OPINION: Declare Columbia University A Terror Organization


(VINnews) — The following is an open letter from the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, led by Duvi Honig, regarding the recent terrifying events at Columbia University:

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Kristallnacht at Columbia University, 4/21/2024

Declare Columbia University A Terror Organization

The recent events unfolding at Columbia University have sparked great concern and alarm. The support for terror activities, particularly those targeting Jews and Americans, is not only shocking but also deeply troubling. The physical and verbal abuse against students, especially Jews, Burning U.S. and Israel flags, bring back painful memories of the atrocities of Kristallnacht.

It is imperative that we do not confuse these acts on Columbia University with freedom of speech. What is happening on the campus of Columbia University is far more sinister. It is the promotion and support of violent behavior and the breeding of terror activities on American soil. This goes beyond the realm of academic discourse and enters the dangerous territory of hate speech and incitement to violence.

It is evident that the University’s leadership has lost control, demonstrating the need for the U.S. Government to take decisive action to address these issues and ensure the safety and well-being of all students on campus.

Watching groups and Professor’s on campus openly calling for violence and terrorism on Jews and Americans, including chants of “Death to Israel” and “Death to America.” These groups are promoting messages of hate and violence, threatening the safety of Jewish and American students not only on campus but also around the globe. The language being used is not only deeply offensive but also calling for violence and a repeat of October 7th incites fear and harm especially in the Jewish community.

We believe that Columbia University has become a breeding ground for terrorism and hate, and as such, we call for the Private university to be declared a terror organization. We demand the closure of the entire university and the arrest of its staff and group leaders who are promoting these dangerous ideologies.

We urge the authorities to launch a thorough investigation into the activities of staff and student groups at Columbia University. Those found to be promoting hate and violence must be removed immediately, locked up and charged with the maximum penalty by law for engaging in terror activity. It is imperative that we send a strong message that anti-Semitism and terrorism have no place in our schools and universities.

As Jews, we feel a deep sense of fear and unease reminiscent of Kristallnacht here in New York City. We call on the government and law enforcement to take swift action to address this crisis before it escalates further. Only by closing down the entire University and holding those responsible accountable can we begin to restore a sense of safety and security for all.

With Great Pain,


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4 months ago

There USA simple solution to holding universities accountable halt their government subsidies no
Money no more problems. And these freeloading thugs are gone
Next start a law suit against soros for instigating these attacks

4 months ago

Wow, major Jewish Organizations in America actually speaking up! Nice to finally see a letter with actual substance instead of the usual politically-correct gibberish. The only way to crackdown & stop this is to halt all federal & state funding Immediately. Open a criminal probe into the School to track their financial activity, which outside agitators were invited in & trace where the money is coming from! Next, firing the Head-faculty, Professors & Head-Staff is a slap on the wrist. They MUST be charged with Civil-Rights & other Federal hate-crimes. Students, including those arrested last week, participating in this activity MUST BE EXPELLED WITH NO REFUND. Publicize their names so they can be put on a DO-NOT-HIRE LIST. Also, every major Jewish Organization should with-hold any endorsement, let alone voting for ANY DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE, especially in NYC & NYS. Empty- condemnations are useless & only embolden these Antisemitic-Thugs. While far from Perfect, the NYS-GOP are only ones demanding that Columbia-President & Head Faculty step down ASAP. Compare that to the Democrat party that had four NYC-Council members show up to Colombia on Saturday to show their support & Solidarity with the “Students.” What else needs to occur to stop voting Democrat!

4 months ago

This is when you call in the National Guard. Although that didn’t work too well at Kent State in 1970. I wonder which government leader is going to have the courage to do more than wring his hands.
Honig is not exaggerating; Columbia has been taken over by a terrorist group.

4 months ago

Declare the press a terrorist organization from the NY Times to the Des Moines Register. They look for ways to increase their advertising dollars through schmutz. Stop buying newspapers, magazines and products that advertise in objectional, stunted, editorializing schmutz rags. $$$ is the only language they know. USE IT.

4 months ago

The orthodox jewish chamber of commerce is a cesspool of stupidity
Leave the advocacy to organizations like the aguda or RCA