NEW YORK (VINnews) — Israeli actress Gal Gadot has criticized the international community and women’s rights groups for their silence over the widespread sexual assault of October 7 victims and the continued holding of women hostages by the Hamas terror group in Gaza.
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“The world has failed the women of October 7th. We claim we stand against rape, violence against women. We will not let women be victimized and then silenced. We say we believe women, stand with women, speak out for women,” Gadot, who plays Wonder Woman in blockbuster Hollywood movies, wrote in an Instagram post.
“On October 7th, the world witnessed Hamas carrying out its violent plans in real-time. Within hours of the October 7th attack, the first blood-chilling video emerged of Shani Louk [an Israeli woman captured at rave festival- she was later found dead] being paraded naked and defiled by her proud assailants. Yet two months later women are still hostage to these rapists and the world has failed to call this situation what it is: an urgent emergency that demands a decisive response,” she says.
“This is our moment as women and allies of women to act. I am beseeching all those who have done so much for women’s rights globally- from the UN to the Human Rights Community to please join in the demand that Hamas release every single woman hostage immediately- not after the next round of international mediation, not after another day.”
“These women cannot survive another moment of this horror,” she added.
Many people have criticized American Feminists for their alliance with Muslims who beat-up, kidnap, and rape women, and force Muslim 9-year-old girls to marry Muslim 45-year-old men.
But the American Feminists will never listen, because their true goal is to destroy the USA and its allies, and Muslims help them to accomplish that goal.
The fact that they commit such brutal acts and then make parades with large crowds cheering such acts make all Palestinians terrorist
All the feminist lgbtq and the rest of scourge of society are supporting Hamas that raped and mutilated Jews ..don’t we get it they don’t care about us. All the human rights that they represent is lie when it comes to the Jewish people.
Unfortunately, nuking Gaza isn’t an option but they all deserve it.
One of the speakers at the Washington event said ” we found out that people we thought were our friends,aren’t really our friends.” Yep.
I know it doesn’t comply with the dictionary but when the shoe fits wear it.
Like the gestapo general reinhard heydrich yemach shemo v’zichro said that no one would stick out their necks for Jews.
Me 2 unless you’re a Jew
Bunch of hypocrites
Isn’t the word “Slams”, a bit over-used. Like I just SLAMMED vin for using slammed.
She finally realized she’s still considered a Jew