweetness and joy and experience of coming to Shul
This is a typical litvish ruling

Reality Check
Reality Check
7 months ago


We already have way-too-many chumrahs;
we don’t need more chumrahs, we need less.

If a father can keep his young boy quiet
by giving him candies, then forbidding candies
could cause noise that harms kavanah.

7 months ago

NO ONE needs to eat candy, drink high sugar soda pop. It is poison and causes
disease. Further, kosher certifications of items not good for your heath should be banned. The obesity and diabetes caused by it and ignorance about nutrition in the frum community is ridiculous and foolhardy.

7 months ago

Rav Schienberg, zt”l, used to tell the women in his shuir to give the kids candies. It is yom tov and they are too young to fast, so they should enjoy the day.

7 months ago

children should not be given candies anytime. its bad for there teeth. you can give them cake and cookies that dont stick too the teeth.

Reb yid
Reb yid
7 months ago

Obviously he was misquoted. A candy is sicher sustaining–if someone had to eat on yom Kippur right away, like was weak to the point of the sakana, the first thing you’d give him is sugar! Also, the issur of sipuk only applies if the the food is a cheftza deissura, not if it’s heater food that’s just ossur to eat now. And the issur of sipuk only applies if you actively give the kid the issur, not if you leave the food out for him.

7 months ago

Not exactly sure what’s the heter to “sugar poison” kids during the rest of the year.

7 months ago

My minhag is to have a big kiddush after shachris and to nosh periodically throughout the entire day, This way I don’t get hungry.

Noble Member
7 months ago

Fantastic and very sensible p’sak. This is gadlus – right in front of us, yet so hidden.