WASHINGTON – Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) on Tuesday shared a video of his office being plastered with missing posters for each of the 200-plus hostages that were kidnapped by Hamas in Israel on Oct. 7. and said They will stay up until every single person is safely returned home.
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In my front office I have displayed the posters of the innocent Israelis kidnapped by Hamas.
They will stay up until every single person is safely returned home. pic.twitter.com/qxCmvC97uY
— Senator John Fetterman (@SenFettermanPA) November 7, 2023
Who’d of thought this guy would be the one to step up? We have to say thank you and bless you.
Thank you Senator Fetterman!
We thought the people of Pennsylvania were a bunch of nitwits for electing Fetterman Well, Hashem has the last laugh. I don’t think Dr. Oz his opponent, who is a Muslim of Turkish descent would be supporting us now
Expect the unexpected
Especially when GD is in charge
Thank you Senator John!
I would like to publicly thank Senator Fetterman for stepping up to the plate and doing what’s correct!!!
Let’s see which has the GUTS to follow in his footsteps.
Hey, I’m beginning to like this guy. Let’s see if this good behavior continues.
Thank you!! and bless you!!
HAKARAS HATOV! If you would like to thank Senator Federman for his super-strong unwaivering support of Israel – you can call his office in Washington at (202) 224-4254. There is also an option to call him in his PA office – follow the prompts.
Interesting that it takes Senator with mental issues to be on the right side of history. Makes you wonder where all the others are holding…
Hmmmm…this is NOT an AP article.
We all know why.