Semax Peptide and Cerebral Ischemia


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N-Acetyl-Semax Acetate: What Is It?

Before it is possible to appreciate what N-acetyl-Semax Acetate is, it is necessary to have a solid foundational knowledge of the Semax, which serves as the parent compound.

The compound known as Semax [i] was first developed in Russia. It is a peptide that is made up of 7 different amino acids (Met-Glu-His-Phe-Pro-Gly-Pro). The adrenocorticotropic hormone, often ACTH, has a similar molecular structure to Semax. This suggests that it is a short peptide isolated from the longer chain of amino acids that constitute ACTH.

Studies suggest the possible nootropic and neuroprotective characteristics of Semax have pushed researchers to conduct in-depth investigations on it. These studies have produced numerous sub-types of Semax, such as N-Acetyl-Semax Acetate, N-Acetyl Semax Amidate, and Adamax. These sub-types of Semax have been speculated to have varying degrees of potency.

There are considerable changes in the efficiency and effectiveness of the parent substance and its derivatives, even though there are only slight structural alterations between them.

N-Acetyl-Semax Acetate is lacking three amino acids compared to the original Semax; as a result, research suggests it may potentially have a higher potency and a longer half-life.

What Research Says About N-Acetyl-Semax

Findings imply that N-acetyl-Semax acetate may exert its influence on physiological functioning via a variety of different mechanisms. It may possibly imitate the effect of ACTH, given that it is structurally similar to ACTH.

Investigations purport that the hippocampus, the limbic reticular complex, and some other peripheral receptors are the key sites where the compound’s effects may occur.

Researchers speculate the primary mechanism of action that N-acetyl-Semax Acetate may use to exert its effects is to increase the amount of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) secreted by the hippocampus [ii].

Scientists hypothesize the presentation of N-acetyl-Semax acetate may also raise tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB). A collaborative effort between BDNF and TrkB is considered to bring about the effects.

Recent studies suggest [iii] that N-acetyl-Semax acetate may function as a powerful agonist of the melanocortin receptors in the skin. Following in part from these findings, researchers have suggested that N-Acetyl-Semax Acetate may raise dopamine and serotonin levels; these are the two primary neurotransmitters responsible for cognitive improvement [iv].

Research suggests that N-Acetyl-Semax Acetate may also enhance enkephalin levels. Enkephalins are short peptides that reduce the intensity of pain, and this suggested a new frontier in pain mitigation research.

N-Acetyl-Semax Acetate’s Potential Properties

Findings imply that an inverse relationship exists between the levels of BDNF in the brain and the prevalence of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and others. Investigations purport that N-acetyl-Semax acetate may possibly raise blood levels of BDNF, and that through this proposed mechanism, the compound might mitigate anxiogenic effects.

Increased levels of BDNF are considered to induce neuroprotective action, possibly improving neuronal development and amplifying synaptic and neural plasticity. When these traits are present, neuronal plasticity and growth may both be enhanced. Because of this, the brain may build stronger neuronal connections, supporting learning and memory functions [v]. 

In its early stages, Semax was created as an agent to mitigate the consequences of cerebral ischemia, which refers to an inadequate supply of blood reaching particular microcirculatory regions of the brain [vi].

It has been suggested that presenting Semax may dramatically lower blood pressure, improving microcirculation and reducing the likelihood of cardiac hypertrophy. Scientists hypothesize that it may slow down the breakdown of enkephalins, and that therefore Semax may potentially lessen the feedback from pain receptors. 

Studies have suggested that the nootropic compound may also be an antioxidant. It appears to have a significant ameliorating effect on the oxidative stress that is experienced by many regions of the body [vii]. Additionally, some research in N-Acetyl-Semax Acetate suggests that physical activity and endurance may be positively enhanced; however, the exact nature of this effect is not obvious from the research.

Buy Semax only if you are a licensed professional, academic, or scientist.


[i] National Center for Biotechnology Information (2023). PubChem Compound Summary for CID 9811102, Semax. Retrieved July 19, 2023 from

[ii] Dolotov OV, Karpenko EA, Seredenina TS, Inozemtseva LS, Levitskaya NG, Zolotarev YA, Kamensky AA, Grivennikov IA, Engele J, Myasoedov NF. Semax, an analogue of adrenocorticotropin (4-10), binds specifically and increases levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor protein in rat basal forebrain. J Neurochem. 2006 Apr;97 Suppl 1:82-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2006.03658.x. PMID: 16635254.

[iii] Svishcheva MV, Mukhina AY, Medvedeva OA, Shevchenko AV, Bobyntsev II, Kalutskii PV, Andreeva LA, Myasoedov NF. Composition of Colon Microbiota in Rats Treated with ACTH(4-7)-PGP Peptide (Semax) under Conditions of Restraint Stress. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2020 Jul;169(3):357-360. doi: 10.1007/s10517-020-04886-7. Epub 2020 Aug 1. PMID: 32737723.

[iv] Eremin KO, Kudrin VS, Grivennikov IA, Miasoedov NF, Rayevsky KS. Effects of Semax on dopaminergic and serotoninergic systems of the brain. Dokl Biol Sci. 2004 Jan-Feb;394:1-3. doi: 10.1023/b:dobs.0000017114.24474.40. PMID: 15088389.

[v] Asmarin IP, Nezavibat’ko VN, Miasoedov NF, Kamenskiĭ AA, Grivennikov IA, Ponomareva-Stepnaia MA, Andreeva LA, Kaplan AIa, Koshelev VB, Riasina TV. Nootropnyĭ analog adrenokortikotropina 4-10-semaks (15-letniĭ opyt razrabotki i izucheniia) [A nootropic adrenocorticotropin analog 4-10-semax (l5 years experience in its design and study)]. Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova. 1997 Mar-Apr;47(2):420-30. Russian. PMID: 9173745.

[vi] Medvedeva EV, Dmitrieva VG, Povarova OV, Limborska SA, Skvortsova VI, Myasoedov NF, Dergunova LV. The peptide semax affects the expression of genes related to the immune and vascular systems in rat brain focal ischemia: genome-wide transcriptional analysis. BMC Genomics. 2014 Mar 24;15:228. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-228. PMID: 24661604; PMCID: PMC3987924.


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